Tower Ascension

Chapter 88 - Path Of King Starts From Bed

"Hotel Lady, do you know how many levels thirty-five people are living in this city?" Peter stood next to the hotel lady and asked.

The hotel stared at him with a bit of confusion. She knew Peter wasn't weak but he has only entered the third floor for days. Is he already strong enough to face level thirty-five? But, she didn't think too much and answered.


'Hmm! This is going to be difficult. If all seven of them come to attack me at once, I will die for sure. Hmm! The quest needs two weeks to finish. I guess I can take my time. But, before that, I need to confirm something.'

Peter thought to himself and asked "Is this city going to remain the same forever? What if someone wants to conquer the city?"

Hearing his questions, few people around stared at him with confusion. Even the hotel lady was stunned by his words.

"I didn't mean me. But, what if someone else wants to conquer the city? From yesterday's experience, I found the people outside do not fear death. As for the people inside, they are simply cowards, so just give me your view based on the people outside." Peter asked without changing his emotions even a little.

Hearing his words, a few people raised their eyebrows and stared at him with killing intent.

"What did you just say, boy?" One of the bulky men walked up to him, leaving the cup of bear on the table.

Peter stared at him and asked "Am I wrong? Aren't you a coward staying in a hotel just for the sake of protection? Of course, I understand the hotel lady's situation. If you don't come here to eat, she won't earn but you just sit here and eat like a snail. Even if you want protection, you should at least pay for it."

Hearing his words, the bulky man's face turned ugly. He turned his head to the hotel lady and asked "Is he speaking for you?"

"No, I am not speaking for her. I am just stating the fact that you are a coward and that's why I don't want to include you in the equation." Peter spoke with a cold tone as he turned his head back at the hotel.

"Boy, if you think you are not a coward, then why not go out with me? I would very much like to know how brave you are." The bulky man sneered as he turned towards the door.

"If you say so!" Peter agreed and both of them walked out.

A few seconds later,


Peter opened the door and walked in with a calm expression. He reached near the hotel lady and asked "So, what do you think about the people outside? Can they be conquered?"

"You want to conquer them, right? Then, why not start from here? As you said, all of them are cowards. They will choose surrender over death." Hotel Lady suddenly smirked when she saw his confidence and spoke.

Although they do help the hotel run, none of these people are staying here. This is more like a restaurant than a hotel. But, she also feels pity for these people. They come here by chance or by choice, but end up understanding the situation of the city and end up in her hotel.

The reason why they don't want to leave is the mana quality and quantity in the city. It takes a month to cross a single level and thus they won't want to leave this opportunity. This slaughter is also because of mana.

The more people come here, the less mana they will get. So, they slaughter each other to decrease the consumption of mana. After all, they can't ask others to leave nor they can increase the intensity of mana.

"You are not wrong." Peter thought as he turned back. But suddenly, the hotel lady spoke "Mister Peter, how about we have a little talk in the backroom? I think I have a great proposition for you."

Peter turned back and stared at her with confusion. She opened the path for him and walked away. Peter also followed her and both of them reached inside a room that was quite far away from the other room.

"Take a seat!" The hotel lady spoke as she showed him the bed.

Peter nodded his head and walked toward the bed. As he sat down, he saw the hotel lady taking off her robes. He frowned and spoke "Lady, I have a lover. I don't think this is a good idea."

"Mr. Peter, I don't think you are suitable to control a group or become a lord." Hearing his words, the hotel lady removed her cloth and shook her head.

Peter frowned even more after hearing her questions. At this moment, the hotel lady continued "You will if you meet him."

Hearing her words, his eyes shrunk fiercely. For a moment, the confusion flashed in his eyes. There were dozens of questions running in his head.

"Up until floor ten, you will only find cities no matter how much you travel but after that, you will find the kingdoms until floor twenty. Then, you will find continents until floor fifty. Finally, after floor fifty, you will find the planets and a whole solar system."

"After that, you will find the galaxies until level sixty. After that, you will find the entire universe until level seventy. After that, you will find the domain such as Mortal Domain, Immortal Domain, God Domain until floor ninety."

"And, after that, you will finally enter the multiverse. This is going to be a long journey and if you are alone, you can barely go past floor fifty. Do you know why? Because those upper realms don't require mana, it needs faith."

"The more faith you gather, the more you will grow. This path seems very simple. But, in reality, it's very cruel. You want to control the people but you can't do it. The reason is that you can't become a perfect being."

"There will always be something that you will lack. And, the more things you lack, the more people with those skills you need. Because people will praise and worship them and they need to worship you. For now, you are not a threat to them even with your Trident."

"And, do you know the moment you rejected me because you have a lover makes you unworthy to hold the position of a king. Of course, I am not telling you that you can't do it. But, the moment you let personal feelings contradict the benefits you will get, you will never become a king."

Hearing her words, Peter stayed silent. He basically got one idea from her words.

She wants to fuck him with righteous reason.

This is the first time he had seen someone doing such things. But, her words weren't trashy. One of his speculations came true. And now, he understood just how hard the path might be.

"You are telling me that you can help me in a way that will make me qualify to be a king? Alright, I will willing to hear. If your reason satisfies me, I will follow your advice." Peter spoke with a clear intention in his words.

The hotel lady shook her head and took out a small jade. She placed it on her palm and spoke "After we do it, this jade will leave an imprint in our body. With that imprint, I can declare myself as your woman thus granting me the position of concubine. I know you won't make me a queen but being a concubine is not bad either."

"Of course, I am saying this because I can indeed make you the king. It's just for the follow steps, you need to follow my lead. Without becoming the king, you can't face him or even reach his level. And, it won't be long before he finds your true identity."

"Then, he can easily take care of you by using your family or relative. I didn't say this to make you angry. No, I did say this to make you angry. But, I didn't lie."

Hearing her words, Peter frowned even more. His killing intent was leaking for a moment but he quickly control his killing intent. This always has been his drive to get stronger at a rapid rate. And, if the lady isn't lying then everything he has done will be for naught.

But, he didn't want to betray Camellia either.

Suddenly, a scene appeared in front of him where his father, mother, sister, and he was standing at the edge of a hill looking at the beautiful sunset.

'Brother, we will always be happy family, right?'

The little brat was just four when she asked him this question. Of course, he was also a little brat.

'Yeah, brother will keep our family happy. I promise!'

The next moment, another scene came to his mind. It was his mother holding him and crying when he was three years old. She didn't leave him for a week, not even letting him move away from her embrace.

He doesn't know why he remembers those eyes filled with fear of losing him but he never wanted to see those eyes again. But, he knows he will see those eyes once they wake up. He must wake them up no matter the condition.

Their condition is getting worse but now he has got the rare rank Healing Potions. He believes he just needs something that can restore bone marrow now.

He took a deep breath and turned his head at the hotel lady, speaking "I will follow your lead but in the bed, you must follow mine."

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