The current location of Su Ye was named Zombie Zone No. 1 by Su Ye.

After eliminating the No. 1 zombie area, walking through a big curve and continuing along the canyon, it is the No. 2 zombie area.

The No. 2 zombie area is larger than the No. 1 zombie area, and there are more zombies.

A large number of zombies are stacked together, and Su Ye roughly estimates that there are as many as 150,000 or 60,000.

What's more serious is that there are two giant zombies in this area.

One is a giant zombie up to level 6, and the other is a little shorter, but also 5 meters.

Even with a giant zombie, it is often a man and a woman.

Otherwise, both are male, or both are female, and they will definitely fight to decide the winner.

Go past the No. 2 zombie area, and then go ahead to the No. 3 zombie area.

The number of zombies in the No. 3 zombie area is also extremely large, in the early 100s.

But the giant zombie here is 8 meters tall.

An 8-meter zombie is more terrifying than this 5-meter and a 6-meter zombie.

Here, it is at the end of Su Ye's crow's soul's vision.

There is no way for Su Ye to see further.

However, on the left and right sides of the canyon passage, Su Ye found something.

In the dark depths on the left and right sides, there is also the same terrain as the canyon passage where Su Ye is currently located.

It is also densely populated with zombies, and there are giant zombies.

Through the canyon channel where he is, and the canyon channels on the left and right sides, Su Ye can roughly guess.

That's the end of these canyon passages, it should be the same place.

And that place is the real core of the zombie town.

There, there are giant zombies with a power of five or six meters, or even eight or nine meters.

There may even be "distorted zombies" more than ten meters high.

He was so close to a huge zombie town.

The more he speculates on the situation behind, the more solemn Su Ye looks.

After thinking for a long time, Su Ye calmed down.

Although the zombie town is very close to him, he is not without the power to contend with it.

Manipulating the Crow's Soul, Su Ye went back and forth between the 2nd and 3rd zombie territories to check carefully.

See if there is something good.


While checking, Su Ye's expression suddenly condensed.

"This is……"

Immediately, Su Ye drew closer.

I saw that there was a vaguely colored light emitting from a zombie hut.

"Colorful gloss?"

"Could it be a war treasure?"

in the dark world.

If you talk about the treasures of the tower defense city, it should belong to the treasures of war.

The division of war treasures is:

[War Treasure], [War Spirit], and the rarest and rarest [War Artifact].

In human history, there have been artifacts of war.

However, he was lost in a war with the "Dark Blood Race", and his whereabouts are still unknown.

And those large tower defense cities in the human world all have [war spirit tools] as a means of survival.

Even the [War Treasure] is enough to support the construction of a small and medium-sized tower defense city.

After all, the bigger the city, the stronger the light.

Then when the dark tide, there will be more dark creatures to attack.

Only the tools of war can make the human tower defense line sufficiently stable.

Su Ye didn't expect that he found a war tool in the outer area of ​​this zombie town.

Su Ye's breathing gradually became heavier.

Soon, Su Ye stabilized his mind.

"This war tool must be obtained. Even the most common war treasure is crucial to my defense this time."

"The eight-meter-high giant zombie, slowly consumed, can also destroy it."

"If you get another guardian beast mark and have two eagle-eyed archers, it will be easier to kill 8-meter giant zombies."

Su Ye calmly looked at the time, it was almost noon.

"It took almost four hours to clear Zombie Territory 1."

"Mainly because I didn't have eagle-eyed archers in my hands before."

"Now with Hawkeye Archers, it can be cleaned up in two or three hours."

Ten minutes later, the No. 1 zombie area was completely cleaned by Su Ye.

At this time, Su Ye's resources also increased a lot.

Wood: 88

Stones: 46

Iron Body: 35

Zombie Crystal: 8

Botanical Mark: 0

Mechanical Mark: 1

Guardian Beast Mark: 1

Mark of Light: 0

Hawkeye Archer (green): 2

Miner blueprint (green): 1


I have to say, to clean up the zombie town, this resource does come quickly.

But there are few other pioneers who have the strength to clean up on such a large scale as Su Ye.

After all, the fifth-order creatures are comparable to the powerful guardian beasts of orange and even red.

Not to mention the humans in the wasteland area, even if it is the area where humans themselves are.

There are very few guardian beasts of this level.

"The Second Zombie Town Opens".

After tidying up a little, Su Ye started cleaning up the No. 2 zombie area.

By three o'clock in the afternoon.

It took about three hours before and after, Su Ye finally cleaned up the No. 2 zombie territory.

After shooting two giant zombies, Su Ye got a lot of good things.

The only pity is that there is no treasure chest in this zombie territory.

Treasure chests are relatively rare.

It doesn't appear anywhere.

With the presence of eagle-eyed archers, the efficiency of shooting giant zombies has been greatly improved.

Before, it took Su Ye five or six minutes to deal with a giant zombie.

And this time, it was time to deal with the six-meter giant zombie.

It only took less than two minutes.

It can be seen how violent the output of the Eagle Eye Archer is.

There is good news too.

That is, Su Ye got another eagle-eyed archer's blueprint, as well as a mechanical mark and a guardian beast mark.

Before Su Ye had a guardian beast mark left.

Now get another one.

The second eagle-eyed archer was also synthesized by Su Ye.

After spending 1500 Sunshine.

Su Ye has two eagle-eyed archers and four ordinary archers.

The cleaning efficiency is even higher.

At this time, Su Ye's resources were gradually enriched.

Wood: 128

Stones: 66

Iron Body: 45

Zombie Crystal: 19

Botanical Mark: 0

Mechanical Marks: 2

Guardian Beast Mark: 0

Mark of Light: 0

Hawkeye Archer (green): 2

Miner blueprint (green): 1

After taking stock of his resources, Su Ye nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Su Ye started the cleanup of the No. 3 zombie territory.

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