Tower Defense For All: Resist Trillions Of Dark Creatures

Chapter 74 The Resurrection Talent of the Angel of Light

Before I knew it, it was May 24th.

The top of a dark canyon haunted by darkness.

Su Ye was setting off with a large force at this time.

The target is the fountain of light for the totem orcs.

Logically speaking, the fountain of light for the totem orcs is far from Su Ye's camp.

It is impossible to find this second-level Bright Spring camp in Su Ye.

And the judgment of the totem orcs on Su Ye is the same.

They also thought that Su Ye couldn't find out.

Naihe Su Ye's ghost guardian beast is not an ordinary guardian beast.

It is a guardian beast as high as the fifth order.

And some of them went to the outside to explore, and the more powerful guardian beast Su Ye raised them to the sixth rank.

This makes the reconnaissance range of these guardian beasts extremely wide.

Only then did I discover this bright fountain of the totem orcs.

This time, in order to capture this fountain of light.

Su Ye put all of the more than 1.5 million sunlight harvested in the past four days into the power of this attack.

First, the Angel of Light.

The ninth-order holy light angel, Su Ye brought four.

The three holy light angels added in the new 437 cost Su Ye 300,000 sunshine.

Eighth-order light and dark assassins, a total of ten.

The nine added at the back cost Su Ye nearly 460,000 sunshine.

The sixth-order chariot, Su Ye rebuilt five.

Accumulated consumption of Su Ye 500,000 sunshine.

Also accompanying

Sixth-order shadow archers, 10.

Sixth-order silver armor corpse guards, 10.

Sixth-order storm warrior, 10

Sixth-order ghost scouts, 10.

These are built by Su Ye with high-grade materials.

250,000 was constructed using sunlight.

The sun has been squandered like this these few days.

But such a force is already extremely terrifying.

Destroying a fountain of light for totem orcs is not difficult.

Five sixth-order blue-quality ghost guardian beasts followed the team in the sky, giving the team vision.

Su Ye and others moved forward quickly.

This time not only Su Ye came, but also Zhou Kalu and five war commanders.

Not long after, a wide canyon channel crossed in front of the crowd, blocking the way of the crowd (cgef).

Kalu had already prepared for this week, and immediately took out the "Wall Climbing Wooden Ladder" that had been prepared for a long time.


This wooden ladder can be firmly entrenched on the wall, allowing people to go up and down.

The ghost chariot is a bit troublesome, but let the plants get off the car, and you can pass the chariot as well.

"Don't be so troublesome, and there are a lot of zombies below.

Su Ye said so.

With Su Ye's order.

The ninth-order holy light angel chanted slightly.

Then, in front of everyone, a light bridge with a width of about three meters and a length of more than two hundred meters appeared.

This scene left everyone stunned.

Su Ye walked straight up.

The crowd quickly followed.

Su Ye constructed these holy light angels, when he looked carefully.

Su Ye found that these high-level angels actually unlocked a lot of special abilities.

One of the angels has this ability to build a "bridge of light".

After everyone passed one after another, the ninth-order angel chanted for a while, and the light bridge quickly disappeared.

"Lord Lord, with this light bridge, you can quickly cross the Grand Canyon passage.

"We will soon reach the Totem Orc's Fountain of Light.

Zhou Kalu on the side said with a smile.

Su Ye nodded.

With the light bridge, it is really fast to cross the Grand Canyon directly.

After about an hour.

Everyone finally arrived at a relatively remote canyon area.

At this time, Su Ye also asked the four holy light angels to restrain their light, so as not to let the ghost guardian beast of the totem orc find everyone.

Su Ye manipulated the sixth-order ghost guardian beast to look over.

At the end of a canyon pass, here is a dead end canyon pass.

And that bright spring water is in it.

The ten-meter-high tower defense wall completely cuts off the canyon passage.

The tower defense city wall has as many as two hundred arrow towers.

There are two or three hundred guardian beasts.

And on the canyon rock walls on both sides, many attack platforms were also constructed.

There are a large number of remote guardian beasts on it, as well as a considerable number of turrets, attack energy towers and so on.

The defensive force here is much more complete in scale than Su Ye's camp.

The location is good, and the direction is leeward of the dark tide.

Even if there is a second-level light spring here, when the dark tide erupts, there will not be too many zombies invading.

"It's a perfect tower defense stronghold." Su Ye said softly.

"It is easy to be blocked, and there are no resource points.

"Get started!"" Su Ye looked at Zhou Kalu.


Immediately, Zhou Kalu ordered it to go down and began to act.

When the crowd starts to get busy.

Su Ye looked at the number one angel among his own four ninth-order angels.

Angel No. 1 is also the first angel built by Su Ye.

Angel number one is far more powerful than the other angels.

The reason is that this angel has a very special talent ability "Resurrection Holy Light"

When it dies, it guides the Holy Light and then resurrects.

Yes, Angel No. 1 has the power of resurrection.

Moreover, the cooling down of Holy Light's recovery is very short, and it only takes three days for the No. 1 Angel of the ninth order to cool down the recovery Holy Light.

Su Ye's plan is quite simple.

That is to let the Angel of Light enter it alone, to see if her guardian beast can destroy all the defensive power of this fountain of light, and test its strength.

Let Su Ye have a general understanding of the orange ninth-order creatures.

It doesn't matter whether it can be eliminated or not.

Anyway, Su Ye didn't lose anything.

The subsequent bombing will also destroy the fountain of light in this place.

At the same time, the plan of Zhou Kalu and others is not complicated.

They will attract a large number of zombies in a nearby zombie territory.

It even attracted the zombies in a zombie town about ten kilometers away, causing a corpse tide, so that the corpse tide completely blocked the place.

In this way, the fountain of light in this place can be completely abolished.

If the totem orcs are going to clean this place, it's even easier.

This will inevitably consume a lot of their strength. At that time, Su Ye secretly adds fire to wipe out the lost team, which can effectively combat the power of the totem orcs.

Following Su Ye's manipulation, the No. 1 Holy Light Angel burst into a scorching light and flew towards the bright spring of the totem orcs ahead.

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