Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 247: The figure who was in the 1st world with the 3rd world

Hou Xilei, a Heizhou child who had no hope.

This name was given to the worker of country C who built roads in Heizhou, and his father helped and led the master.

When I went to study in country C a few years ago, I found that the fellow Heizhou villagers who had been named Hou Sai Lei and Hou Xilei were not one or two, but the name still contained very good wishes. He was not in his daily life. The name on the ID card is restored, and it should continue to be used.

Today, Husilei is one of the youngest school-level officers in Eth. The task of leading the team this time is to ensure that a batch of production equipment that has landed on Tz can reach the motherland normally.

What equipment needs the military to transport across borders?

...For the time being confidential.

After eating the fried dough sticks made by the order soldiers for breakfast, Hou Xilei took a few of his men to the high platform by the port, waiting for the freighter to arrive in the port.

Approaching noon, a huge fleet appeared on the coastline, several of which left the fleet and sailed into the port.

Hou Xilei glanced at the man next to him, and he nodded and left.

More than ten minutes later, his subordinates came to report: "The goods have arrived safely, and they said we can leave before six in the afternoon."

Hou Xilei nodded, but did not move.

The subordinates can only stand here, and at noon, everyone sits on the floor and eats buns.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, something went wrong.

An air defense alarm sounded north of the port.

He looked up and saw that there was no plane, so it was the human monster that triggered the alarm.

Som’s humanized monsters have frequently appeared in this port recently, and it seems that luck is not good.

Hou Xilei squeezed the palm of his right hand with his left hand, thought for a few seconds and said, "Go and ask them if they want to help."

The two men took orders to leave.

A few minutes later, the subordinates reported with a walkie-talkie: "Their people were dragged in the northwest. At least fifteen monster men broke through the line of defense. There is only one lined up at the port. They want us to help guard No. 1 Container Terminal."

"Tell them that we can help in defense, but they must ensure that our goods are cleared on time. You two stay there with them and keep in touch with me at any time."

After the communication was completed, Hou Xilei issued two commands.

"Go to two people, take the second company, the second row, and the third row to guard the container terminal, the correspondent, and report the situation."

The second company is an armored convoy. Although most of them are armored jeeps, there are only two decent armored vehicles. However, such a convoy is not easy to enter the port area at will. It was guarded outside the port before.

After the signalling was completed, Hou Xilei took the remaining three soldiers to move, one mile away, and the second company and two platoon convoys that had just passed the door, and quickly arrived in the defensive area.

The humanized monsters are weak and have no luck under the firepower of the vehicle-mounted machine guns and cannons.

Three of them were destroyed in about half an hour, and the soldiers who remained in the port garrison contacted again:

"The garrison in the northwest has shrunk the line of defense. They are now asking the port to allow us to clear the customs quickly. We leave a platoon of vehicles at the port, and the rest will arrive at the No. 1 target as soon as possible to return the equipment."

In this operation, apart from the soldiers’ individual equipment and two armored vehicles, the armed jeeps were all borrowed by Tz, which saves money. However, it now appears that the Eastern Front, which borders Som to the north of Tz, is also very tightly equipped.

"I see, let their people come and pick up the car."

Although it is fast customs clearance, the unloading of a container ship is not something that you can get directly from which container you want to unload. Hu Xilei guarded with his men for an hour before waiting for Tz to pick up the equipped troop truck.

After simply handing over five armored jeeps, Tz's troops drove directly outside, which should be mobilizing the army to support the front line of defense.

The subsequent development was even more outrageous, and the people who came to take over for their defensive points were actually the militia, or in other words, the strong labor force.

There were about fifty people, and only one of them was wearing a Tz uniform, and few of them were even able to break their guns.

This area is close to the border, and it will be harassed by humanized monsters from time to time. The entire port city has become checkpoints and positions on the fringe. It seems that the allocation of troops is not enough.

However, as a foreign soldier, I don’t understand the actual deployment. Perhaps there are more forces involved in the border defense. Therefore, the urban part cannot take care of it so comprehensively and can only train some militias to assist in defense.

Before going to pick up the goods, Hou Xilei made a decision to leave a set of machine guns for the Tz team. Anyway, everyone uses the C national ordnance standard, and bullets can naturally also be used for transnational weapons.

After the cargo clearance was completed, Hou Xilei's men drove two armored vehicles directly from the container. At this time, the **** team had four armored vehicles of its own.

The two armored vehicles that arrived with the cargo were new-style anti-monster models.

The soldier’s carrying capacity has shrunk by two people, and a 40mm caliber high-performance machine gun is used. A few shots can kill a little monster. Although it can also hit a first-class little monster, the machine gun is a cannon with a limited range and can only be used. Give it a try when desperately.

In addition, the anti-monster armored vehicle carries four 150mm anti-monster missiles. The missiles are relatively short, with a total weight of about 80 kilograms. Compared with traditional anti-tank and anti-helicopter weapons, the warhead of anti-monster missiles is relatively huge, with a relatively large range. Therefore, it is affected that this type of armored vehicle configuration can only reach 15 kilometers, and it will shorten to 11 kilometers to strike at two kilometers in the air.

The personnel shrinking part mainly added ammunition box configuration, and there are two missile storage buffer fixtures, which can carry four additional anti-monster missiles for battlefield loading, but the loading process can only be done manually.

To be honest, it takes three people to safely get 80 kilograms and 1.2 meters in length from the missile fixtures on both sides of the roof to the launcher. The process can't be fast. However, in the extraordinary period, all priority is to improve firepower. The further mechanized version of the armored vehicle is too expensive, and the troop transport capability is further degraded, and Eth can't afford it financially.

Hou Xilei and his orderly soldiers went to the driving area of ​​one of the new armored vehicles and waited for the cargo container to be placed on the flatbed and set off.

Tz is worthy of being the first country in Heizhou to master the coordination of steps and tanks. Even in the port city near the border, the people today still have basic living security. Even outside the city, you can see farming under the protection of several military vehicles outside the city. Farmers.

In contrast, military intelligence from Som showed that there were no settlements with more than a hundred people.

One hour later, the convoy arrived in a small town where the goods were changed to rail transportation.

This is a branch of the railway. It was originally to be built to the port, but a monster crisis broke out. After that, a team of experts in Tz and a local construction company in Tz were still working in country C, but it was affected by Som’s humanized monsters. , It is expected that it will take half a year to open to traffic.

The **** team followed up on the freight train with its own four armored vehicles, and the vehicles were returned to the Tz local garrison's response unit.

The main purpose of carrying armored vehicles is to have a certain amount of firepower during the railway transportation stage.

In addition to armored vehicles, the **** team can only rely on light weapons, but they are not particularly light. Because of the special cargo, the troops were issued with the latest 20mm individual rifle imported from country C...said it is a light gun or more suitable.

In addition, a platoon-level **** team of Tz is also on the same train. It belongs to the standing safety force of the freight railway during the monster period to prevent the cargo from being destroyed by bandits or monsters.

After nightfall, the train left Som's monster infestation zone.

Freight trains are the main material deployment method in the inland areas. Each station needs to load and unload goods, and the process does not get up quickly. It is not until the early morning hours that the train arrives at the border marshalling station.

Hu Xilei's men stayed on the train, and together with more than 20 flatbed wagons, they were marshalled to another train going north, and the customs clearance procedures for the army were handled by the way.

Although it is a confidential cargo, there must be no less procedures, including checking whether there are people and drugs in the cargo.

It is still very troublesome. In order to further advance the deep military cooperation agreement, the border logistics management data network of several countries will be opened up in the future, but we can't count on it right now.

After an hour of tossing in the marshalling station, the train departs and enters the second leg of the journey.

Ken's situation is ten times worse than Tz.

Tz and Som do not directly meet, and there is a Ken between them. Even Tz can have a group of humanized monsters that penetrate the border line today. You can imagine Ken's situation.

In fact, about 200,000 square kilometers of Ken's land of nearly 600,000 square kilometers has become a humanized monster activity area. As the most privatized country among the three countries of Eth, Ken, and Tz, after the Som humanized monster crisis broke out, many wealthy people ran away directly, and all aspects of production were almost completely paralyzed. Under such a situation, it is considered that it is not completely disintegrated. Good leadership.

It is precisely because of Ken’s situation that most of the railways are completely unusable, and Eth has to place the cargo pick-up point at Tz, otherwise the journey will be shortened by more than 700 kilometers to receive the cargo at the northern port of Ken.

After running for 60 kilometers in Ken's territory, the armored car was refueled, got off the train, and followed the freight train on the next road.

In the next 800-kilometer journey, four armored vehicles destroyed more than a dozen waves of humanized monsters, totaling more than forty. This has not yet calculated the results of Ken's own troops.

In fact, the military cooperation between the three countries in eastern Heizhou was initiated by Ken. In order to play the role of the transportation hub, they made great efforts in the first two months to fully restore several railways running through the north and south, as well as the railway from the central to the west.

Now in addition to protecting the safety along the railway, Ken will restore the railway line from the southern route to the sea as soon as possible with the help of Tz.

Eth is also gathering troops. Next, he will cut a piece of Som directly along the Bailey River to cut off the source of troops for the humanized monster to go south. The cut off is probably slightly more than one-fifth of the area of ​​the original Som country. The area will be jointly defended by Eth and Ken later.

As for what to do with the cut piece after the monster crisis, I still can't think so far. If you can stand up to the monsters' attacks every few months in the surrounding area, and clean up the humanized monsters in the Som area, you can't rule out the possibility of dividing Som. Anyway, there are not many living people in this ghost place, because the literacy rate is low. Relationship, even if the weapons were given for nothing, they would definitely not be able to withstand any monsters on their own.

These things have nothing to do with the mission of Hou Xilei They took the opportunity to rest and change shifts at the town station. By the next night, the truck finally arrived in the territory of Eth.

The situation is different when I get to my home. For this batch of goods, a special train is designated above. The train has nothing but a batch of sugar and this batch of goods. The personnel, except for Hou Xilei with a platoon of armored vehicles to keep up, all the others were reorganized on the border, ready to go to the assembly point on the upper reaches of the Baili River.

A few hours later, the cargo arrived at the target location, the newly industrial city Karim on the banks of the cyan River of Life.

The technical team who flew directly from Country C had already waited at the station and checked the equipment. There was no problem in the transportation process and Hou Xilei's mission was completed.

Soon, Karim will appear in the history of Eth's first full production chain missile factory, which will realize 90% localization of missile parts.

Although it is a relatively small anti-monster missile, it is indeed a historic breakthrough. Listen to the wind above, this small missile has a caliber as large as 150mm in order to be equipped with a certain type of secret development being developed by country C. Bombs are used as warheads, and even a few dozen rounds of anti-monster missiles equipped with new warheads can kill first-class monsters.

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