Shanghai, Putuo District.

The largest concentration of low-rent housing, it is no different from an invisible slum.

A drizzle fell from the gray sky.

Fang Xin stood absent-mindedly under the No. 11 bus stop.

The rain was falling, and the bus stop was completely unable to block the wind and rain blowing diagonally, but the latter had no intention of avoiding it.

The scenes just now were swirling in his mind.

"Fang Biezo, you have already asked for 24 hours off. If you don’t come to the hospital today, you won’t have to come again!"

"You are just a lazy dog!"


"Fang Xin, let's break up! Do you want me to live with you in this stinking, butt-sized low-rent apartment for the rest of my life?"

"Look at Mr. Li, have you ever played Russian roulette at a luxury party?"

"Have you ever played depth charges in a luxury villa?"

"You are just a poor guy, how can you understand the happiness of the rich! You will always be a loser with no future."

Fang Xin stepped off the curb with one foot and sat on the ground. A yellow taxi honked and sped past him, splashing dirty water on his face.

""Little bastard, you are looking for death, die!"

The taxi driver's curse whistled away.

This also made Fang Xin's chaotic mind clear up a little, and he looked up at the sky.

Is it raining?

It's time to rain, so I can wake up.

Cold rain, cold heart.

At this time, a yellow umbrella with cartoon avatars painted on it blocked his head.

It was a girl of seven or eight years old.

The latter said in a childish tone:

"Brother, the ground is cold. Mom said you will catch a cold if you get wet in the rain!

Fang Xin was stunned, and a little warmth surged in his heart.

Just when he wanted to say thank you


The bus stopped in front of them. A young woman smiled at Fang Xin and pulled the girl onto the bus.

【Ding, it is detected that the three qualifications of unemployment at the beginning, cuckold, and a loser with nothing are combined. The reversal system is binding……】

【Ding, the host's current occupation is detected as doctor, the system automatically adjusts to: God-level doctor training system】

【Ding, congratulations on winning the novice gift pack, the Encyclopedia of Gastric Surgery Knowledge, Wisdom Level +1, Dexterity Level +1.

What sound?

Fang Xin was a little overwhelmed by the three consecutive reminders. He looked around quickly, but he was the only one left at the empty bus stop.

The driver glanced at him and saw that he was soaking wet and miserable. He was about to close the door, but Fang Xin hurriedly walked up and sat in the last row.

The car started, Fang Xin opened the window, and let the cold wind mixed with rain hit his face. The feeling of chest tightness was slightly relieved.

"Mom, I want to vomit.……"

A little girl in the front seat covered her stomach and said to the young woman next to her.

The woman looked a little anxious. She looked up at the bus route and frowned and said:

"Just hold on a little longer, we'll be at the hospital soon. I told you not to eat anything, but you didn't listen."


Seeing this, the young woman quickly took out a plastic bag and placed it in front of the little girl, patting her on the back and saying:

"Look at you, what did you eat?

Fang Xin glanced at the little girl.

She covered her abdomen with her hands, with a painful expression on her face. She vomited for a while, then shook her head slightly, covered her stomach, bent over and closed her eyes.

She must have had a stomachache.

His professional ethics made him make such a judgment subconsciously.

However, the next moment, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

When he looked at the little girl again, everything changed.

"The finger pressed the small intestine. There was coffee-like substance and a little blood in the vomit. The patient bent his body to relieve the pain. It was initially judged to be a torsion of the small intestine, which required emergency surgery!"

At this moment, a series of information poured into Fang Xin's brain.

What's going on?

Is this the conclusion I came to?

Small intestinal torsion refers to the small intestinal loop twisting clockwise or counterclockwise along the longitudinal axis of its mesentery by more than 180°, causing compression of the intestinal loops and the intestinal lining blood vessels, which is prone to intestinal perforation and conjunctivitis.

Once blood appears in the vomit, it means that intestinal perforation has been initially formed. If surgery is not performed in time, it is likely to be life-threatening! At this moment, the mental depression caused by Chen Xin was swept away in front of professional ethics. Fang Xin stood up without hesitation, walked to the young woman and said:

"Hello, I am a doctor. Can I see your child?"

The young woman looked at Fang Xin and saw that he was almost soaked and his hair was still dripping with water. She was obviously a little unconvinced.

Fang Xin immediately took out his work ID.

Although it was only an assistant ID for a third-level hospital, it was enough to convince the woman that he was indeed a doctor.

"Thank you then!"

Fang Xin nodded slightly, stretched out her hand and gently pressed on the little girl's lower abdomen and asked:

"Does it hurt here?"


"What about here?"


"What did you eat yesterday?"

"Biscuits, fried rice, hiss... some melon seeds and eight-treasure porridge"

"Did you play with your friends after eating?"

"Yeah, I jumped the rubber band."

【The area to be pressed is from the small intestine to the duodenum. The food is mostly indigestible. If you exercise immediately after eating, the small intestine will twist due to intestinal malformation. You need surgery immediately. A worsening reaction will occur within 6 hours at the latest.

Fang Xin stood up with a frown and said in a deep voice:

"Her condition is very serious and she needs surgery immediately. Are you going to the Infant and Child Hospital? They are not qualified for surgery there. We need to rush to the Central Hospital right away!"


The young woman panicked and said quickly:

"But the central hospital is not on this route, but in the opposite direction? What should we do?"

"Mom, I'm in pain.……"

The little girl was pulling the young woman's clothes, her body was almost bent like a shrimp

"Mom is here, Mom is here, Xiaoyun, don’t be afraid," the young woman’s eyes suddenly turned red, she quickly stood up and shouted to the driver:

"Driver, please stop the car, we want to get off"

"What bus are you getting off? Don’t you see what time it is now?

The driver glanced in the rearview mirror and said:

"It is impossible to get a taxi from this road to the Central Hospital. If you dare to get off the car, just wait for the taxi driver to tell you to hand over!

"Hold on tight!"

The bus flashed its turn signal, turned the steering wheel at the intersection, turned around, and stopped on the side of the road.

"If you want to get off, please do so quickly. This bus is going directly to the Central Hospital!"

Soon, there were only a few passengers left on the bus.

The bus sped along, and in the bustling city, it burst out at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary buses for the sake of life.

Seeing the driver's driving skills, Fang Xin couldn't help laughing.

He nodded, squatted down, held the little girl's hand and said:

"Don't be afraid, follow me and adjust your breathing."

Feeling the warmth from Fang Xin's hand, the little girl exhaled slightly, and the pain in her abdomen was relieved a lot.

The bus ride, which was supposed to take more than an hour, arrived in just half an hour with the driver driving at full speed.

Fang Xin held the little girl and rushed to the Central Hospital. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted:

"First aid! The patient is a little girl about 6 years old, and it is initially suspected that she has signs of small intestinal torsion!"

Several nurses and a doctor in a white coat rushed over, looked at the little girl's condition, and pressed her abdomen like Fang Xin, frowning and saying:

"This is just a stomach upset, not a torsion of the small intestine."

Fang Xin said quickly:

"If you don't believe it, you can do a vomitus test first, mainly focusing on D-dimer, lactate and amylase, or an ultrasound examination can also be done!"

"Are you a family member of the patient?" the doctor asked, frowning.

"I am also a doctor!

Fang Xin said, taking out his ID.

The doctor took a look and sneered, saying:

"146 Surgical Hospital is affiliated with the Dermatology Hospital? A dermatologist taught me how to identify stomach pain?

"Who is the patient's family member?"

The young woman quickly stepped forward and said,"I, I am!"

"Go register first, go to the gastroenterology department. The initial suspicion is that it is stomach bloating and indigestion. Just prescribe some stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting tablets."

Fang Xin was immediately furious when he heard this, and grabbed the doctor's white coat and said:

"You are delaying treatment! Intestinal volvulus can be fatal!"

"What are you doing! Let me go! Security! Security!"

As the doctor screamed, several security guards rushed over and stopped Fang Xin.

"I'm warning you, this is the Central Hospital! How dare a third-rate doctor from a third-rate hospital cause trouble here! Get out!"

Fang Xin watched the security guard snatch the little girl from his hands, and his clenched hands were forcibly pried apart, and the anger in his heart was almost uncontrollable.

"If anything happens to her, you will pay with your life! You will pay with your life!"

"Get out!"

Seeing Fang Xin being kicked out, the young woman hesitated for a moment, and took the doctor's hand and said:

"Otherwise, just get a check-up, I have money!"

"This is not about money!"

The doctor saw the woman's expression and finally sighed and said,"Just do what he said and do a vomitus test!"

After a while, the vomitus test results came out, and the doctor took the test sheet and said:

"See, everything is normal! That quack is still yelling outside, please drive him away!"

The young woman walked out of the hospital with the test report and said to Fang Xin:

"The doctor said the test results are all normal!

Fang Xin quickly took the test report and frowned after just one look.

"The patient is a 6-year-old child, not an adult, and the lactose and amylase levels are too high! Believe me, my judgment is correct! Let him do an ultrasound examination! Must do an ultrasound examination!"

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