"Doctor Fang, why don't we hand this patient over to your department first, and then transfer her to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology after your results come out."

Facing Zhang Yueyue's suggestion, Fang Xin also nodded, which was exactly what he thought.

The current pregnant woman might not be as simple as they thought, so a relatively comprehensive examination must be done, and many examination items cannot be completed in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

So it would be better to come to their side first, and wait until everything is confirmed, and then transfer her to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

"Doctor, is there anything wrong with my wife?"

"Don't worry, wait for the test results."

Fang Xin said calmly. At this moment, he could only make a preliminary judgment. He still had to wait for the results to come out before he could make a comprehensive analysis.

An hour later,


"What's going on?"

Pointing at the pregnant woman in the wheelchair, Fang Xin looked puzzled. Could it be that during the examination just now, the pregnant woman fell down again?

"Doctor Fang, the patient's physical condition is a bit poor. After an examination,���"She is short of breath, so we gave her a wheelchair to relieve her pressure."

The nurse explained quickly. She had been a nurse for so many years, but this was the first time she had seen such an obese pregnant woman. She had to take several breaths just to walk a few steps.

Fang Xin nodded after hearing this. With her current body shape, it was not easy for her to complete so many examinations.

As expected by Fang Xin, the data of the pregnant woman were exactly the same as what Fang Xin had thought. The pregnant woman's weight was already overweight, and she was extremely obese.

Her cardiopulmonary function, as well as various organs in her body, were now overloaded. If this continued, fainting due to shortness of breath like today would only happen more frequently.

""Doctor, how is the situation?"

The husband asked anxiously. He could see that Fang Xin looked very serious, which meant that his wife's condition was not very optimistic.

"Her main problem is obesity, which puts a lot of strain on all organs. Don't worry, I'll go talk to Dr. Zhang."

At the moment, Fang Xin didn't dare to make a decision on her own. Gynecology should be handled by professional doctors. After all, pregnant women are very sensitive to many drugs.

If you take treatment rashly, it is very likely to harm the baby in the pregnant woman's body.

"According to our usual practice, in this case, I strongly recommend a combination of medication and exercise. Only in this way can she lose weight in a short period of time, thus giving her organs some time to recover."

"Otherwise, if this continues, I'm worried that she won't make it to her due date. However, since she's pregnant, I don't dare to try medication rashly.

However, if she does exercise to lose fat, not only will the effect be low, but given her current condition, it's very likely to cause premature birth. What do you suggest?"

Fang Xin handed the data to Zhang Yueyue and expressed his opinion.

"Drugs are absolutely not allowed. If the intensity of exercise is too high, the fetus will not be healthy. If the intensity is too low, it will not be effective."

Zhang Yueyue also confirmed Fang Xin's judgment. The current situation of this pregnant woman is very tricky.

"Is there a possibility that we can let her lose weight after she gives birth?"

Zhang Yueyue asked tentatively.

"Absolutely not. I can tell you responsibly that given her current condition, she will definitely not make it to that time.

Fang Xin said firmly.

"There is only one way, Caesarean section, which can not only save the fetus, but also allow the pregnant woman to receive timely treatment."

After reaching a consensus, Zhang Yueyue also hurriedly made preparations for the operation, while Fang Xin was responsible for communicating with the patient's family and getting them to agree to such a treatment plan.

If the family did not agree, nothing they said would be of any use.

"Right now, we recommend that your wife have a caesarean section immediately."

"After the fetus is no longer a burden, she can proceed to the next step of treatment, which is also the safest way."

Coming to the couple, Fang Xin tried to persuade them kindly. He knew that many families would find it difficult to accept a caesarean section. After all, most people still hope for a natural birth, which would cause the least harm to the child.

""No way, I don't agree to a caesarean section. I want my baby to be born naturally and I want her to be healthy."

Before her husband could speak, the pregnant woman in the wheelchair rejected Fang Xin's suggestion. She would never allow her child to be born in this way. She had waited for so long, so what was the harm in waiting another month?

"Yes, Doctor Fang, is there really no other way? Caesarean section has too much impact, and we are only a month away from the due date."

The pregnant woman's husband also begged.

As parents-to-be, they found it difficult to accept such advice.

"I can tell you responsibly that if you don't have a caesarean section now, your child can be born naturally in the future, but we can't guarantee that your wife will be safe."

"What kind of lousy doctor are you? If your hospital is not competent, just say so. You curse my wife, do you want to die?"

As he spoke, the pregnant husband grabbed Fang Xin's collar, as if he was going to hit her. Seeing this, the medical staff around hurriedly pulled the two apart.

After fixing his collar, Fang Xin took a breath and looked at her and said:

"The reason your wife is like this today is all your fault. You can choose between a natural birth and a cesarean section. Both the adult and the child will be safe and healthy. As for the choice, it is up to you."

After saying that, Fang Xin sat directly on a chair in the corridor and ignored the two.

As a doctor, he had explained all the interests to the patient's family, and he would never interfere in the choice.

"Young man, just listen to the doctor. My son was born by caesarean section, he's fine."

"Yes, the doctor won't harm us."

"You have seen your wife's situation. You can't delay, young man."


After hearing Fang Xin's words, the people who came to see the doctor all tried to comfort the husband in front of them. Under the persuasion of everyone, the husband of the pregnant woman made an extremely difficult choice.

"Doctor Fang, I'll trust you just this once"

"If anything happens to my wife and children, I will never forgive you!"

"We will have a caesarean section."

Seeing the man in front of him being so disrespectful, Fang Xin shook her head and said:

"You should be thankful that your wife and children met me, and you should also be thankful for yourself that I am a doctor. Otherwise, for what you just said, I would definitely make you pay the price."

"Attention all departments, prepare for surgery!"

After saying that, Fang Xin walked away.

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