Seeing Zeng Changsheng's determination, Fang Xin couldn't refuse and quickly agreed.

After dealing with these, Fang Xin returned to his office again, leaving Zeng Changsheng and Professor Ding, two old friends, to chat and reminisce.

""Doctor, I think you should prescribe some painkillers for me. This is too painful!"

As soon as Fang Xin entered the office, he saw a patient with a grin on his face and Wu Zekai who was examining him with a stethoscope. The patient looked to be about 27 or 28 years old, but the severe pain had already made him sweat profusely and his body was shaking constantly.

"As for that, it's just a normal stomachache. Just go to the toilet and take care of it. It's not a big deal."

"Besides, can you just prescribe painkillers? Normal people will get addicted if they take too much of this stuff. Have you ever heard of someone having to have their stomach washed after taking painkillers?"

""Hold on, get some paper and go to the toilet. I promise that the medicine will cure you."

Putting down the stethoscope, Wu Zekai handed the patient a roll of toilet paper and said leisurely.

Perhaps out of embarrassment, or perhaps because he felt something was wrong, the patient who originally had a stomachache took the toilet paper and ran out.

Looking at the patient leaving, Fang Xin covered her mouth and laughed softly, saying that people can really encounter anything these days. Why do you have to come to the hospital for such a small problem?

"What are you doing here? Are you trying to steal my job?

Fang Xin walked to Wu Zekai's side and said unhappily.

"How dare you say that? You ran away. I passed by and saw that your clinic was full of patients. I helped you out of good intentions, but you turned the tables on me."

Wu Zekai rolled his eyes at Fang Xin. It was supposed to be his day off today, but he really had nothing to do, so he thought of chatting with Fang Xin, which led to the scene just now.

"Okay, stop complaining. I'll treat you to a meal after I finish seeing these patients."

"You still have some conscience. You didn't express your gratitude even after receiving your year-end bonus."

As he spoke, Wu Zekai took off his white coat and waited patiently.


"Let's go and have dinner!"

After finishing his work, Fang Xin stretched out his body.

"I know there is a hot pot restaurant that is pretty good, would you like to try it?"

"Of course I will eat if you treat me. If I don't take advantage of the opportunity, I'm a fool."

Fang Xin stood up and picked up his phone and called Zhang Yueyue. After going through so much, the relationship between Fang Xin and Zhang Yueyue has eased a lot.

During the meal, Fang Xin also specifically told the two people in front of him that he was going to see a doctor at the Imperial Capital Hospital. However, he mainly told Wu Zekai about this matter. Fang Xin wanted to make Wu Zekai envious.

"There is no way. Who asked you to be a good doctor? Even if you go to the Imperial Capital Hospital, it would be a waste of talent."

After eating a piece of shabu-shabu mutton, Wu Zekai said nonchalantly. He didn't know when he had accepted the fact that Fang Xin was better than him.

Although Wu Zekai was still a little jealous, he was still very happy for Fang Xin.

"Imperial Hospital, I wish I could go there too."

Zhang Yueyue said with envy, the Imperial Hospital is the dream of many doctors, but Fang Xin was actually invited in directly.

"Fang Xin, you only see patients for two days a month at the Imperial Capital Hospital, so your salary won't be enough to cover your travel expenses, why do you do this?"

In addition to the basic salary, the rest of the doctors' salary is calculated based on the number of surgeries and registered patients. For someone like Fang Xin who only goes there for a few days, generally speaking, he doesn't get much money. For a moment, Zhang Yueyue looked at Fang Xin with a puzzled look on her face. Indeed, what Wu Zekai said made sense.

"Dean Zeng told me that the round-trip travel and accommodation expenses in their hospital, and the salary is 500 per visit."

When Fang Xin said this, he looked calm and indifferent. As for the salary, Fang Xin didn't care at all. When

Fang Xin said this, Zhang Yueyue and Zeng Changsheng both widened their eyes. This was clearly an unequal treaty. For ordinary doctors, such treatment was indeed very good.

But who was Fang Xin? He was a man who could even cure cancer. This little money didn't just treat Fang Xin as a slave. For a moment, Wu Zekai's temper instantly flared up.

"Fang Xin, give me your phone."

Seeing Wu Zekai so serious, Fang Xin handed over the phone with a puzzled look on her face. After taking the phone, Wu Zekai took a deep breath and then said seriously:

"I don't care how famous your Imperial Capital Hospital is, but you are treating my brother as a slave. I'll give you a number: 10,000 a day!"

Just when Fang Xin and Zhang Yueyue thought that Wu Zekai was going to send this voice message, he slid his finger to the left and deleted the message.

""Relieve the atmosphere!"

Wu Zekai said with a smile as he returned the phone to Fang Xin. Even if he was a returned overseas doctor, he would not dare to talk to the director of the Imperial Capital Hospital like this.

For a moment, everyone present was amused by Wu Zekai's behavior.

"By the way, Dr. Zhang, how much do you make in the obstetrics and gynecology department per month?"

After calming down, Wu Zekai asked curiously

"All in all, it's less than 8,000 yuan a month. The salary of an obstetrician and gynecologist is not as high as you think."

"What about you?"

Zhang Yueyue asked back. In fact, everyone is very curious about the salary of their colleagues, but they have always been embarrassed to ask.

On the one hand, this is personal privacy, and another big reason is that if a colleague's salary is higher than yours, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

""For me, I make about 15,000 yuan a month."

Wu Zekai shook his head and said that his salary was already high in the entire hospital, thanks to his status as a returned overseas doctor, but compared to his classmates, his income was already low.

After saying that, the two of them locked their eyes on Fang Xin. Being stared at by Zhang Yueyue and Wu Zekai, Fang Xin could only scratch her hair awkwardly.

"Why are you looking at me? Hurry up and eat. You will have to go to work soon.

Obviously, Fang Xin's excuse was not very effective.

""Okay, okay, I'll make a little more than you guys, 50,000 a month!" Fang Xin said helplessly.

"How much!"

Hearing Fang Xin's monthly salary, Wu Zekai was so scared that the chopsticks in his hand fell directly to the ground. They are both doctors, why is there such a big difference?

"Awesome, you are worthy of it!"

Even Zhang Yueyue was stunned and didn't know what to say after learning about Fang Xin's monthly salary.

But they knew that Fang Xin was worth it!

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