Fang Xin looked at Zhou Hao and Chen Siwen coldly, took a deep breath and said:

"I hope that the diseases you get in the future can be cured with money!"

He turned around and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hao suddenly caught up with Fang Xin, stopped in front of him and said:

"You want to leave now? You haven't apologized yet!"

"I apologize?"

Fang Xin snorted coldly and said,"Apologize to you? Why?"

"Just because I am Zhou Hao! Just because my father is the general manager of Modu Pharmaceutical Group!"

Zhou Hao said arrogantly:

"You haven't heard of Modu Pharmaceutical Group, have you? Do you know who the chairman of Modu Pharmaceutical is? Forget it, you don't know even if I tell you. I heard that you are also a doctor, right? Do you know how easy it is to make you unable to survive in this industry with my family's relationship?

What do you think? Do you want to be a waste with your backbone, or be my dog and eat a little bone?"

Fang Xin was about to speak when he heard a voice saying:

"I don't believe anyone can make Dr. Fang unable to survive as a medical professional!

Fang Xin turned around and saw Professor Ding and Chen Shuanghuai walking over side by side.

"Who the hell are you? You old bastard, do you have the right to speak here?" Zhou Hao glanced at them and said in a deep voice,"Get as far away as you can, and don't get involved in any shit."

Chen Shuanghuai sneered and said,"You are so young, you should be more virtuous, otherwise you will suffer in the future!"

"Who the hell are you? Why are there so many people sticking their noses out today?"

Zhou Hao said, sneering,"You two old bastards are meddling in other people's business, trying to get into trouble, right? No need! Beat this guy up, I'll give you 50,000 if you see blood, 100,000 if you vomit blood, and if you break a few bones, take this box of money!"

"It's really lawless!"

Chen Shuanghuai shouted angrily,"Who did you say your father was? Let him come over now!"

"Who the hell are you?" Zhou Hao sneered and said,"You want to see my dad too? Are you worthy? The Sales Manager for Asia of Modu Pharmaceutical Group, you can see him whenever you want?"

"Modu Pharmaceutical? General Manager?"

Chen Shuanghuai and Professor Ding suddenly laughed.

Professor Ding pointed at Chen Shuanghuai and said:

"Do you know who he is? The chairman of Modu Pharmaceutical has to bow his head when he sees him. How dare a general manager be so arrogant?"

Zhou Hao looked at Chen Shuanghuai and said with a sneer:

"Keep blowing, you’re just an old coffin, and the chairman has to bow his head when he sees you?"


Fang Xin frowned and stepped forward and said:

"Professor Ding, General Chen, today's incident is all my fault. It's not because of me that you two were insulted like this. Let's go!"

Chen Siwen, who had been silent, suddenly thought of something when he heard these two names. He immediately pulled Zhou Hao in panic and said:

"Stop talking, forget it.……"

""Don't say anything," Zhou Hao said unwillingly,"Want to leave? Sure, kneel down and apologize to me!"

"How dare you!"

Chen Shuanghuai couldn't help it anymore, and cursed angrily:

"When I was fighting drug lords at the border, no one dared to claim to be my father! Lao Ding, call the industrial and commercial inspection department. Xiao Meng's mother will be here soon. I want to see how much power a small general manager has to lord it over in Shanghai!"

"Calling for help, right?"

Zhou Hao sneered and said:

"Okay, I'll call someone to show you what power really is!"

Chen Siwen's face turned pale, and he pulled Zhou Hao and said:

"Come on, they are……"

"It's an idiot!" Zhou Hao laughed, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number while saying,"Stop talking nonsense. If they provoke me, I will make them pay for it today!"

"Hello, Mr. Wu, I'm Zhou Hao. I'll send you a location. Come over and help me settle the matter! You don't need to bring so many people. The other party is more powerful this time! Okay, I'll wait for you!"

"Hello, Brother Ma, I'm Zhou Hao.……"

Chen Siwen saw Zhou Hao go to the side to make a phone call, hesitated for a moment, and said quickly:

"Fang Xin, can we just let it go like this?"

Fang Xin looked at her and said in a deep voice:

"I didn't intend to cause trouble, he was the one who was aggressive. Your vision of judging people is really not very good!"

Fang Xin said, turning to look at Professor Ding and Chen Shuanghuai and said:"Professor Ding, General Chen, let's just leave it at that."

Chen Shuanghuai snorted coldly and said:

"Since you've spoken, forget it. Don't let such a person ruin my mood! Let's go, the banquet is about to get cold."

The three of them were about to leave when they saw Zhou Hao suddenly pointing at them and shouting:

"You three, who allowed you to leave?"

"Zhou Hao, forget it... they've already been too modest……"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Hao immediately looked at Fang Xin, sneered, and slapped Chen Siwen in the face:

"You are so shameless, you feel sorry for me, right? What were you doing earlier?"

Then he pointed at Fang Xin and cursed,"This matter is not over today, don't even think about leaving this hospital unless you give me a leg!"

Fang Xin saw this and his eyes suddenly became ruthless, and he said in a deep voice:

"You asked for this yourself!"

The two gangs stared at each other and didn't say anything more.

After a while, a roar of cars was heard, and three or five sports cars rushed into the hospital honking their horns.

Professor Ding was immediately furious:

"This is a hospital, no honking allowed!"

"Get lost!"

Zhou Hao raised his middle finger at Professor Ding, turned around and said with a smile:

"Hey guys, here we come!"

"Of course, we have to give Young Master Zhou face. Who do you want to deal with?"

Zhou Hao pointed at Chen Shuanghuai and said,"Just that kid. Beat him up as much as you want today. As long as you don't kill him, I'll take care of it!"


Then a young man in a vest and long gown with a slicked-back hair came up to Fang Xin with a cigarette in his mouth and sneered,"You're the only one who messed with my brother.……"

Before he could finish his words, Fang Xin had already started to focus.���Long eyes, sky-patching hands.

At this moment, the man with the big back hair moved as slowly as a snail, and his body seemed to be dismembered in Fang Xin's eyes.

"Move one step to the left and hit the ulnar nerve at the elbow.

Fang Xin dodged to the side, clenched his fist with one hand, and hit the elbow of the man with the slicked-back hair hard. The man with the slicked- back hair immediately sat on the ground, holding his elbow as if he had received an electric shock, and wailed loudly:

"My arm... is numb...……"

Fang Xin's action only took a moment. When everyone reacted, they saw Fang Xin snorted coldly and said:

"What a bunch of scum. It’s okay to humiliate me, but they honked their horns at the hospital gate. Do you have any sense of public morality?"

"Damn! If you dare to hit Young Master Wu, come at me!"

Just then, a voice came from the pile of luxury cars:

"Let’s see who dares to move!"

"It's fucking……"

Zhou Hao turned around angrily and said in astonishment:

"Dad? Why are you here?"

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