Outside the hospital, the TV station's car stopped in the parking lot again.

The cameraman slowly got out of the car carrying the camera, and heard a voice from the side:

"Xiao Zhang, can you hurry up?"

"I said to Mr. Yu, what's the point of hurrying? He is doing surgery and you can't see him."

Reporter Yu puffed his cheeks and said:

"I didn’t see him yesterday. Luckily I was on the lookout. I heard that Dr. Fang is coming to perform surgery again. We must not let him go this time! The entire network is waiting for our first-hand news!"

"You are building your future on the suffering of your patients!"

"Stop joking, hurry up! I heard that the injured in Xujiahui have also been sent here. This time, we must wait until he walks out of the operating room!"

When reporter Yu arrived at the main building, he saw a strange scene.

He saw nurses pushing a wounded patient to the door of an operating room. Not long after, he saw a patient being pushed out of the operating room and directly pushed to the ICU.

"What's going on?"

Reporter Yu hurried forward and asked:

"Hello, I am a reporter from a TV station. Can I ask you a few questions?"

The nurse saw the camera and quickly took off the mask on her face, tidied her appearance and said:

"Hello everyone, my name is Chen Siwen, and I am a nurse."


Reporter Yu was stunned for a moment, then said:"Well, I heard that the injured in Xujiahui were sent to the hospital. How are they now?"

Chen Siwen said:

"That's right. After the doctors in our hospital worked hard to save the patients, three of them are out of danger and are now in the intensive care unit."

"So fast?"

Reporter Yu said in surprise:

"How long has it been? Is it the kind that does not require surgery?"

Chen Siwen shook his head and said:

"Each of them was a patient who had undergone surgery. A very good doctor came to our hospital. In just two hours, he performed three rib reduction surgeries."

As he was talking, another patient was pushed out of the operating room.

Chen Siwen pointed his finger and said,"Four!"

Reporter Yu was surprised and said,"How... how is this possible? How did he do it?"

"I heard that he was doing two operations at the same time, one for lung repair and the other for rib repositioning."

Chen Siwen smiled and said,"His name is Fang Xin, and he's my boyfriend!"

"It's Doctor Fang!"

Reporter Yu was surprised when he heard this, and then he looked at Chen Siwen with a strange expression:

"I heard that Dr. Fang has broken up... I interviewed his landlord yesterday, and his landlord said that his ex-girlfriend often got drunk late at night and brought other men home. Is that you?"

Chen Siwen's face suddenly changed when he heard this, and he quickly said:

"What nonsense are you talking about! I'm going to sue you for defamation! It's so annoying, you reporters just love to gossip! Get out of the way, don't block my way!"

Reporter Yu curled his lips, turned to look at the photographer and said,"Did you take the picture?"

"made a bid"

"Humph, such a shameless woman should be exposed!"

Time passed bit by bit, and Fang Xin in the operating room still did not show any fatigue.

"After the chest wash, the anesthesiologist prepares to inflate the lungs and check for leaks at the repair site and any missed lung lacerations."

"Normal lung pressure"

"Oxygen saturation is normal!"

"Heart rate is normal!"

"Blood pressure is lower than normal."

Fang Xin nodded and said,"Okay, after the sternum is connected, take it for blood transfusion."

At this time, the anesthesiologist and the nurse had already obeyed Fang Xin's words.

In the past two hours, Fang Xin handled the operations of several people in an orderly manner. He was basically not idle for a moment, but he was very relaxed, as if these operations were just to deal with holes in his clothes.

Ding Xiang finally understood why his grandfather insisted on letting her help under Fang Xin.

For her, this operation was even more rewarding than the gains from the previous dozen or twenty operations.

"The patient on the left needs to have the broken ribs removed. The patient on the right has a mild pleural puncture, and the ribs can be repositioned after a minor treatment."

"The patient is in stable condition"

"The patient is in stable condition"

"The patient's condition is stable."

One patient after another was pushed into the operating room and then pushed out. Soon, nearly ten operations were all over.

Fang Xin put down the scalpel in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are no more injuries, right?"

"No, the conditions in the other operating rooms have also stabilized. Now only Professor Ding's operating room has not come out yet."

Ding Xiang was stunned for a moment, and said quickly:

"What happened with Professor Ding?"

"I don't know. It seems that the patient was the most seriously ill. There was a steel bar that passed through the patient's chest cavity. It must have punctured the right lung lobe. It couldn't be pulled out directly, so it took a long time."

Fang Xin nodded and said,"I'll go take a look."

Then he walked out of the emergency room.

When reporter Yu saw Fang Xin coming out, he hurried forward and said,"Doctor Fang, you are finally out. Are you the main surgeon for all the surgeries today? Do you have time?……"

"Sorry, there is an important operation going on. I will go there first. If you want to interview me, we will talk later.

Fang Xin said, turning and walking towards another operating room.

Ding Xiang thought about it and hurriedly chased after him.

Reporter Yu sighed, and when he saw the anesthesiologist coming out, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked:

"Did you perform the surgery together with Dr. Fang?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"How did the surgery go today?"

"It went very smoothly!"

The anesthesiologist was a young girl in her twenties, but her eyes were full of admiration for Fang Xin, and she said excitedly:

"I have never seen anyone perform surgery like Dr. Fang, it is simply art!"

"Could you explain it in detail?"

"You may not know that Dr. Fang was performing surgeries on three people at the same time, and there was also a lung contusion surgery next to him."

"But he was methodical and not at all confused. He planned every minute in great detail. After treating the wound and waiting for the blood clots to be cleared, he would perform another operation."

"Moreover, he was extremely precise in his cuts, and he would not cut an inch more skin if possible. He was also fast and accurate in suturing. He was almost an all-rounder!"

Hearing the excited praise from the anesthesiologist, reporter Yu became even more excited.

She couldn't wait to interview this surgical genius who had kept her distracted for the past two days!

"Oh, by the way, I heard that the nurse here, Chen Siyu, is Dr. Fang’s girlfriend. Is this true? Are they back together?"

The anesthesiologist curled his lips and said,

"What? That woman is not worthy of Dr. Fang. She brought her boyfriend to cause trouble for Dr. Fang last night, and ended up even ruining the job of that guy's father."

When the anesthesiologist said this, he suddenly seemed to think of something and said with a frown:

"By the way, the drug warehouse that caught fire today... seems to be the drug warehouse of the company where Chen Siyu's boyfriend's father works. Could it be that……"

Reporter Yu's eyes lit up immediately when he heard this, and he quickly said:

"Thank you so much!"

"Xiao Zhang, let’s go!"

"Where to go?"

"Go to Magic City to make medicine, I suspect there is some big news there!"

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