"Oh, you know what, these guys really know how to have fun, and Chen Siwen is really reckless."

The whispers around her reached Chen Siwen's ears, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Zhou Hao, stop spitting blood on me!"

She screamed loudly.

"I'm slandering you, you're such a turncoat. When you asked me for money, you knelt on the ground and called me daddy like a dog, and now you're slandering me again? All the money I spent on you was fed to the dog?"

Zhou Hao grabbed Chen Siwen's hair, dragged her to the ground, and slapped her in the face. He stood up and kicked her one after another.

"I'll beat you to death today."

Chen Siwen tried to get up and run several times, but Zhou Hao kicked her down and continued to beat her.

Chen Siwen could only shout for help.

Unfortunately, no one around was willing to help her.

No one who knew about her experience sympathized with her.

A few people who wanted to come up to stop her were stopped by the people next to them and whispered a few words in their ears, and their attitudes became disgusted.

Seeing that Zhou Hao was getting more and more excited,

Chen Siwen could only curl up on the ground with her head in her arms.

"You still dare to cover your face? I asked you to cover it. I gave you face, right? You stinky bitch, today I will let everyone see what you really look like for free."

Zhou Hao said as he pulled Chen Siwen's clothes and tore them hard.

Unfortunately, the quality of the doctor's uniforms in the hospital is quite good.

Zhou Hao tore it hard but couldn't tear it at all.

Furious, Zhou Hao kicked twice fiercely and took out a folding knife from his pocket.

Swish -

Zhou Hao cut Chen Siwen's clothes and pulled hard, and Chen Siwen's back was exposed. Fang

Xin, who didn't want to get involved in the matter, couldn't bear it anymore.

Although Chen Siwen's actions were ruthless and disgusting, it was a bit too much to be humiliated in public like this.

Besides, after all, she was once his pillowmate, so he still couldn't bear it.

And this is the entrance of the hospital, which will not have a good impact on the hospital.

Fang Xin aimed at the tendons of Zhou Hao's elbow joint and reached out to grab Zhou Hao's arm directly.

Suddenly, Zhou Hao felt his arm numb and couldn't use any strength, and the folding knife in his hand fell to the ground.

"Mr. Fang, what are you doing? I'm teaching her a lesson for you, let her go."

"Killing people is not the right path, you have gone too far!"

Fang Xin said

"What, you're not comfortable enough with the green hat, right? Do you want to know how she green-hatted you and how many green hats she wore?"

Zhou Hao challenged Fang Xin.

"That has nothing to do with me. This is the hospital entrance. You and her can resolve whatever you want. Don't make trouble in front of the hospital entrance."

Fang Xin frowned.

"No wonder you are a cuckold, haha, you have no seeds at all, you deserve others to help you sow seeds."

Zhou Hao laughed up to the sky.

With a scream,

Fang Xin pinched the most painful nerve in Zhou Hao's arm.

Zhou Hao couldn't bear the pain before he finished laughing.

""Fang...Brother, please let me go, ah!!"

Zhou Hao begged for mercy while being tossed back and forth by the severe pain.

To ask if Fang Xin hated Zhou Hao, of course he did.

But now he has become indifferent.

He has an unprecedented smooth road ahead. He has no time to tangle with his past life and past feelings.

It is not worth it and there is no need.

Under Fang Xin's special care, Zhou Hao quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

""Brother Fang, Grandpa Fang, Dad! Please spare me! It hurts...ah!"

Zhou Hao's screams made everyone around him cover their mouths and laugh.

At the same time, it also broadened people's horizons.

Grabbing the arm can make the pain kneel down and beg for mercy.

Many women's eyes lit up, looking at Fang Xin tenderly on one side, and looking at their husbands or boyfriends with a strange look on the other side.

It made a group of male compatriots inexplicably feel malicious.

Seeing that it was almost time, Fang Xin let go.

Zhou Hao immediately rolled and crawled away

"Fang, I'll remember this. I won't let you go."

Seeing that the distance was relatively safe, Zhou Hao immediately spoke harshly.

"What's up? You just knelt down and begged for mercy, and now you're itching for mercy again?"

Fang Xin said to Zhou Hao

"You wait for me."

Zhou Hao turned and ran away.

Seeing Chen Siwen curled up on the ground with her back naked, Fang Xin took off her white coat and covered her.

How could she have the illusion of being sent away

? Fang Xin laughed at herself.

Chen Siwen tightly grasped the clothes Fang Xin covered her with, struggled to get up and limped into the hospital.

Fang Xin shook her head and sighed.

If she had known this would happen, she would not have done it in the first place.

Fang Xin stood up, clapped her hands and left the hospital.

She went back to her residence and had a good sleep.

The series of operations were too exhausting.

Fang Xin slept until nearly ten o'clock the next day.

She saw that there were more than a dozen missed calls on her mobile phone.

One of them was from Professor Ding, and the rest were all from Chen Siwen.

He had no interest in saying anything to Chen Siwen.

He called Professor Ding back.

He learned from Professor Ding that the injured had He is basically out of danger and has been sent to the ward to rest and recover.

Fang Xin was relieved.

Saving the dying and the wounded is a god's duty, and saving people's lives is the most important thing in the world.

Fang Xin felt that all his fatigue was gone.

Even the sky was much brighter.

Bang, bang, bang - there was a knock on the door outside.

Who is looking for me, Fang Xin thought, changed his clothes, went to the door and opened it.

The person outside was Chen Siwen.

Although the injuries on his face were covered by Chen Siwen with thick makeup.

But how could these escape Fang Xin's eyes.

In his eyes, Fang Xin in front of him was bruised and swollen, and one of his teeth was missing.

"What are you doing here?"

Fang Xin asked

"Dear, I know you don't want to leave me, so you ignored me in public.���It's my fault. I apologize to you. Let's make peace."

Chen Siwen looked tender and affectionate.

Fang Xin felt sick when she saw her.

Fortunately, she had just woken up in the morning and hadn't eaten yet.

Otherwise, all the food would be wasted.

"What are you thinking about? There is no possibility between us anymore. I suggest you go get a disability assessment. Losing a tooth is not a big injury at all. Maybe you can even ask Zhou Hao to compensate you for some money.

Fang Xin originally wanted to close the door and ignore it, but seeing Chen Siwen's miserable condition, he couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Fang Xin, I know you said those words out of anger. You obviously love me. I know it all. I was wrong. Please forgive me and let's make peace."

Chen Siwen pleaded.

"It's impossible, Chen Siwen, please go away."

Fang Xin closed the door directly.

"Fang Xin, please open the door. I know you have me in your heart. I know I was wrong!"

"Fang Xin, I will listen to you from now on, okay? I will do whatever you tell me to do!"

"Fang Xin, you can't be so heartless, you are going to force me to death!"

No matter how Chen Siwen knocked on the door, Fang Xin just didn't open it or pay any attention.

Chen Siwen's initial pleading gradually turned into cursing.

Fang Xin sneered in his heart.

He really has a stubborn character.

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