Reporter Yu Da believes that this watch will be the key to solving the case.

There is no more evidence to investigate at the scene.

Now we need to send this watch to the public security agency as soon as possible.

There is no time to waste.

The photographer packed up his equipment and the two of them went to the roadside together, where the car was parked and waiting.

""Who are you?"

A voice suddenly came.

Reporter Yu looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man looking at him and his group with a gloomy face.

It was Zhou Xiong.

Reporter Yu recognized his identity.

At the same time, he began to be alert.

In Reporter Yu's opinion, Zhou Xiong was the biggest suspect in the fire incident.

What did this suspect want to do at the scene at this moment?

"We are reporters from a TV station, and we are here to take some photos of the scene.

Reporter Yu Da showed his identity as a reporter and TV station.

"Oh, so you are my friend from the media."

Zhou Xiong immediately changed his expression.

"Are you General Manager Zhou?"

Reporter Yu Da asked knowingly.

"It's not the case anymore. Hasn't he been dismissed by President Han? Alas, I have worked diligently for so many years."

Zhou Xiong said in a sad voice, with a face full of grievance and unwillingness.

What a good actor, Yu Da, the reporter, cursed in his heart.

On the surface, he looked sympathetic and persuaded:

"I think those are all misunderstandings. When Mr. Han finds out that the company cannot do without Manager Zhou, he will definitely invite you back."

Reporter Yu Da felt that he was covered with goose bumps because of what he said against his will.

"Oh, I hope so. I have worked so hard for the company for so many years, and I have such deep feelings for the company that I can't bear to leave."

Zhou Xiong actually squeezed out a few tears.

Reporter Yu was also convinced.

He has been in the industry for so many years, and he has seen all kinds of people, and there are many who can act, but it is rare to see someone who can get into the role so quickly.

"Manager Zhou, don't be sad. You have worked so hard for so many years. I believe President Han will understand."

Reporter Yu Da was in a hurry to leave, so he just said perfunctorily.

"By the way, did you find anything at the scene?"

Zhou Xiong asked.

The old fox seemed to be taking it lightly. Reporter Yu thought, the relevant information of the fire investigation has not been released yet, and Zhou Xiong asked what the investigation has found.

Isn't this indirectly admitting that he knows that the fire was not an accident?

It seems that he has discovered the information revealed in his words, and Zhou Xiong quickly covered up the lie.

"I was the one who organized and installed the fire protection equipment in the warehouse. Now that something has happened, I don’t think it’s an accident."

Zhou Xiong explained

"Nothing was found at the scene, and it's hard to say whether it was an accident or not. But Manager Zhou, what are you doing here at this hour?"

Reporter Yu Da asked

"I heard something happened at the warehouse, so I wanted to come and see it. After all, I have deep feelings for this place."

Zhou Xiong continued his performance

"Alas, Mr. Zhou is a very kind and righteous person, but things have already happened, so don’t be too sad."

Reporter Yu Da comforted

""Yu Ji, hurry up, it's getting dark, hurry up and hand the stuff over to the police station, I have to go accompany my girlfriend."

The photographer who got on the car first leaned out from the front seat and shouted to reporter Yu.

Reporter Yu was startled and secretly cursed himself for being careless. He should have informed the photographer in advance.

"You guys go ahead and do your work, I'll look around here."

Zhou Xiong said calmly.

"Then Manager Zhou, we'll leave first."

Reporter Yu Da hurriedly got in the car.

The car started slowly.

Zhou Xiong's face darkened.

He trotted into the warehouse and searched around.

He recalled the route he had taken when he set the fire. He walked along the path he remembered and finally came to the window. There were two feet on the ground, one big and one small, probably a man and a woman.

It seemed that they were the photographer and reporter who had just arrived.

Zhou Xiong saw a small piece of traces of digging in the pile of burnt ashes under the window.

It was obvious that they had found something here.

According to the size of the traces of digging, it was exactly the same size as the watch he had lost.

Was his watch discovered and found by them?

The person who just sat in the front seat said that he was going to the police station to deliver something.

That thing must be his watch.

At this moment, Zhou Hao's heart sank.

He had appeared outside wearing that watch many times.

There were even photos of him wearing it in some news reports.

As long as he sent it to the police station, they would soon find out that the watch was his.

Then the fact that he was at the scene of the fire would be discovered.

Then he would be completely exposed.

Zhou Xiong thought about the seriousness of the matter.

He must do everything he can to stop them from sending the watch to the police station.

Zhou Xiong's face showed a hint of viciousness.

He took out his phone and


In reporter Yu Da's car, the driver drove very steadily.

But reporter Yu Da was very anxious.

"Lao Wang, drive faster."

She urged anxiously.

""Oh, why are you in such a hurry? You are not usually so anxious."

The driver replied slowly.

"Lao Wang, please drive faster. I am waiting to go with my girlfriend.

The photographer stood on the side of reporter Yu and also hoped that the driver would drive faster.

"You young people, why are you in such a hurry? It is best to drive steadily and walk steadily."

The driver said with a serious look on his face.

"Lao Wang, this is very important. We must go to the police station as soon as possible."

Reporter Yu was very scared. Zhou Xiong's reaction made her feel very uneasy.

Zhou Xiong was not a kind person who dared to commit arson.

And when the photographer just let the cat out of the bag, Zhou Xiong acted too calmly.

Calmness was a bit scary.

Arson caused so many people to be injured. In the eyes of reporter Yu, Zhou Xiong was a cruel person.

She didn't know what Zhou Xiong would do next.

""Okay, okay, let's go faster."

The driver slowly increased the speed, but the reporter still felt that the speed was not enough.

The sky gradually darkened, and the police station was still about ten kilometers away.

The driver turned right and turned accurately.

""Be careful!"

Reporter Yu Da, who had been carefully watching the surroundings of the car, suddenly shouted loudly.


A fully loaded dump truck hit the car where Reporter Yu Da was sitting.

The airbag of the driver's seat popped out directly.

But the car had been completely overturned by the collision, and was pushed by the rubble to hit the lamppost on the side of the road.

The lamppost was directly broken, and the car was also turned upside down and directly inserted into the broken lamppost.

The thick lamppost pierced through the roof of the car and pierced into the car.

The driver and the photographer were directly stabbed to death by the lamppost.

The dump truck started forward and backward again, hitting the car several times.

After making sure that the car was completely scrapped, the dump truck backed up and drove away.

Reporter Yu Da, who was sitting in the back seat, opened her eyes in despair at this moment. She could no longer move.

The pain all over her body made her no longer know how serious her injuries were.

The severe pain made her heavy eyelids unable to close.

Is she going to die?

She felt a little sad.

Zhou Xiong, you are really cruel.

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