Fang Xin frowned at Han Mengmeng's words.

What on earth did this reporter discover that he was retaliated against so harshly?

Fang Xin could only express his sympathy.

And then he would do his best.

The big SUV arrived at the hospital entrance.

Fang Xin got out first.

He didn't have time to wait for Han Mengmeng to park the car.

Outside the door of the emergency department, a nurse was anxiously waiting.

"Doctor Fang, you are finally here!"

The nurse saw Fang Xin coming over and hurried to greet her.

"Are all the departments ready?"

Fang Xin asked.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for you to come over." said the nurse

"I'll go change my clothes and be there soon!

Fang Xin walked into the locker room.

He changed his clothes as quickly as possible and entered the operating room.

Immediately, a nurse changed him into a dustproof suit.

Everything was ready.

"Is there any problem with preparing blood, rehydrating fluids, and giving oxygen?"

Fang Xin walked onto the operating table.

"Everything is fine!" the assistant replied

"Okay, maintain the acid-base balance, protect liver and kidney function, and prevent renal failure!"

Fang Xin issued another order

"Everything is ready."

The assistant said after checking again.

In the current situation, the bleeding from the penetrating wound on the left chest must be stopped first.

As for the comminuted fractures throughout the body, they will be reset after the bleeding is stopped.

"Have you prepared the cardiopulmonary bypass machine?"

Under the effect of concentration and Zhenlong's purpose,

Fang Xin already knew the wound on the left chest of reporter Yu Da.

However, for the sake of caution, if the heart is accidentally damaged during the operation, the cardiopulmonary bypass machine is still needed to operate the heart system.

""It's ready."

The assistant replied.

Fang Xin nodded secretly.

This hospital is obviously much more professional.

All the instruments that could be used were used. They tried their best to rescue the injured.

"Continue blood transfusion, pay attention to arterial pressure and central meridian pressure."

The assistant understood that this was to prevent heavy bleeding when the wound was sutured.

Everyone was ready.

Fang Xin took a deep breath.

With the blessing of concentration and Zhenlong purpose, Fang Xin visually measured the depth of the wound without any error.

According to Han Mengmeng, this was a revenge murder.

Then this killer is really particular.

Is this extremely confident in his own killing methods?

The depth of the penetrating wound into the body is just the depth of piercing the heart.

Either he is a perfectionist or he has obsessive-compulsive disorder.

If the victim's heart had not grown crooked, the victim would have passed away at this moment.

It can even be said that as long as the killer stirred it a little after stabbing, and injured the heart, the victim would not be alive now.

It's a pity that he was too confident.

The penetrating wound just rubbed the heart, just a hair's breadth.

After all, it's not his fate, and the King of Hell won't take it away!

The killer used the sharp wreckage of the car to kill people directly.

The wound was full of debris and oil.

The first thing to do after suturing is to clean the wound.

This step should not be difficult to do, but the assistants did not do it.

"Doctor Fang, it's not that we don't want to do it, it's just that it's too difficult and we can't do it!"

As if seeing Fang Xin's confusion, the assistant spoke up.

They really didn't dare to do it. There were too many and too sparse debris.

Some were too close to the heart.

As long as the hand was a little unstable, it would cause damage to the heart.

So the assistant doctor didn't dare to operate at all.

""Clean the wound! I'll do it!"

Fang Xin commanded.

Activating the Heaven-Repairing Hand,

Fang Xin carefully cut open the wound, removing the debris along the way bit by bit.

As the incision went deeper and deeper,

Fang Xin could see the broken ribs. She carefully avoided the ribs and continued to cut down.

Time passed little by little.

The wound became deeper and deeper, and more and more small debris were taken out.

With a light cut, the assistant's heart almost came to his throat.

The knife was almost cut close to the heart.

If the heart had not just been in a state of contraction, it would have been cut to the heart.

This was extremely dangerous in the eyes of the assistant.

But under Fang Xin's concentration, he had already mastered the heartbeat frequency to the last detail.

How could the heart be injured?

Finally, he reached the bottom of the wound.

Some paint debris was accumulated here.

After cleaning, the assistant breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the wound was sutured, the life of the injured person would be saved.

This was much simpler for Fang Xin.

After a dazzling operation, the wound was sutured.

The next step was to reposition the bones.

But the premise is that the vital signs of the injured person are stable.

This requires a certain amount of time to observe

"The patient's vital signs are stable"

"The patient's blood pressure has recovered, but very slowly."

"Continue blood transfusion!"

Fang Xin gave the order.

It will take some time to wait before the next operation can be continued.

But Fang Xin knew that the injured person was no longer in danger of life.

Three hours had passed since leaving the operating room.

The continuous high-intensity use of Concentration, Zhenlong Eyes and Bu Tian Hand made Fang Xin's eyes a little sore.

Sitting on a chair in the corridor outside the operating room,

Fang Xin thought about what Han Mengmeng said.

""Did the operation go well?"

A pleasant voice sounded in his ears.

Fang Xin looked up and saw Han Mengmeng standing beside him with a bag in her hand.

"It went smoothly.

Fang Xin replied

"Have a drink."

Han Mengmeng took out a cup of hot coffee from the bag and put it in Fang Xin's hand.

"Thank you."

The bitter aroma that entered his throat gave him some extra energy.

""What are you thinking about?"

Han Mengmeng asked Fang Xin, who was worried.

"I was thinking about your speculation about revenge, and I did find something unusual.

Fang Xin described the condition of the victim's right chest penetrating wound.

"It seems that it was really done by a top killer.���He would have stabbed him one more time or made some destructive moves. Only top killers would be so confident in their skills."

Han Mengmeng made the same judgment as Fang Xin.

But there is no police investigation report now, and it is estimated that the investigation will not reveal anything.

Since he is a top killer, he will definitely not leave any evidence of the crime.

So how to find the murderer becomes the most troublesome thing.

"These are none of your business, why are you worrying about them?"

Han Mengmeng asked

"The injured were reporters. It was said that the incident happened on their way back from investigating the fire scene. I think this incident has something to do with me."

Fang Xin said

"How are these connected?"

Han Mengmeng had just returned from abroad and didn't know what had happened recently.

"The fire happened in the warehouse of Modu Pharmaceuticals, and I had a conflict with Zhou Hao, the son of Zhou Xiong, the former manager of Modu Pharmaceuticals.

Fang Xin told the story between him, Zhou Hao and Chen Siwen.

"It is basically certain that Zhou Xiong was the mastermind behind the fire and the accident."

Han Mengmeng said with certainty.

"Are you so sure?"

Fang Xin was skeptical but not sure.

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