She couldn't understand why a scene that only existed in movies could actually appear in real life. Most importantly, it was operated by an old man with white hair.

Such driving skills are enough to kill most boys in seconds!

Sure enough, there is no age limit for being cool.

After seeing Senior Zeng Changsheng stride into the hospital, Fang Xin looked at Gu Tian on the side, smiled embarrassedly, and then followed Senior Zeng's steps and walked in.

Fang Xin really didn't know how to explain Senior Zeng's operation just now. After all, it was the first time he met, and before leaving, Professor Ding didn't tell him that Senior Zeng could drift.

Seeing Fang Xin's embarrassment, Gu Tian didn't ask much and followed him in. For some reason, she always felt that Fang Xin's identity was not simple. How could a boss send a Rolls-Royce to pick up his subordinates, and find an old man driving a Ferrari with just a phone call? Any normal person can see that Fang Xin is a person of status.

Moreover, he was not a bit stronger than Chu Tian. The most important thing was that Fang Xin was low-key and kind, and his medical skills were also very good. These points alone left a very good impression on Gu Tian.

"The truth is like a dog-skin plaster that can't be shaken off. It's back again in just a short while!"

""Zeng... Dean Zeng! Why are you here? Wait a minute, I will ask the security guards to drive these two troublemakers away!"

The staff who were originally arrogant and domineering immediately became respectful after seeing Zeng Changsheng.

Zeng Changsheng, as the dean of the Imperial Capital Hospital, is not someone that a small person like him can meet easily. That is why he only knew that the dean in front of him was named Zeng. But he had no idea that the Zeng Changsheng that Fang Xin mentioned just now was the dean in front of him. At this moment, the staff did not realize that they had already caused a disaster.

"Oh my god, Senior Zeng is actually the director of the Imperial Capital Hospital. No wonder Professor Ding said that there is no need to prepare anything and just give the recommendation letter to Senior Zeng."

"However, this guy didn't even know the name of the dean of his hospital, and he was so arrogant. He deserved to die."

Seeing this scene, Fang Xin secretly said in his heart.


After knowing that the old man in front of him was the dean, Gu Tian's three views were overturned. She didn't know how to look at Fang Xin. Is this still the Fang Xin she knew in her impression?

Not only that, Chu Tian and Liang Lili hurried over after learning the identity of the old man. If they could leave an impression on the dean of the Imperial Capital Hospital, their future careers would be relatively easier.

"I can't bear to be called the dean. Didn't you just call me a fool in front of my friends? Why are you calling me the dean now? You should just call me a fool!"

Zeng Changsheng stared at the staff in front of him and said unhappily. What happened today not only embarrassed him, but also embarrassed the entire Imperial Capital Hospital.

If this matter gets out, how can he gain a foothold in the medical circle in the future? It is simply a great shame!

"Dean, I...I……"

Hearing this, the staff member collapsed on the ground and stared at Fang Xin. How could he know that Zeng Changsheng, whom Fang Xin just mentioned, was the dean!

Moreover, he was such a small fry, not to mention the dean, he didn't even know the names of the section chiefs. He really ruined his own future today.

"Okay, from today on you are no longer an employee of my Imperial Capital Hospital"

"Xiao Fang, you don't need to worry about the formalities. I will take care of it for you. This is your girlfriend, right? I will inform your professor later."

"In the evening, I sent someone to pick you and your girlfriend up, firstly to welcome you, and secondly to apologize to you."

"If you hadn't come, I wouldn't have known that the abuse of power in the Imperial Capital Hospital was so serious. I'll leave now. This hospital needs to be rectified."

"Dean Zeng, we are also friends of Fang Xin. Can we meet in the evening?……"

""Okay! Let's go together!"

After saying that, Zeng Changsheng left without giving Fang Xin a chance to explain. After all, today was too embarrassing, and Zeng Changsheng really didn't want to stay here any longer.

He had to clean up his hospital, otherwise who knows if there would be trouble in front of important people in the future.

Fang Xin looked at Liang Lili in disbelief. He never thought that this woman would be so shameless. She looked down on him before, but now she said she was her friend.

At this moment, Gu Tian's cheeks were flushed and she looked shy. This was not the first time she was mistaken for Fang Xin's girlfriend. Are they so well matched?

""Let's go! Let's go to the hotel to rest!"

Looking at Fang Xin who was in the limelight, Chu Tian was very upset. Today, he wanted to use Fang Xin to"save the beauty" and show his heroic spirit, so that Gu Tian would like him.

Unexpectedly, he was actually fooled by Fang Xin in front of him, and she even knew the dean. How could he reason with her?

What's more infuriating is that Dean Zeng thought Gu Tian was Fang Xin's girlfriend. If someone else said this, Chu Tian would have exploded.

Unfortunately, this time it was the dean of the Imperial Capital Hospital. Even if Chu Tian's family had connections, he couldn't compete with the dean of the Imperial Capital Hospital.

"Gu Tian, take Fang Xin with you, let's go together. Chu Tian happened to be driving the car. We were just joking with you just now. You can see that we two like to joke."

Liang Lili walked to Gu Tian's side, changed her expression just now, and said with a smile on her face.

At this moment, Liang Lili can be said to have taken the word shameless to the extreme.

Fang Xin didn't say much, because Senior Zeng had already regarded them as friends together, and now���It was not good to bother Senior Zeng any more, so I had to wait until the evening to discuss this matter.

"Yes, let's go together! We didn't leave on purpose, Brother Fang won't be angry, right?"

Chu Tian also hurriedly said with a smile. Although he didn't like Fang Xin, his"rival in love", who wanted him to know the dean of the Imperial Capital Hospital?

"No, it just so happens that I don't know anyone in the capital, so let's go together."

Fang Xin said with a smile. He knew that they were all students, so he didn't want to make things difficult for them. Besides, they didn't do anything out of the ordinary to him. It was his first time in the capital and he was unfamiliar with the place. It was better to have a few more people to take care of each other than to be alone.

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