Lying on the soft zero-pressure bed, Fang Xin's mind emptied, sleepiness gradually came over her, and she fell asleep as soon as her eyelids drooped.

At the same time, there were constant shouts in Chu Tian and Liang Lili's room.


"You got me drunk"

"Hey, Xiao Fang, I hope I didn’t disturb your rest!"

"Where do you and your friend live? I'll send a driver to pick you up."

As the phone rang, Fang Xin rubbed his sleepy eyes, and at the same time Zeng Changsheng's voice came.

After telling the location of the hotel, Fang Xin realized that he had slept for four hours. It must be said that the bed in room 1288 is different. You can sleep so soundly. After a simple wash, looking at the handsome self in the mirror, and then looking at the clothes on his body, he always felt that it was a bit inappropriate to go to the banquet like this.

But Fang Xin had no choice. After all, he didn't have many clothes at all, let alone a decent one.

"Hey, it's time to buy something for myself!" Fang Xin thought to himself, otherwise he would never be able to get rid of the label of a loser.

Ten minutes later, Chu Tian and others also arrived at the door of the hotel lobby. After seeing Liang Lili's awkward walking posture, Fang Xin also guessed what Chu Tian did during the few hours when he was sleeping.

On the other hand, Gu Tian was wearing a decent black dress. Her figure was well displayed against the background of the clothes, dignified and elegant. Fang

Xin never thought that Gu Tian's figure was so graceful, it was not an exaggeration to say that she was a stunner on earth.

"Fang Xin, thank you for this time."

After realizing that Fang Xin's eyes were fixed on her, Gu Tian said embarrassedly

""Ahem~ It's okay, it's okay!"

Fang Xin subconsciously waved her hand and walked towards the Gust parked at the door.

There was no conversation along the way...

After a 20-minute drive, Fang Xin and the others saw a restaurant called"Yi Jiangnan". The two huge stone lions at the door were even more domineering.

Not only that, the entire restaurant was magnificent, and the word"luxury" was reflected everywhere.

"This is a rich man!"

Looking at all this, Fang Xin sighed inwardly.

Led by a waiter in cheongsam, Fang Xin and others finally stopped in a room called"Youzhu". It seemed that this was the private room that Senior Zeng had prepared for them.

Along the way, Fang Xin deliberately kept calm and tried to act like a frequent visitor, but even so, his eyes still revealed great shock.

Not only Fang Xin, but even Chu Tian, who had been hanging out in high-end places for many years, was like this.

"Brother Xiaofang, you are here!"

"Don't be nervous, just sit down!"

After seeing Fang Xin and the others coming, Zeng Changsheng also seemed very enthusiastic. Unlike during the day, this time Zeng Changsheng changed into a neat suit, and a feeling of a successful person emerged spontaneously.

"Xiao Fang, I have heard about your story in the reports. You are so decisive in practicing medicine at such a young age. You can even perform the surgery that was originally performed by Lao Ding. Your future is limitless!"


Hearing Zeng Changsheng constantly telling about Fang Xin's deeds, Chu Tian and others felt that Fang Xin was so familiar at this moment. They always felt that they had seen him somewhere, but they just couldn't remember where.

""Senior Zeng, what are you talking about? I don't even have a medical qualification certificate. It's all because of my friends in the media who are praising me. Besides, we doctors are supposed to save lives and heal the wounded."

Fang Xin replied hurriedly. Although he had made some achievements in the past few days, compared with Zeng Changsheng in front of him, he was nothing compared to him.

"Ah! I said I felt familiar with him when we first met. It turned out to be the popular boy on the Internet, Fang Xin!"

For a moment, all eyes were focused on Liang Lili. Seeing everyone's eyes, Liang Lili instantly realized that she had said the wrong thing and lowered her head in embarrassment.

In fact, Gu Tian had already guessed that Fang Xin was the person reported a few days ago, but because too many things had happened before, she had never confirmed it with Fang Xin himself. Unexpectedly

, Liang Lili actually said it in front of Dean Zeng. Fang Xin didn't even need to explain, they took the initiative to admit it.

"How many of you?"

"We just met not long ago, it's fate!"

Seeing this, Fang Xin hurriedly explained.

Fortunately, Senior Zeng didn't care about anything. During the whole dinner, Senior Zeng was discussing medical skills with Fang Xin, and didn't pay much attention to Gu Tian and others.

But even so, the three of them benefited a lot. It was at this moment that Gu Tian was really shocked by Fang Xin.

She never thought that Fang Xin was so deeply involved in medical research, and he had made great achievements in several different medical fields. It was no exaggeration to say that he was all-round.

After the meal, Fang Xin and others said goodbye to Zeng Changsheng and returned to their hotel.

It was also at the dinner that Fang Xin and others learned that Senior Zeng had deliberately changed the time of the training. The training originally scheduled for two days later was changed to start at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Moreover, Zeng The senior also specially divided them into the same group, and the team leader was named Pang Jin.

According to Zeng Changsheng, this Pang Jin was a very famous professor in their hospital, so he hoped that Fang Xin would study hard. Don't let him and Elder Ding down.

The next morning,

Fang Xin arrived at the Imperial Capital Hospital early, and at this moment, each ward was full of doctors in white coats. These people, like Fang Xin, came here to get their medical qualifications.

Here, no matter how many operations they have performed or how many patients they have cured, it is useless!

From this moment on, they are interns under their respective team leaders, and everything must be arranged according to the arrangements. Ward rounds to understand the condition of each patient are what they have to learn today.

"My name is Pang Jin, and I will be your team leader for this period of time. Come with me!" said an old lady with white hair. Although her hair is white, she walks very steadily. Many doctors who come to learn cannot keep up with her pace.

"This patient is……"

Fang Xin felt a sense of admiration for Pang Jin during his diagnosis. With his primary Zhenlong vision, he could see the problem at a glance, and then analyze with the powerful system to draw accurate conclusions.

But Professor Pang Jin's inferences always coincided with his, and several times his speed surpassed Fang Xin. You know, Fang Xin has the blessing of the system. Professor

Pang Jin, on the other hand, only relied on her experience to make judgments, and just relying on this one point was enough to make Fang Xin admire her.

It seems that Senior Zeng Changsheng did not deceive me. This Professor Pang Jin is really a skilled doctor. I can learn a lot from her during this period of time.

When Fang Xin thought of this, the corners of her mouth could not help but outline a curve.

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