The strong wind had not yet stopped, and several people were standing in front of the main building.

Xiaoxue fiddled with her bangs that were messed up by the wind, glanced at Fang Xin, and said with a smile:

"Yes, open the banner and take a look!"

President Liu saw that Director Jiang's face was not right, and he knew that he had gone too far this time, but he still gritted his teeth and opened the banner.

"Kind Hands"

"The Miracle Doctor Reborn"

"Save the dying and heal the wounded."

The three silk banners were opened one after another, and Director Jiang's face became even colder.

Xiaoxue sneered and said:

"It's OK, at least it didn't say"healing the world".

Fang Xin looked at the embarrassed look of Dean Liu and Wang Yuwu and immediately grinned.

Xiaoxue took the three silk banners and said as she walked into the main building:

"Dean Liu, Doctor Wang, let's go and see if these three banners should be hung here."

Just then, another gust of wind blew, and the bodies of several people at the door swayed.

At this moment, everyone heard a creaking sound of metal rubbing against each other above their heads, and then saw something falling from the main building.

A large piece of glass with an iron frame fell from above. Xiaoxue only had time to look up and was immediately knocked to the ground by the large piece of glass.

The huge sound of glass shattering came, and everyone was stunned.


Director Jiang rushed forward and knelt on the ground with bloodshot eyes.

The incident happened suddenly, and even Fang Xin was a little unprepared.

Xiaoxue was lying in a pool of blood, with a banner stained even redder by blood in her hand.

【There were 27 injuries, the most serious of which was a puncture wound on the heart. The thickness of the glass was 3.5 mm, the width was 3 cm, and the depth was about 5 cm. The amount of bleeding was extremely large and immediate first aid was needed!】

"Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance quickly!"

Director Liu hurriedly stepped forward and said.

Fang Xin pushed him away and said sternly:

"Why call an ambulance! Her heart is injured, and if the blood in her pericardium is not removed quickly, she could die at any time! This is the hospital, clear out the operating room and prepare for emergency treatment!"

""You know shit. The equipment here is not complete. There is no extracorporeal circulation equipment!" Wang Yuwu cursed. For heart surgery, the returning venous blood must be drained to the outside of the body through a series of special artificial devices. After artificial gas exchange, temperature adjustment and filtration, it is then returned to the body's arterial system.

This kind of equipment is only available in large hospitals. How can a skin hospital be qualified to have it?

"Who said there wasn't one?"

Director Liu said quickly,"There is an ECMO in the operating room."

Director Liu had already seen that there was no turning back!

If the patient could be saved here, Director Jiang would not pursue the responsibility no matter what.

Even if it failed and the patient died, so what? It was already like this, how much worse could it get?

"Director Jiang must not know about the ECMO.……"Wang Yuwu was halfway through his words when he suddenly became speechless.

"Get out of here! You idiot!"

Fang Xin stepped forward and said:

"We must give her emergency treatment immediately. Prepare saline solution, adrenaline, a ventilator, and a cardiac stimulant."

Director Jiang was already at a loss.

He was also a doctor and was very aware of the current crisis, but he didn't dare to gamble!

A heart wound could be life-threatening if not handled with care. Xiaoxue was his niece. If something happened to her, how would he explain it to his brother?

"What are you standing there for? Give me a hand, keep her level, don't move her chest, and lift her to the bed.

Fang Xin said, and placed the transfer bed pushed by the nurse horizontally in front of the door.

Director Jiang finally reacted and lifted Xiaoxue to the bed with Fang Xin.

"Push it to the operating room, turn on the extracorporeal circulation, and prepare for surgery!"

Director Jiang saw Fang Xin's expression and ran after the cart while saying:

"What are you going to do? Are you sure?"

"Do you have a choice?"

Fang Xin frowned and said:

"It takes at least half an hour to get to the nearest 174 Hospital from here. It's still the afternoon rush hour, and the traffic jam will take an hour!

Fang Xin said, looking at Director Jiang's anxious expression in front of him, his heart softened, and he said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, if she dies, I will pay for her life!"

In the operating room, Fang Xin put on his surgical gown again and took a deep breath.

Director Jiang, Dean Liu and Doctor Wang, who were all wearing surgical gowns, took a deep breath.

Fang Xin picked up the scalpel, and everything in front of him became clear again.

He carefully but quickly cut open the wound, and the information in front of him was quickly integrated in his brain.

"The glass penetrated the chest cavity, pierced the pericardium, and pierced into the right ventricle. Blood rushed from the right ventricle to the pericardium and then into the chest cavity, causing a large amount of pericardial effusion and pleural effusion."

"Block the artery and connect to ECMO"

"Prepare to take out the glass!"

Fang Xin used the scalpel to slowly open the wound along the place where the glass was inserted, and carefully took out the glass.

"Clear the pericardial effusion and pleural effusion.

Fang Xin kept picking up various tools from the tray, and each movement was extremely fast. Director Jiang next to him was shocked.

Although the three of them were standing here, they could hardly help.

Fang Xin's movements were extremely skillful, as if he had performed such operations countless times.

At this moment, a nurse next to him suddenly said:

"Ultrasound testing showed that there were several pieces of glass debris inside the right ventricle.

Fang Xin glanced at the ultrasound instrument, gently picked up the tweezers, closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, everything in front of him became extremely clear.

""Open your eyes!" Fang

Xin saw a few tiny pieces of debris glittering in the blood-covered area of the heart.

He used tweezers to pick out the fragments bit by bit and put them on the tray.

"Prepare for pericardial tamponade and suture the heart!"

Fang Xin said, and started to do it again.

Time passed little by little, but Fang Xin's energy was not distracted at all.

Director Jiang on the side was speechless.

He noticed that Fang Xin's suturing skills were very advanced. He clamped the tiny needle with tweezers and shuttled back and forth, and quickly sutured the wound.

The action was clean and neat, and it was done in one go.

"What is the patient's blood type? When restoring arterial function, a synchronous blood transfusion is required!"

Director Jiang quickly said,"I am her uncle, and my blood type is exactly the same as hers. Use mine!"

Director Liu and Doctor Wang next to him were stunned.

"What are you standing there for? Draw blood!"

"The pericardial tamponade is complete and the suturing is finished!"

"Wound suture completed!"

"Cut off ECMO and restore the artery."

Several people hurriedly stared at the instruments, fearing that there would be problems.

"The pulse is normal!"

"Breathe normally!"

"Blood pressure is lower than normal!"

Fang Xin nodded and said,"Give me a shot of cardiotonic."

"Her heart has just been stitched up, so it's not a good idea to give her a shot of cardiac stimulant, right?" Dean Liu quickly stopped her.

Fang Xin picked up the needle and thread, and without raising her head, she treated the wounds on other parts of Xiaoxue's body and said:

""I'll do the stitches, no problem! I'll do the blood transfusion after the injection."

After doing all this, the nurse said excitedly:

"Normal blood pressure!"

"All vital signs are normal! The patient is out of danger!"

Director Jiang beside him breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't be happy too soon!"

Fang Xin poured a basin of cold water on him in time.

"She's disfigured!"

Director Jiang said as he looked at the place Fang Xin pointed and immediately took a breath of cold air.

Just now, his eyes had been focused on the heart and he didn't rest at all. On Xiaoxue's face, there was a shocking scar that was a full finger long.

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