"Okay, continue to supply oxygen to the patient and keep all body parameters normal!"

Fang Xin issued another order.

"It's Doctor Fang."

The assistant didn't hesitate at all. Time is life now.

Pang Jin's current situation is not optimistic. Fang Xin thought that the difficulty of this operation would not be too high. After all, the difficulty of cerebral thrombosis surgery mainly depends on the location of thrombus formation and the surrounding adjacent relationship, and the time of thrombus formation is closely related.

According to the different degrees of difficulty, the focus of the operation is also different, but he never expected that Pang Jin's condition would be so complicated, which forced Fang Xin to choose the most difficult method.

"Prepare to perform thigh puncture and sheath placement."

Fang Xin said firmly. The reason for choosing this is to use this sheath to introduce some special guide wires and catheters directly into the artery, the most common of which is the middle cerebral artery.

It can help to dredge the blood, reduce the patient's pain, and bring a glimmer of hope to the operation.

At this moment, Fang Xin's every move in the operating room was also seen by Zeng Changsheng and other doctors through the monitor screen. They were not there to monitor Fang Xin, but to ensure that the operation could proceed smoothly.

Although Zeng Changsheng trusted Fang Xin very much, no one could guarantee that there would be no mistakes during the period, and they could also get the latest information through monitoring, all of which was agreed by Fang Xin himself.

"Fang Xin is really young, and she directly adopted the most difficult method."

Looking at Fang Xin's every move in the surveillance video, Zeng Changsheng sighed.

At the moment, Fang Xin was busy in the operating room, and the nurse next to him kept wiping the sweat from Fang Xin's forehead. It was impossible to say that he was not nervous.

Fortunately, the medical equipment of the Imperial Capital Hospital is very advanced, so the operation has been very smooth so far, without any trouble.

"Next, you must pay attention to the patient's heart rate and various indicators. I am going to remove the thrombus."

Fang Xin said with a firm look. This is the last step of the entire operation, and it is also the most critical and important step. If this step is wrong, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and the patient may die.


After getting the assistant's affirmation, Fang Xin began the final operation through the electron microscope.

Fang Xin put in a thinner guide wire, gradually passed the corresponding blood clot inside, and gently inserted a stent with his right hand to expand the stent.

For a moment, the blood clot was exposed to everyone's vision. It was fixed with a stent. After making sure that the blood vessel wall would not rupture, Fang Xin began to slowly drag the blood clot out with the guide wire.

At this moment, both the people in the operating room and the people outside were worried. Removing the blood clot requires not only the doctor's actions but also the blood vessels. It was extremely slow, and required steady hands.

Any slight shake could cause blood clots to form at best, or puncture blood vessels at worst. You have to know that this is the artery of the brain, and once it ruptures, the patient can be declared dead.

Fang Xin took a deep breath.

With the blessing of concentration and precision, Fang Xin could measure the depth of the wound accurately, and his hands began to move slowly.

As time passed, most of the blocked blood clots were cleared, and only a small part remained.

It can be said that the entire operation has been a success so far.

""You guys will do the cleaning next. I have already done the hardest part."

Looking at the assistant beside him, Fang Xin said slowly. The high concentration just now consumed a lot of his energy. If he performed the whole operation by himself, he might not be able to stick to the following procedures.

So at this moment, Fang Xin chose to let the assistant handle it, so that he could take a break and replenish his energy to complete the final suture work.

"Doctor Fang, we really can't do this. We are all temporarily transferred from other departments. We have no experience in this area and can only help you."

The assistant at the side said helplessly

"Why don't you let the brain department come?"

Fang Xin's tone was a little angry. If that was the case, what difference would it make if these assistants stayed here or not?

"All the brain department personnel have been transferred away, so……"

Hearing this, Fang Xin calmed down. She was so focused on the surgery that she had forgotten about it.

If the brain surgeon hadn't left, how could she have gotten to do the surgery? Thinking about her attitude just now, Fang Xin said a little embarrassedly.

"Then you guys know how to suture the wound, right?"

""Doctor Fang, don't worry, there will be no problem with the wound suturing."

The assistant at the side said firmly. Seeing this, Fang Xin nodded and began the final cleaning work.

This operation was an arduous and protracted battle. Fang Xin's forehead was sweating profusely, and the assistant kept wiping his sweat. Although it was just the treatment of residual blood clots, it was not easy at all. After all, in small blood vessels, larger blood clots are easier to handle than residues.

If the small residues are not cleaned up, it will bury a big hidden danger for future cerebral thrombosis. He Fang Xin will never allow such a thing to happen again.

Since the disease is to be cured, the root cause must be cut off thoroughly.

As time went on, Fang Xin's legs began to numb due to long-term standing. He was no longer sure how long the operation had lasted, but he kept repeating the blood clot cleaning work.

Now in his world, there are only patients! Only blood clots!

"Dean Zeng, I was rude just now. I apologize for my rashness."

"I underestimated Dr. Fang Xin. Dr. Fang's skills made me feel ashamed. But I am also very pleased that there is a person with such superb medical skills as Fang Xin in the future."

Dr. Wang stood up and apologized to Dean Zeng. His expression was extremely rich. He was ashamed of his behavior, but also admired Fang Xin.

"Doctor Wang, I understand your feelings just now. This Fang Xin is indeed a good seedling. Old Ding still has a sharp eye."

"Everyone, I hope Fang Xin can stay in our Imperial Capital Hospital after getting her medical qualification certificate. Do you have any opinions?"

Looking at Fang Xin's busy figure in the operating room, Zeng Changsheng said slowly


"We must let Fang Xin come to our department!"


At this moment, all the doctors present admired Fang Xin.

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