Holding the certificate of honor in his hand, Fang Xin felt for the first time that honor was so hot. As the old saying goes, people are afraid of being famous, just like pigs are afraid of being fat. It is better to be low-key in dealing with people, otherwise you will be like Fang Xin at this moment, embarrassed to the point of being unable to step down.

"In the next few days, you will go to Renhe Hospital for internship, and Fang Xin, as a role model, will be in Didu Hospital. I hope you can take Fang Xin as a role model in the future.……"

At this moment, Fang Xin was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole to hide in.

He didn't understand, couldn't Dean Zeng see so many eyes that wanted to"eat him"? It was enough to issue an honorary certificate, why did he let him stay in the Imperial Capital Hospital.

Although Fang Xin knew that he had such strength, he still didn't want others to gossip about him behind his back, so he quickly said to Dean Zeng

"Dean, I'd better go to Renhe Hospital with everyone. Although Professor Pang can't take us, she said that we are a group, and I also want to go to a smaller hospital to practice at the grassroots level and gain experience."

Fang Xin hurriedly changed his words. He really didn't want to be the subject of everyone's discussion.

After hearing Fang Xin's words, Zeng Changsheng was stunned at first. He never thought that Fang Xin would refuse to practice at the Imperial Capital Hospital, which is a place that many people in the industry are scrambling to come. After a brief thought, Zeng Changsheng said again:

"Look at Fang Xin, he is not only an excellent doctor, but also has a high level of ideological awareness.……"


After a morning of confusing operations, Fang Xin wanted to die. Now, wherever he went, people would talk about him, but he couldn't refute.

So Fang Xin could only comfort himself: the strong are always lonely.

"Don't pay attention to what they say, they are just jealous."

After hearing the voice, Fang Xin turned his head and found that Gu Tian, Chu Tian and Liang Lili appeared behind him. They had not seen each other since Professor Pang fell to the ground yesterday.

"Brother Fang, I'm in awe of you now. You can actually perform a cerebral thrombosis surgery on Professor Pang Jin in the Imperial Capital Hospital, which is famous for its brain department. You're really amazing!"Chu Tian praised him repeatedly.

Although he didn't like Fang Xin much before, he has become a fanboy of Fang Xin now.

"Thank you for the compliment! We are all excellent!"

Fang Xin said with a smile. This is not Fang Xin bragging about business, but after the incident yesterday, Chu Tian and others were also very calm, much better than others.

"Brother Fang, if you don't mind, take my car and go to Renhe Hospital together."

"Yes, let's go together!"

Gu Tian said in a low voice. She didn't know why she felt empty in her heart when she didn't see Fang Xin yesterday. She had countless things to say to Fang Xin, but now that they met, she couldn't say a word.

"What are you talking about? Aren't we just friends?"

Fang Xin said with a smile. Now Fang Xin has completely accepted them.

Along the way, under Liang Lili's questioning, Fang Xin told them everything that happened during the time they were away yesterday and the process of the operation.

This made Liang Lili and the others admire Fang Xin even more, but Fang Xin didn't notice that at this moment, Gu Tian looked at him with a hint of shyness in addition to admiration.

An hour later, they finally arrived at Renhe Hospital.

Unlike the Imperial Capital Hospital in the city center, Renhe Hospital is completely in the suburbs, but even so, there is still an endless stream of patients coming to see a doctor.

This is also the most puzzling thing for Fang Xin since he started practicing medicine. It stands to reason that as people's living standards improve, the probability of getting sick should gradually decrease, but who would have thought that it is increasing.

"You guys are here for internship, right?"

The staff member asked with a tone full of impatience, holding the introduction letters of several people.

"Yes, which department do you think we should go to?"

Chu Tian asked politely, without any arrogance as when they first met. After all, internship is their last step. As long as everything goes well, they can get the medical qualification certificate, so there is no room for carelessness.

"You guys go to the surgery department to be assistants. What you do specifically depends on what the doctor tells you. Go in, turn right and go to the logistics department to get your work clothes and change into them."

After that, the staff of Renhe Hospital ignored them.

Looking through the hospital corridor, people of all kinds were in the hospital. Some were happy and some were worried. Looking at these people, Fang Xin couldn't help but feel emotional. After staying in the hospital for a long time, he saw all kinds of things in the world. After all, everything will seem insignificant in the face of life and death.

Looking at the people in white coats, everyone had a smile on their face. As long as they completed their internship, they could get a medical qualification certificate and become a legal doctor in the true sense.

"Hello, we are interns here to work as assistants. My name is Fang Xin.……"

"Okay, I get it. You can call me Doctor Zhang or Teacher Zhang. From now on, you will be responsible for sorting out medical records, giving injections and infusions, and other trivial matters. Now get busy."

Before Fang Xin could finish, Doctor Zhang interrupted her and never looked up at them since then.

"The Imperial Capital Hospital is the same. They always keep the best talents in their own hospital and give the rest to us, saying that they want to promote exchanges and give opportunities to young people. If you have the ability, you can replace the interns!"

Doctor Zhang muttered in a low voice.

For a moment, Chu Tian was very angry and wanted to fight with Doctor Zhang in front of him, but was stopped by Fang Xin.

"Brother Fang, why are you stopping me? This kind of person deserves to be beaten. Look at what he said!"

After leaving the office, Chu Tian said in a rage.

"Just do our work with peace of mind. You don't want the medical qualification certificate anymore. Besides, you won't see him again after the internship. It's not worth it."

Fang Xin said indifferently. He had seen many powerful people like Dr. Zhang.


In the following time, Fang Xin, like everyone else, was just like a runner, except for comforting the patients and getting them medicine and equipment.

Giving them infusions and injections was a luxury.

"I thought I could learn something from the internship, but I didn't expect that I would be a handyman. This is not as good as the hospital assigned by our school."

Gu Tian looked around and saw that there was no one around, and walked to Fang Xin and whispered.

At the moment, Fang Xin was also very helpless. He never thought that Renhe Hospital was so irresponsible for their internship and only gave them some handyman work.

Not only that, several times Fang Xin found that the doctor's diagnosis was wrong and pointed it out in time, but he was always scolded. Several times, Dr. Zhang found out and punished him to clean the emergency room.

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