Fang Xin understood the seriousness of assaulting someone, not to mention that someone had called the Inspection Bureau, so it was better not to involve Chu Tian and the others.

At worst, he could be thick-skinned and ask for help from those big guys he had just met, and he could still easily get the medical qualification, but it was different for Chu Tian and the others. He might even face the risk of being expelled from school. Fang Xin knew that Chu Tian had a background, but this matter really had nothing to do with them from beginning to end, so there was no need to implicate several people.

It seemed that he still had to hone his mind in the future. Fortunately, his physical level was not too strong, otherwise it was possible that someone would die with one punch.


Ten minutes later, the people from the Inspection Bureau took Fang Xin away.

It was the first time in Fang Xin's life that he was forced into the inspection car by Fang Xin's people in public.

""Tell me, why did you hit someone?"

Two supervisors stared at Fang Xin in the interrogation room.

In the imperial capital, hitting someone is considered a very serious crime, and Fang Xin even knocked the person unconscious, which can be considered as intentional injury.

"Comrade Supervisor, I was wrong this time. I was just impulsive."

"Look, can you give me a chance to reform myself? I am willing to bear all the expenses of the director."

Fang Xin said sincerely. Although it was his first time in the Inspection Bureau, he knew that he had to actively cooperate here, otherwise things would only become more and more complicated.

"Of course you have to bear the cost, since you have admitted to the fact of beating someone."

"In the next few days, you should stay here and reflect on yourself, and wait until the person wakes up before taking the next step."

After that, the two supervisors left the interrogation room, and Fang Xin was taken to a separate room.

At the same time, Zeng Changsheng, who was far away in the Imperial Capital Hospital, also learned about Fang Xin's beating, so he immediately went to the Inspection Bureau where Fang Xin was detained.

Before Fang Xin came, Professor Ding had called him several times, repeatedly asking him to take good care of Fang Xin, but now Fang Xin was taken to the Inspection Bureau.

How could he explain this to his old friend? If this matter was not handled well, Old Ding would come to the Imperial Capital in person to"skin him alive.""


Zeng Changsheng urged anxiously in the car.


"Director, are you feeling better? Are you feeling unwell anywhere?"

"Director, this is the supplement I bought for you!"

"Director, please don't hold Fang Xin responsible. Fang Xin is not sensible."

At this moment, inside Renhe Hospital, since the director woke up, Chu Tian and others have been surrounding him, serving him tea and water, massaging his shoulders and legs.

This is to make the director calm down and stop holding Fang Xin responsible.

They understand that as long as the director does not hold Fang Xin responsible and chooses to settle the matter privately, Fang Xin will not have any major problems and will be able to leave the Inspection Bureau soon.

"Humph! Don't even think about it! I want to punish this Fang Xin!"

"You dare to hit me!"

The director rolled his eyes at the people present and said angrily.

He had never expected Fang Xin to hit him in front of so many medical staff and family members. If he let this matter go, how could he stay in the hospital in the future?

"Who am I? Go out and find out!"

"Being strict with you is for your own good. As an intern, why are you so arrogant? If you are wrong, you are wrong. How dare you hit others!"

The director lying on the bed said angrily.

"Yes, yes, yes, Director, you are right. This Fang Xin is really too outrageous."

Chu Tian and others hurriedly comforted him.



A black Gust stopped and an old man in a suit got out and walked towards the Inspectorate in front of him.

At the same time, the Director of the Inspectorate who had been waiting here for a long time also hurried to greet him.

"Dean Zeng, why did you come here in person?"

Director Li smiled.

Not long after Fang Xin was arrested, the chief director of the Imperial Capital's Inspection Bureau called him and told him that Zeng Changsheng would come to their branch's Inspection Bureau and asked him to meet him early.

Although Zeng Changsheng was not from their system, his strength in the Imperial Capital was unfathomable, and he was simply not comparable to a small director of the Inspection Bureau.

"Director Zhang, I'm afraid I have to trouble you this time. I don't know where Fang Xin is now.

Zeng Changsheng said with a smile

"Fang Xin? Are you talking about the Fang Xin who beat people in Renhe Hospital?"

"He was just brought back by us. Don't worry, we will punish him severely and protect the safety of your medical staff!"

When he heard that he came for Fang Xin's matter, Director Zhang said immediately.

Just now, the chief director called him and did not explain why Zeng Changsheng came, but just asked him to receive him well.

So when Zeng Changsheng mentioned Fang Xin, Director Zhang guessed that he wanted to seek justice for the medical staff, but he didn't know that his direction was completely wrong.

"Director Zhang, you are too kind. Fang Xin is an ignorant child. Please be merciful. As for the director who was beaten, I will send someone to negotiate."

Zeng Changsheng said with a smile.

Fang Xin?

For a moment, Director Zhang was not calm. Anyone could hear that the relationship between Fang Xin and Zeng Changsheng was not simple. Zeng Changsheng came here this time to protect Fang Xin.

But he just said……

"Dean Zeng, I will take you to see Fang Xin now."

"Young man, we can understand that you can't control your temper."

After realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Director Zhang quickly changed his words and took Zeng Changsheng to the place where Fang Xin was imprisoned.

Along the way, Director Zhang also tried to get close to Zeng Changsheng, praising Fang Xin for how well he cooperated with the work and how dignified his attitude was.

It must be said that Director Zhang was able to sit in this position today, and his smoothness in dealing with people and things is not comparable to ordinary people.


"Dean Zeng, why are you here?"

Looking at Zeng Changsheng in front of him, Fang Xin was confused. He didn't know that this matter had reached Zeng Changsheng's ears so quickly. For a moment, Fang Xin didn't know how to explain it.

He expected Zeng Changsheng to come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"You are such a fool. I told you to stay in the Imperial Capital Hospital but you didn't listen and insisted on going to Renhe Hospital."

"Just go ahead, why do you want to hit someone?"

"If that old man finds out, what should I say?"

Zeng Changsheng said unhappily, but his eyes were full of kindness.

After hearing Zeng Changsheng's words, Director Zhang looked at the young man in front of him and thought of Fang Xin as the son of some big shot.

Otherwise, why would Zeng Changsheng come here in person?

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