This time, Fang Xin's main purpose was to apologize and seek Director Gu's forgiveness.

Even if Director Gu had just spread rumors, Fang Xin still had to apologize. She had to make her attitude clear first. As for the rest, it would depend on how Dean Zeng wanted to resolve it.

"Humph! What were you doing earlier?"

Director Gu said unhappily. He didn't want to say a word to Fang Xin in front of him. If Zeng Changsheng hadn't been here, he would have been ready to leave the moment he saw Fang Xin.

"How can you calm down and not bother with me? How about I compensate you a little?"

Fang Xin asked timidly.

""Five hundred thousand, is that okay?"

Looking at the five fingers that Fang Xin stretched out, Director Gu sat in a daze for a long time. Five hundred thousand was not a small sum for him.

He would not lose money in such a deal. What was his dignity in front of money?

The so-called dignity was just that the money was not enough.

""Am I that kind of powerful person?"

Director Gu said this with almost gritted teeth. If Zeng Changsheng hadn't been sitting here, he would have taken the 500,000 yuan a long time ago.

But now the director of the Imperial Capital Hospital is right in front of him, how can he take this money!

At this moment, Director Gu was so regretful that if he had known that Fang Xin was so rich, he should have chosen to settle the matter privately with the District Inspectorate, and maybe he could have gotten more money.

"Director Gu, please accept it. This is also Fang Xin's gift."

"You may not know this, but Fang Xin is the dearest of my best friend. I didn't expect this to happen, so you should blame me, an old man."

As he spoke, Zeng Changsheng picked up the wine glass, walked towards Director Gu, and continued:

"I'll finish this glass of wine, you can do whatever you want!"

After saying that, Zeng Changsheng drank the wine in his hand directly.

What happened in front of him was too fast. Not only that, many things were completely beyond Director Gu's prediction. Director Gu sat in his seat with a dull look in his eyes.

At this moment, Director Gu's brain was working rapidly, and then a shocking idea appeared in his mind.

At this moment, he finally understood why Zeng Changsheng, the dean of the Imperial Capital Hospital, wanted to have dinner with him, and why Fang Xin, who was originally taken away by the Inspection Bureau, suddenly appeared. All this was arranged by Zeng Changsheng and Fang Xin.

It's just that Director Gu has been kept in the dark.

What's more fatal is that from Zeng Changsheng's mouth and Fang Xin's behavior just now, Director Gu also guessed that Fang Xin was not small.

Director Gu thought that Zeng Changsheng was going to vent his anger for him this time, but he didn't expect that he was here to settle accounts with him. For a while, Director Gu's brain was working rapidly, and he drank the white wine in the glass in one gulp and said:

"Xiao Fang, please sit down quickly!"

"And Dean Zeng, how could you toast me? This was all a misunderstanding. Xiao Fang and I were just joking."

"Who knew that other people in the hospital actually took it seriously? I thought they would call the people from the Inspection Bureau. Xiao Fang, you are also apologizing to me, aren't you slapping me in the face? Give me half a million. Young people just love to joke."

After that, Director Gu filled the cup again and looked at Fang Xin and Zeng Changsheng with a smile on his face.

If he had known that Fang Xin had such a strong background, how could he have insulted Fang Xin in public? Now he can only swallow his anger.

Who wants someone else's background to be so strong!

"Director Gu, don't be ridiculous. Although Fang Xin and I have a close relationship, you can't let this confuse people. That's not what you said just now."

Listening to Zeng Changsheng's words, Director Gu couldn't stop sweating.

This was clearly a Hongmen Banquet set up by the two of them. Now he had no choice but to bite the bullet. After all, he couldn't afford to offend Zeng Changsheng or the people behind Fang Xin.

If this matter was not handled properly, he would not only be beaten, but his job might also be lost.

"I was just talking nonsense just now. I must have been drunk."

At this moment, Director Gu just wanted to leave here quickly. Every minute he stayed here, he felt that he was in more"danger"."

"Since Director Gu is joking, Fang Xin can still follow you, after all, his internship only lasts a few days."

"Of course, I can tell you that Fang Xin is a good candidate!"

Director Gu said, wiping the sweat from his head. Now he has no chance to say no.

"In that case, let's eat."


This meal was the most difficult one that Director Gu had ever eaten. The delicacies in front of him were extremely difficult to swallow.

This is the suppression of power. In the face of absolute power, fairness is nothing more than a fairy tale. In the adult world, only the strong have absolute say, and the weak can only obey.

This will not change no matter what level of social development.

The law of the jungle is not only a rule of nature, but also a flaw deeply engraved in human genes that cannot be eradicated.

""Fang Xin, why didn't you tell me earlier that you knew Dean Zeng? Look, the flood has flushed the Dragon King Temple."

After the meal, Director Gu, who was in the same car, laughed.

At this moment, there were only him and Fang Xin in the car. Zeng Changsheng left the dinner after paying the bill because he had an urgent meeting.

After all, Fang Xin's problem had been solved, so there was no need for him to stay there.

And Zeng Changsheng believed that after this incident, the director of Renhe Hospital would not dare to do anything to Fang Xin, after all, Fang Xin had Zeng Changsheng's support behind him.

"You didn't ask, after Director Gu returns to the hospital, can you take me to see more of them? And Liang Lili, Chu Tian and Gu Tian, they are all my friends too."

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements when I get back, but I have one more thing to trouble you with."

Looking at the shy director at the moment, Fang Xin actually felt nauseous. Just imagine a man over 1.8 meters tall, the scene of him being so shy is simply unbearable to watch.

"You say!"

Fang Xin forced a bitter smile from the corner of his mouth and said

"It's just our business. After we go back……"

"Don't worry, if anyone asks me, I will say that you are a great man who does not bear grudges, and that you went to the Inspectorate to explain the situation and chose to forgive me."

"I will also write you a confession, what do you think?"

Fang Xin said immediately. When Director Gu was halfway through his words, he understood what he meant.

After all, he was the director, and Fang Xin would definitely give him enough face in front of his colleagues at Renhe Hospital. Moreover, writing a confession would not cost him his life.

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