"Doctor Wu, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were here to report to the hospital."

"I said, you don't look sick."

Fang Xin hurriedly changed his words after hearing what the nurse said.

With Fang Xin's current status, even a random doctor in the hospital would not greet him, not to mention that he Fang Xin had been in the capital for so many days, and the news about the hospital was still before he left.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a joke.

"It's okay. I've heard from Professor Ding that Dr. Fang Xin is an excellent doctor. Today I see that he is indeed as good as his reputation says. He is young and promising."

"I still have to go through the entry procedures, so I have to leave you for a while."

After saying that, Wu Zekai turned and left without any hesitation.

Looking at Wu Zekai's departing back, Fang Xin always felt that her future in the hospital would not be too peaceful, even though Wu Zekai didn't say anything just now.

But Fang Xin always had a feeling that the person in front of her had bad intentions.

"This is the special product of the capital city that I brought to you. Come and have a taste. I will go to find Professor Ding first. You guys are busy.

After handing the special product in the backpack to several nurses at the nurses' desk, Fang Xin walked towards Professor Ding's office.

"Which side are you standing this time?"

"I still think Dr. Fang Xin is more handsome. He didn't forget to bring us delicious food when he went to the capital. How thoughtful. He is simply a warm-hearted man."

"I think the newcomer Wu Zekai is also good. I just took a look at his resume. He is a PhD who returned from studying abroad."




""Come in!"

After opening the door, Fang Xin saw Professor Ding sitting in a chair studying a case. He had a lot more white hair after not seeing him for a few days.

"How was your trip to the imperial capital?"

After seeing Fang Xin, Professor Ding quickly put down the X-ray film in his hand and motioned Fang Xin to sit next to him.

"There were some minor incidents in the middle, but overall it went very smoothly and I got my medical qualification certificate.

Fang Xin quickly replied

"That's good, that's good. Today, our hospital not only has a returnee doctor, but you've also returned from the capital. It's really like adding wings to a tiger."

Looking at Professor Fang Xinding, he smiled. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer young people working in their industry, and there are even fewer good seedlings. Now that their hospital has two young people with unlimited prospects, how can Professor Ding not be happy?

"Professor Ding, you are talking about Wu Zekai, right?"

"Why, did you see it?"

"Well, I just happened to meet him when I went to report, and he looked very young."

Fang Xin said hurriedly. He didn't know much about Wu Zekai, but Fang Xin understood that since Professor Ding called him a tiger general, Wu Zekai must have extraordinary abilities.

In the following description, Fang Xin gradually learned that Wu Zekai was exactly the child of other people's families that his parents talked about when he was a child.

He was only in his twenties and graduated with a doctorate from the world-renowned university Elliston. He published several important papers at a young age, two of which caused quite a stir in the medical community.

As soon as he graduated, many well-known hospitals rushed to recruit him, but in the end he chose to return to China and came to the hospital where Fang Xin was.

It was at this moment that Fang Xin realized how outstanding Wu Zekai was just now. If he didn't have the system, he would be like Wu Zekai. Fang Xin could never catch up with Kai in his whole life.

This is called a young man with great potential, a pillar of the country.

After communicating with Professor Ding, Fang Xin wanted to get back to work at the hospital, but Professor Ding insisted that he come back tomorrow and go back to rest today.

In the end, Fang Xin couldn't get over Professor Ding and left the hospital.

Standing under the bus stop, Fang Xin once again felt the feeling of ordinary life. For some reason, since he had the system, Fang Xin felt like he was dreaming every day.

This kind of loser's counterattack happened to him, and he was more or less not used to it.

This is also the reason why Fang Xin plans to take the bus home this time. Life should be low-key, and there is no harm in taking the bus.

Low carbon! Environmental protection!

"I still have to buy a car. It's too crowded. I don't know how I lived in the past."

In the crowded carriage, Fang Xin was miserable. For a moment, he had no idea of low-carbon travel and decided to become a car owner.

Living in a villa, but taking the bus every day is really unnecessary.

As the bus stopped and started, there were fewer people in the carriage. Fang Xin finally sat on the chair and no longer had to be squeezed by others.

"Oh my god!"

Just as Fang Xin had just found the spot, a pair of slender white legs appeared in Fang Xin's sight. Perhaps driven by desire, Fang Xin couldn't help but take a few more glances.

There was no way, with such a figure, no man could resist it.

"Hey! You pervert, what are you staring at my bestie for?"

"You look young and handsome, but I didn't expect you to be such a hypocritical hypocrite."

After being yelled at like this, everyone in the car stared at Fang Xin.

The beautiful woman who was standing in front of Fang Xin rolled her eyes at Fang Xin and moved a few steps to the side.

At this moment, Fang Xin wanted to get off the car immediately.

He never thought that he would be regarded as a pervert just because he looked at her a few more times. But he couldn't blame the girl, because he did look at her.

"No, you misunderstood me.……"

""You dead pervert!"

Before Fang Xin finished speaking, the girl's best friend spoke again. Not only that, the best friend who was speaking also used the bag in her hand to cover her chest, as if Fang Xin was not only peeking at her best friend, but also peeking at her. At this moment, Fang Xin felt that his personality was insulted.

If he said that he peeped at the long-legged beauty, he would admit it, but this best friend in front of him was about 1.5 meters tall and weighed at least 160 pounds.

Not to mention her dark skin, her facial features were even more touching, and she used something to cover her chest. If this wasn't an insult, what was it? Looking at her like this, Fang Xin was too lazy to look at her even if she was naked.

Fang Xin really didn't understand how this long-legged beauty could be a best friend of this girl. This combination was really puzzling.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, just ignore him."

"Maybe she doesn't mean that at all."

Seeing her best friend's aggressive look, the beautiful girl next to her said hurriedly.

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