The two million in the card was the salary that Boss Han had recently given him. Fang Xin, who was originally a millionaire, had become a pauper after buying these two cars.

How could he afford another million-level luxury car?

"Who said I have to spend your money? I bought this McLaren with my card, so I'll take it as my thanks for saving my sister."

Xiao Liu took the bank card from Han Mengmeng and immediately started the transfer procedure.

"No, no, no, how can I let you spend money!"

Fang Xin quickly refused. He really didn't dare to accept such an expensive gift.

"Don't be stubborn with me. You know my strength. Just consider it as the rent for me to live in your villa. It's just over one million, not a lot."

Looking at Han Mengmeng's tough attitude, Fang Xin instantly remembered her previous methods of dealing with killers and her identity as a special forces soldier, and immediately did not dare to say anything more. Just consider this one million as a loan from me. I will pay you back when President Han pays me next month.

Fang Xin calculated silently in his heart.

After a while, Xiao Liu came out with the transfer documents, and the general manager of the car dealership came out with Xiao Liu.

Just now, when Xiao Liu came to him with two million orders, the general manager thought he was joking, but then he realized that Xiao Liu really met a super rich man.

Facing such a customer, as a manager, he naturally had to receive him in person and make himself familiar with him.

"Mr. Fang, your formalities have been completed. This is our manager."

"Mr. Fang is indeed a promising young man, and your girlfriend is also very beautiful. Our car dealership has prepared a car delivery ceremony for you. Please follow me.

The manager looked at Fang Xin and Han Mengmeng and said respectfully.

"We are just friends, there is no need for a car handover ceremony. I have something else to do."

""Let's go, you drive one and I drive one!"

Then, a Mercedes-Benz AMGGT and a McLaren drove out of Xingyuan Car Dealership. Xiao Liu watched Fang Xin leave and couldn't recover for a long time.

People are indeed incomparable. Some people keep running for a living, while others spend a lot of money without frowning.

Along the way, Fang Xin drove his sports car and enjoyed the envious eyes of people on the road. Only then did he feel how worthwhile he spent more than one million.

Since Fang Xin had a sports car, commuting to and from work has become much more convenient. However, in order to avoid other people's comments, Fang Xin chose to park the car in a parking lot a few hundred meters away, and then walk to the hospital.

Otherwise, it is inevitable that a doctor driving a supercar to and from work will attract a lot of gossip.


"In addition to feeling sleepy and not getting enough sleep, are there any other symptoms?"

In the office, Fang Xin asked the pale and thin young man in front of him.

The man in front of him was about the same age as Fang Xin, but he didn't look energetic at all, and looked like a weak old man.

After seeing the young patient shook his head, Fang Xin put his hand on his pulse.

The weak pulse made Fang Xin dare not imagine that this was the pulse of a 20-year-old boy.

"In the future, reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse, and don't stay up late every day. Your body has already suffered too much damage. Just go back and take good care of it for a while."

After that, Fang Xin handed a list of prescription drugs to the young man.

Since Fang Xin obtained his medical qualification certificate, he has become a formal medical practitioner. With the strong recommendation of Professor Ding, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai both became visiting doctors. The invisible competition between the two began. Every day, Wu Zekai would come to see Fang Xin and show off that he had cured several more patients. At first, Fang Xin was too lazy to pay attention, but over time, he began to take the initiative to join the competition.

Professor Ding had already seen the situation of the two of them.

During this period, the senior management of the hospital had hoped that Professor Ding could come forward to mediate the matter, but was sternly rejected by Professor Ding. In the eyes of Professor Ding, it was normal for young people to be dissatisfied with each other.

Moreover, the two of them are still in healthy competition, which can promote their faster growth and become a doctor who can stand on their own.

""Nurse, I want to see an internal medicine specialist."

A bearded man came to the registration window, handed the money to the doctor and said,

"Today's specialist appointments are fully booked. I'll put you in the office with Dr. Fang Xin."

"Can you add another specialist appointment? I can pay more. My friend is in so much pain."

After learning that the hospital's specialist appointments were all taken, the middle-aged man looked anxious.

He didn't just trust the expert's diagnosis. If it was the same doctor before, it would be fine. But now his friend fainted from stomach pain not long ago, which made him not dare to be careless.

"Don't worry, although Dr. Fang Xin is young, he is also the most famous one in our hospital. If he can't see the patient, many doctors in our hospital won't be able to see the patient either."

"This is the registration form. Doctor Fang Xin is in the first room on the left on the third floor."

The nurse said politely.

This was not because the nurse was deliberately exaggerating Fang Xin, but because it was the fact that since Fang Xin started to work, there had not been a single misdiagnosis. Many diseases that could not be diagnosed by other departments were all cured with Fang Xin's help.

This also made Fang Xin the youngest and most respected doctor in the entire hospital. Of course, the same was true for Fang Xin's opponent Wu Zekai.

""Good, good, good!"

After learning that Fang Xin was an excellent doctor, the middle-aged man did not hesitate any more and took his weak friend who had just woken up to Fang Xin's office.

At the moment, Fang Xin was leisurely drinking coffee in his hand and admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window. His leisurely attitude was out of tune with other busy doctors.

Fang Xin was so leisurely thanks to the help of the system. With the help of the system, Fang Xin could make a diagnosis through simple examinations for patients who came for medical treatment, and the accuracy rate was beyond doubt. The faster diagnosis speed also made Fang Xin's work efficiency very high.���There was time for a coffee break, but this didn't mean Fang Xin wasn't serious about her work.

It was just because the strong were usually lonely and isolated.


""Is Doctor Fang Xin here? My friend is in severe pain."

Looking at Fang Xin drinking coffee in front of him, the middle-aged man asked half-doubtfully. He had lived for so many years, but he had never seen any doctor drinking coffee during work.

For a moment, the middle-aged man was full of doubts and rejection towards the doctor in front of him.

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