Listening to Lao Zhang's words, Fang Xin also fell into deep thought.

He really wanted to save people, but to put it bluntly, Fang Xin was just a small doctor, and he couldn't help patients at his own expense, otherwise even the world's richest man would become the world's richest man.

"Please let me think of a solution."

After that, Fang Xin called Professor Ding, trying to seek Professor Ding's help to see if the hospital has any assistance and discounts for patients with poor financial strength.

In this way, maybe Lao Zhang will agree to treat him, and Fang Xin can save one more life.

Seeing that Dr. Fang was doing his own thing, Lao Zhang's mood calmed down a lot. He sat aside with his friends, quietly waiting for Fang Xin.

"Uncle Zhang, have you paid for medical insurance?"

After hanging up the phone, Fang Xin asked anxiously.

Fang Xin had just told Professor Ding about Lao Zhang's situation, and Professor Ding also said that as long as Lao Zhang paid for medical insurance, he could apply for medical insurance reimbursement.

In addition, Lao Zhang's condition required surgery and hospitalization, so as long as he paid for medical insurance, the reimbursement could reach 90% of the treatment fee.

"I have paid it. Every year my wife urges me to pay it. Doctor Fang, what is the use of paying for medical insurance? I don't know. It's just a waste of money every year."

"Uncle Zhang, when you recover, you must thank your wife. It is thanks to your aunt that you paid for the medical insurance.

Fang Xin looked at Lao Zhang in front of him excitedly. For a moment, Lao Zhang seemed to realize something and asked anxiously.

"Can medical insurance be used?"

"Of course you can. I have just confirmed this with my boss, and he said that in your case, if you pay your medical insurance on time, 90% of your money can be reimbursed!"

"How much!"

Lao Zhang asked in disbelief.

""Ninety percent, Uncle Zhang, why don't you treat the disease?"

Fang Xin said excitedly. For Fang Xin, Lao Zhang has become a healthy person and he no longer suffers from gallstones.

After all, as long as Lao Zhang is willing to treat and cooperate with the treatment, Fang Xin is confident that he can cure him.

"Doctor Fang, thank you so much.……"

As he was talking, Lao Zhang was about to kneel down in front of Fang Xin. In his eyes, Fang Xin was his lifesaver. If it weren't for Fang Xin's insistence, he might have given up treatment and left the hospital.

"Uncle Zhang, you can't do that. Please go and complete the hospitalization procedures now. As long as you trust me, I will be your attending physician for the next period of time."

"Don't worry, don't worry! I have complete confidence in your doctor. I will go to handle the formalities now."

Looking at Lao Zhang's back as he rushed out of the door, Fang Xin couldn't help but smile. Lao Zhang will be his first real patient, and he will also be the attending physician for the first time.

Although Fang Xin had performed many operations and made diagnoses for many patients before, he was the first to be hospitalized like Lao Zhang. In other words, this was another milestone in Fang Xin's medical career.

With the reimbursement of the medical insurance card, Lao Zhang handled the hospitalization procedures with very little money. At the same time, Fang Xin also led his team to conduct a detailed analysis of Lao Zhang's condition.

"Doctor Fang, I think it is still questionable to perform surgery right away. We don't know enough about the patient's parameters yet. It would be too risky to perform surgery rashly. If something goes wrong, none of us can afford it."

"It is better to let the patient observe for a few days as he wishes."

"I agree with everyone else that we should take the most prudent and safe approach."

After Fang Xin proposed the idea of immediate surgery, all the doctors opposed it. No one agreed with Fang Xin's approach. Fang Xin also knew the risks involved.

"Everyone, I also want to observe for a few more days before performing surgery."

"But you have seen Uncle Zhang's situation. If he hadn't had medical insurance, he would have given up treatment long ago. Every extra day he stayed in the hospital would cost him more money."

"If we take the safest approach, Uncle Zhang will just lie in the hospital and do nothing for the next few days. It won't be a big deal for us medical staff, but it will cost him his already limited savings."

"We are doctors. There is no doubt that we treat patients and save lives, but we must also consider the patients' future lives. If the disease is cured, but they can't live a good life in the future, what is the difference between this and disguised murder?"

"What's more, not every operation has time for observation. There are many patients who need emergency surgery. Didn't we save them?"

Faced with Fang Xin's questioning, everyone lowered their heads and kept silent. Of course they could do Lao Zhang's operation now, but they just didn't want to take on this responsibility.

"Doctor Fang, we understand what you said, but if something goes wrong……"

"All the consequences will be borne by us alone!"

"Do you have any other questions? If not, prepare for surgery immediately!"

Knowing that Fang Xin would bear the consequences, everyone present had no objection. Besides, the operation for gallstones was not difficult.

"Should I say you are smart or stupid? You think so much about the patients, but if something really happens, will they think about you?"

Looking at Wu Zekai, Fang Xin didn't say much and walked out.

Compared with Fang Xin, Wu Zekai is a completely emotionless cold-blooded animal. Previously, a patient with a broken finger found Wu Zekai and wanted to jump the queue for his treatment.

But Wu Zekai put forward all the requirements according to the rules and procedures, and asked the patient to register first. It was this move that almost got Wu Zekai beaten up by the patient's family. In the end, it was the dean and Professor Ding who came forward together to appease the anger of the patient's family. Then Wu Zekai was labeled as cold-blooded by everyone in the hospital.

However, Wu Zekai himself did not resist this at all. As he said just now, all his starting points were to consider himself first, and then the patients.

This is also the reason why Professor Ding gradually disliked Wu Zekai. Many times, to become a doctor, one cannot be too rational and self-centered, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve great things.

On the contrary, in Fang Xin, Professor Ding saw the shadow of an internationally renowned doctor.

""You will be defeated one day."

Wu Zekai said unhappily as he watched Fang Xin leave.

Wu Zekai was jealous and envious of Fang Xin's first formal surgery, which meant that he, Wu Zekai, was one step behind Fang Xin in this matter.

In the ward,

Lao Zhang, who was lying on the bed, looked at the busy nurse in front of him with a puzzled look on his face, and then asked:

"Nurse, what are you doing?"

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