After Fang Xin's careful care over the past few days, Lao Zhang was able to be discharged from the hospital. The total cost was only two thousand yuan, and Fang Xin also received the first silk banner in his life.

"Miraculous healing! Miraculous doctor is alive!"

Every time Fang Xin saw these eight characters, he felt that he was unworthy of the honor, but he couldn't help but feel proud. This silk banner showed that the patient was absolutely sure of his medical skills.

Since Fang Xin hung up the silk banner, Wu Zekai never came to Fang Xin's office again, as if this place had become a forbidden place that he, Wu Zekai, could not touch.

In Professor Ding's office:

"Zekai, this is your salary this month, bonus and of course some overtime allowance. Although we doctors race against death every day, our salary is not as high as many people.

Professor Ding handed Wu Zekai a cup of tea and said

"Professor Ding, what are you talking about? If I, Wu Zekai, valued money, I would not study medicine, let alone become a doctor. I study medicine to treat illnesses."

"Don't worry, even if the salary is low, I will not back down, and I will not be distracted to do any side job. I will only stay in the hospital wholeheartedly and serve the patients in need!"

Wu Zekai said, glancing at Fang Xin intentionally or unintentionally.

At some point, Wu Zekai suddenly learned that Fang Xin was still working part-time as a private doctor, and then told Professor Ding, hoping to fire Fang Xin and let him leave the hospital.

But Wu Zekai never thought that Professor Ding had known about it for a long time and rejected him sternly.

After seeing that the complaint was fruitless, Wu Zekai intentionally or unintentionally used this matter to tease Fang Xin in front of others every day, thereby showing his noble character and noble medical ethics.

Faced with Wu Zekai's innuendo, Professor Ding and Fang Xin were reluctant to speak. They both knew that if they opened their mouths to pick up the conversation, Wu Zekai would definitely take the opportunity to humiliate Fang Xin again.

"That's the best. Zekai, I'm very optimistic about you."

"But you can't be too rigid in doing things in the future. When some patients are in critical condition, we as doctors must also treat them humanely. Rules are dead, but people are alive."

Professor Ding said earnestly. Although Professor Ding did not like him as much as he liked Fang Xin, Wu Zekai was indeed a rare medical talent, so he still hoped that Wu Zekai could go further on this road.

"Professor Ding, I……"

Wu Zekai was about to open his mouth to refute a few words, but Professor Ding waved his hand and signaled him not to continue.

For some reason, Wu Zekai, a doctor who had just returned from overseas, gave people a very immature feeling in his behavior. He often used the moral high ground to demand others, but was very tolerant of himself.

"Fang Xin, this is yours. This is your first salary as a formal doctor in our hospital. Although it is not much, it is of great significance. You must continue to work hard in the future."

Looking at Fang Xin in front of him, Professor Ding was kind and benevolent, just like a parent looking at his own child. Professor Ding had higher requirements for Fang

Xin. Fang Xin was a hundred times better than Wu Zekai in any aspect, whether in character, professional knowledge, or interpersonal relationships.

"Professor Ding, I will definitely keep up the good work!"

Fang Xin was very excited after receiving her first salary from Professor Ding.

Although the money in it was not as high as the salary given by Boss Han, as Professor Ding said, this first salary was of extraordinary significance.

At this moment, Fang Xin did not notice that Wu Zekai was staring at Fang Xin's envelope, and his expression became more and more solemn.

In fact, the hospital has always used the method of making payments to pay employees every month. After all, the probability of people using cash has been greatly reduced nowadays, and bank account payments will not go wrong.

But this time, Professor Ding insisted on giving cash to Fang Xin and Wu Zekai, saying If they did so, it would be more meaningful for the two of them, so they were the only two in the entire hospital whose salaries were paid in cash.

Professor Ding had good intentions, but he forgot and neglected one thing, that is, because Fang Xin and Wu Zekai treated different patients, the salaries they received were also different.

If Wu Zekai's salary was higher than Fang Xin's, it would not be a big deal, but now Fang Xin's salary is higher than Wu Zekai's.

And from the thickness of the envelope, it can be seen that Fang Xin's salary is not just a little more, but nearly twice as much as his, and Wu Zekai can't stand this.

"Professor Fang, there is one thing I don't understand."

"What's wrong, Zekai? Just tell me what's going on. I won't hide anything from you as long as I can answer it."At the moment, Professor Ding was completely unaware of the problem and thought Wu Zekai had some new questions about his work.

"Well... this question may be a bit……"

"Zekai, what can't be said between you and me? Besides, Fang Xin is not an outsider, you can just tell her directly if you have anything to say."

Looking at Professor Ding and then at the money in his hand, Wu Zekai finally expressed his dissatisfaction and doubts:

"Professor Ding, you just said that the salary in our industry is relatively low.……"

""Zekai, I understand what you mean. Next month I will apply to the dean for a salary increase for you and Fang Xin. Leave it to me."

Professor Ding said, patting his chest.

At present, the money their hospital gives Wu Zekai, including various subsidies and bonuses, is only a little over 7,000 yuan. However, a doctor with Wu Zekai's strength can get a salary of 30,000 or 40,000 yuan in any private hospital.

Therefore, Professor Ding understands that if they really want to keep Wu Zekai and Fang Xin, the salary offered by their hospital must not be lower than that of other hospitals.

This has nothing to do with whether the two of them love money or not, but represents the sincerity and determination of the hospital.

"No, no, no, Professor Ding, you misunderstood me. What I wanted to ask is why there is such a big difference in salary when Fang Xin and I are at the same level. Is it because I did something wrong?"

"Please tell me so that I can correct it later."

Oh no...

For a moment, the atmosphere in the whole office was extremely awkward. Wu Zekai was right. He and Fang Xin were both attending physicians. Their salaries should have been the same, but now the thickness of their envelopes was obviously different.

Professor Ding understood that if he could not give a reasonable explanation, Wu Zekai would definitely not let it go. Wu Zekai and Fang Xin were not on good terms. If this matter was not explained clearly, I am afraid that Wu Zekai's prejudice against Fang Xin would become deeper and deeper.

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