At first, the anesthesiologist wanted to give the patient general anesthesia, but after Fang Xin's insistence, he finally adopted local anesthesia.

Fang Xin knew that although children of this age can undergo surgery under general anesthesia, long-term general anesthesia may still leave hidden dangers to their bodies and affect their future lives.

Local anesthesia is different. The probability of leaving hidden dangers is much lower than general anesthesia. However, the only disadvantage is that local anesthesia will make the patient conscious and allow the patient to feel the process of the operation, which will also increase the difficulty of the operation.

"Give me the hemostat!"

After the anesthetic was pushed into the patient's body, Fang Xin began to stop the bleeding.

Although the medical staff had already carried out preliminary disinfection and hemostasis on the wound in the ambulance just now, this could only temporarily delay the operation.

The Heaven-Repairing Hand is activated!

Fang Xin muttered in his heart that the patient's wound was too serious. Just in case, Fang Xin still activated his Heaven-Repairing Hand.

With the help of the Heaven-Repairing Hand, the meat residue and useless body tissue in the wound were cleaned out bit by bit, and the blood vessels were all clamped with hemostat.

After doing all this, Fang Xin was already sweating profusely, but now he was only doing the most basic first step, and the real operation had not yet begun.

At the same time, Professor Ding

"Professor Ding, what should we do with this patient?"

Faced with this patient, all the medical staff in the operating room were in a dilemma.

The patient's aorta was pierced halfway by an iron pipe, and three ribs in his abdomen were broken, one of which pierced his lung. As for the small wounds on his body, he couldn't count them all.

""Can't his family come here?"

Professor Ding said seriously. The patient in front of him was different from others. His life was in danger at any time, and he was likely to die even during the operation.

Even Professor Ding was not 100% sure that he could save him. Moreover, when operating on such a patient, the family members must sign a critical illness notice, so that the hospital and the attending physician would not be held responsible whether the patient was saved or not.

"The injured person took his family out for an outing today, but who would have thought that such an incident would happen? His family members are all being rescued."

The assistant said helplessly that fate often plays a joke on him, just like the patient in front of him. It was originally a very happy thing for the whole family to go on an outing, but who would have thought that they would encounter a car accident and put the family in crisis.

"Please ask the dean for instructions. This situation is not something you and I can make decisions on our own.

Professor Ding said anxiously to the assistant beside him. Although he is a professor, he is not only responsible for every patient, but also for the hospital. The overall situation is important!

Three minutes later, the assistant who had just gone to ask for instructions came back with the dean's instructions. The dean asked Professor Ding to do his best to treat the patient at all costs.

After knowing the patient's condition, the headquarters also made clear instructions that the patient must be treated. As for any problems during the operation, all will be handled by the headquarters.

""Operate now!"

After receiving the clear instructions, Professor Ding did not hesitate at all and hurriedly began to clean and disinfect the wound.

The most important thing at the moment was to remove the iron rod inserted into the patient's heart and the broken ribs from the body. Otherwise, the longer these items stayed in the patient's body, the greater the hidden dangers would be.

""Small scalpel!"

Professor Ding took the scalpel from his assistant and carefully made a small cut on the left side of the patient's heart. Then he ordered his assistant to bring the detection machine.

Now, they can only use the instrument to infer the patient's heart condition and carry out the next step of treatment.

"The patient's heartbeat was very weak. Fortunately, the iron tube was inserted into the heart less than one millimeter away. Otherwise, he would not have made it to the hospital and would have died on the spot."

"This is another chance God has given us!

Professor Ding also clearly saw the location of the iron pipe through the instrument display.


In this case, the wound must not be cut mechanically, but must be restored to the original method, using manual methods to cut the wound bit by bit. Only in this way can the patient be guaranteed not to suffer secondary injuries.

Time passed by minute by minute, and all the operating rooms in the hospital were in a tense atmosphere. This was not just an operation for the doctors.

Every action they took was related to the happiness of a family, and they could not be careless.

""Perform suturing work!"

At the moment, Wu Zekai's side is the one that progresses the fastest among all the operating rooms, and it is also the one that is the smoothest.

This time, the hospital assigned these six patients according to medical experience and the severity of the injuries of the injured. Wu Zekai was assigned to a patient with the lightest injury.

The patient's right thigh was cut by the broken car door with a wound of more than ten centimeters. As long as the residue inside is cleared, the wound can be hemostatic and sutured.

This is also the reason why Wu Zekai's operation is the fastest, because the other patients are many times more serious than this one.

Ten minutes later, Wu Zekai dragged his tired body and slowly walked out of the operating room.

Although his operation is not difficult, the work of cleaning up the minced meat requires medical skills to use a microscope to remove all necrotic and redundant tissues bit by bit. Although the work is not difficult, it is very tedious, and it is also a big challenge for medical skills and body.

"Dear family members, rest assured, the patient is no longer in danger of death, and you will be able to see him in a while."

Looking at the family members of the patient rushing in front of him, Wu Zekai said confidently. The suturing work just now used all of Wu Zekai's lifelong knowledge, and the wound was sutured extremely perfectly.

Even the doctor who had only been an assistant for more than ten years admired Wu Zekai.

If you want a perfect suture, only Professor Ding can do it in the entire hospital.

"How are the other surgeries going?"

Looking around, Wu Zekai asked with concern after not seeing Professor Ding and Fang Xin.

""Doctor Wu, you are the only one who has completed the operation, and the others are still in progress."

The nurse at the side replied.

Is that so?

It shouldn't be possible. How could I be the first person to complete the operation? Could it be that the patients Fang Xin and Professor Ding encountered were much more complicated than the ones I encountered?

Wu Zekai thought silently in his heart.

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