"Our hospital just received a batch of plastic bionic plaster, which is now in use."

"We can also use this patient to see if this batch of new medical facilities is useful!"

After hearing Fang Xin's words, all the assistants in the operating room suddenly understood. This batch of new medical supplies is said to be the latest developed products with very powerful functions.

However, they have never had the opportunity to use them, so they have gradually been forgotten until Fang Xin mentioned it.

And in this batch of the latest medical supplies, there is bionic plastic plaster, which is said to be inspired by plaster and is an upgraded and improved version of plaster.

Ten minutes later, an assistant returned to the operating room with a transparent plastic shell.

""Doctor Fang, we got the bionic plastic plaster back, but we don't know how to use it."

The assistant scratched his head embarrassedly. As a doctor, they should be familiar with the use of every medical device, but this is the first time they have seen the medical products.

Although the hospital had previously conducted a centralized training on this batch of products, due to the long time and the fact that this batch of materials had not been used, these people had already forgotten how to use them.

"It doesn't matter. I happened to see how to use it when I was training at the Imperial Capital Hospital."

Fang Xin said hurriedly. In fact, he just happened to see a medical staff member using this bionic plastic plaster when he was at the Imperial Capital Hospital, so Fang Xin only knew a general idea, and the details were not very clear.

But now, Fang Xin couldn't say that he didn't know how to use it. After all, the patient lying on the operating table had already regained consciousness, and the patient could clearly hear every word they said.

If the little patient lying on the operating table knew that the doctor present did not know how to use it, it would not only increase the patient's psychological burden, but also bring a big public relations crisis to the hospital.

At this moment, Fang Xin could only try his best. First, according to the vague memory in his brain, he fixed the bionic plastic plaster on the patient. As for the details, he could only constantly debug them during the later recuperation.

For the patient in front of him, Fang Xin said that he was lucky that the operation went smoothly and he caught up with the latest medical products; he was unlucky that among so many doctors, not a single one could use it.


After handing over the bionic plastic plaster, all the medical staff gathered around Fang Xin. They also wanted to see what the correct way to use this new medical product was.

Oh! Give it a try! Fang

Xin sighed in his heart and simply observed the equipment in his hand, but he had no idea where to start.

Just when Fang Xin was confused, the voice of the system suddenly appeared in his mind. Along with the appearance of the system voice, the method of using the bionic plastic plaster suddenly merged into Fang Xin's brain.

Awesome! The system is indeed a system!

After understanding the method of use, Fang Xin installed it on the patient's arm in front of everyone, and then said:

"This new bionic plastic plaster not only assists in fixation, but also, because it is made of plastic, the air holes on the top can ensure the entry of air, thus preventing the secondary deterioration of the wound."

"Compared with the previous plaster, this device incorporates the principle of bionics, so patients can not only move freely, but also do not have to worry about the dislocation of bone healing."

Listening to Fang Xin's description, everyone present cast envious glances.

They knew that Fang Xin was well-versed in medicine and was young and promising, but they never thought that Fang Xin was also familiar with this latest medical device.

"Okay, push him out."

"The operation was very successful!"

Fang Xin said gently, touching the patient's hair on the operating table. This was also his first time to perform surgery on a child, so the whole process was extremely nervous.

After hearing Fang Xin's words, the child lying on the operating table also smiled sweetly.

Due to the effect of the anesthetic, he couldn't speak yet and could only make some simple facial expressions, but even so, the smile just now melted Fang Xin's heart.

The reason why he studied medicine was not to see the patients smile again after being discharged from the hospital.

With the end of Fang Xin's operation, good news came from other operating rooms one after another. Until now, all operations have ended in complete success and all patients are out of danger.

"Brother Fang, I will tell you the truth. I have been waiting for you here for a long time after the operation. If you had not just successfully completed the operation, I would have wanted to ask the dean to help you in your operating room."

Walking to Fang Xin's side, Wu Zekai spoke in a casual manner, his words full of contempt for Fang Xin.

"There is no way. The longer the time, the more detailed my work becomes."

"There is an old saying that goes, slow work makes fine work."

"You see, Professor Ding's operation has not yet ended. Why don't you ask the dean to help Professor Ding?"

Fang Xin shot back.

He has been a doctor for so long, but this is the first time he has heard of someone doing an operation faster than the speed.

Not to mention whether the conditions of the patients they encounter are the same, isn't the purpose of the operation to save lives and heal the wounded? Since when did doctors have to be so involuntarily when performing an operation?

Fang Xin doesn't like colleagues like Wu Zekai who like to involuntarily no matter what.

This is not to say that Fang Xin does not approve of involution. Originally, appropriate involution can promote the progress of the industry, but nowadays involution exists in all walks of life, and it has reached the point of obsession.

What is everyone's involution for now? It is a mentality that one does not want others to have a good life, and if it continues like this, there will be no benefit, but it will bring endless troubles.

Listening to Fang Xin's words, Wu Zekai was speechless for a moment. Although he was dissatisfied with Fang Xin's approach, he still dared not question Professor Ding's level.

Now, Professor Ding has not completed the operation, which means that the situation Professor Ding is facing is far beyond their imagination.

After all, for a doctor of Professor Ding's level, unless he encounters a patient that is rare in a century, any operation is easy to complete.

"I'm too lazy to tell you that you have no sense of humor. Can't you tell that I'm joking with you?"

After being exposed by Fang Xin, Wu Zekai quickly found a way out for himself.

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