"Boom boom boom!"

""Knock, knock, knock!"

The rapid knock on the door woke Fang Xin up from his sleep. He sat up and saw that it was already past ten in the morning. He didn't know when his phone was turned off, so the alarm didn't ring.

It seemed that he was too tired yesterday and didn't even take off his clothes.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

There was another knock on the door. Fang Xin quickly stood up from the bed and said,"I'm coming!"

The door opened and a middle-aged woman looked at him angrily.

"Are you going to stay here or not? Didn't you say you were going to move at the beginning of the month? It's already the middle of the month, why haven't you moved yet? If you don't move, then you have to pay the rent!"

Fang Xin said quickly:

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I've been busy lately, I'll transfer it to you right away."

Fang Xin said, taking out his cell phone, and then it rang and the battery was out, so he quickly said:

"My phone is out of battery, why don’t you go back first and I’ll transfer the money to you after I charge it."

The landlady stretched out her hand to block the door, frowning and saying:

""Stop it! I don't know that you outsiders can put it off for as long as you can. Charge your phone now and turn it on for me."

Fang Xin sighed slightly, picked up the charger and plugged in his phone.

The landlord was standing at the door, staring at him with displeasure.

Fang Xin smiled bitterly.

Why bother?

He moved for his ex-girlfriend, but now she's gone. Is it necessary to move?

As the phone's startup music sounded, Fang Xin quickly transferred the money to the landlord.

"No! Not enough! Still 500 short, the price has gone up"

"Didn’t they say that there would be no price increase within three years?"

"That was the old contract you used before. You said that after you moved, the previous contract became invalid, and now the rental price is 500 more expensive."

Fang Xin looked at the less than 3,000 yuan left in his phone and frowned immediately.

He would have to find a job again, and according to the work standards in Shanghai, wages are usually paid around the 10th.

That is to say, even if he could find a suitable job, his living expenses for next month would still not be guaranteed!

He has been in Shanghai for several years, but he has ended up like this!

Fang Xin smiled bitterly and turned it over to the landlord, who then left with a sneer.

He had only had lunch after a busy day yesterday, and the doctor knocked it to the ground.

He was really a little hungry at this moment.

He saw that the battery in his phone had reached 10%, so he stood up and left. He didn't dare to check his phone anymore, for fear that the last bit of power would be consumed.

He walked to a breakfast shop, ordered a bun and started eating. While he was eating, a little boy who had just learned to walk fell down in front of him with a"pop".

Fang Xin subconsciously went up to help the little boy up, and the child's mother hurried forward and said,"Thank you!"

"It's okay.

Fang Xin nodded and turned around to eat. She saw the little boy staggering over, spreading his hands and handing Fang Xin a candy.

Fang Xin smiled, and the haze of the morning was immediately dispelled. She picked up the candy and said:



The little boy laughed and ran back to his mother's arms.

Seeing this harmonious scene, there was a burst of laughter in the breakfast shop.

At this moment, a man carrying a camera came in, put the camera on the table, and said to the boss:

"Boss, give me a basket of dumplings and a bowl of porridge."

"I can't get away right now. The porridge is in the pot. Would you like to have some yourself?"

"It’s okay, just go ahead and do your thing!"

Before he could finish his words, a woman in uniform ran in and said,"Why are you eating?"

"The people I was going to interview are not here yet, and I've been hungry all morning."

The man said, walking over with a bowl of porridge.

At this moment, the little boy suddenly took out a candy and waved at Fang Xin while running.

The man didn't pay attention and just happened to trip the child to the ground.

The man quickly put down the bowl, helped the child up and said,"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you didn't fall, did you?"

"You kid, why are you running around for a meal? You fell twice this morning. You're the only one who can walk, right?"

The child's mother brushed the dust off him and said to the man,"I'm sorry, please don't mind."

"No, no, it's my fault.

Fang Xin smiled and thought that the child was quite resistant to falling. When she looked up, she saw that the little boy's face was red and he kept grabbing his neck.

"Not good!"

Fang Xin was shocked and quickly stepped forward to grab the child, raised his hand and put him across his legs, patting his back with his head down.

The child's mother was startled and said quickly:

"What are you doing?"

Then he went to pick up the child.

""Don't move, his trachea is stuck by the candy!"

Fang Xin said, and continued to pat the boy's back.

But after a few pats, there was no improvement. Fang Xin was a little scared. He took the candy that the child had given him before and cursed:

"Damn it!"

It was a corn-shaped maltose. From what I could see, it was stuck horizontally in the child's trachea, like a thick fish bone.

Fang Xin glanced at the little boy, whose face had already turned a little purple.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Fang Xin raised her hand and picked up a pair of chopsticks from the table, and said to the man:

"Turn his head upside down."

The man quickly grabbed the boy's waist and held him upside down.

Fang Xin patted the boy's back and said,"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

As she spoke, she pried open the boy's mouth, ignoring the boy's violent coughing. With her sharp eyes and skillful hands, she inserted the chopsticks into the boy's trachea in an instant and directly picked out the candy.

Hearing a painful cry of"Wow", Fang Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

The child's mother quickly hugged the boy and said in a crying voice,"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"It's okay, it's just a piece of cake!"

Fang Xin said, sitting back in his seat.

The man looked at the female reporter in formal attire beside him and said quickly:"Are you Dr. Fang Xinfang from the Skin Surgery Hospital?"


Fang Xin was stunned for a moment and said,"It's me, you are……"

"We are from the TV station and we want to talk to you.……"

Before the female reporter finished speaking, the landlord suddenly rushed in, pulled Fang Xin and said in fear:

"What are you doing out there? Why are there reporters here? I tell you, if you break the law and get caught, I won't return a single cent of your deposit!"

""Mom, what are you doing?"

The little boy's mother said quickly,"He is a good man. He just saved Xiaowei."

The landlord only noticed the surrounding situation after hearing this. The guests were glaring at her, and the photographer next to her had raised his camera.

The landlord was stunned and murmured:

"Reporter...you are……"

Then the female reporter stepped forward and said:

"Doctor Fang, I'm from Shanghai TV. Your fight against authority to save a little girl yesterday has caused a heated discussion online."

"Now all the enthusiastic netizens on the Internet want to know what you thought at that time. I hope to take up a little of your time and let us do an exclusive interview with you, okay?"

Fang Xin didn't expect that he would become famous all over the Internet overnight.

Just as he was about to speak, he heard the phone ring. As soon as he picked up the phone, he heard Dean Liu's crying voice:

"Xiao Fang, please come back to work. I beg you to do that!"

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