In fact, Professor Ding did not say this to Fang Xin and Wu Zekai alone, but to all the medical staff present.

He did not want to discourage everyone's enthusiasm because of the little episode just now.

However, it must be said that the words said by the patient's family member just now were indeed very demeaning.

"Yes, Doctor Fang, don't take it to heart."

"That is, the work we do is still very meaningful."


Everyone hurried to comfort him.

Listening to everyone's words, Fang Xin also showed a gratified smile on his face. His current job is not only to save lives and heal the wounded, but also to have such a group of loving colleagues. What else can Fang Xin be dissatisfied with? However

, Fang Xin had heard about the doctor-patient relationship when he was a doctor, and today he also saw it. Fortunately, Professor Ding handled it properly, otherwise with Wu Zekai's temper, he would have to go up and have a good argument with him.

"Professor Ding, why didn't you let me in just now? I could have helped more if I went in."

Wu Zekai said as he returned to Professor Ding's office.

Although he admired Professor Ding for having just performed two operations, he was still very dissatisfied that Professor Ding did not let him do the operations.

"Professor Ding, you also heard what Wu Zekai said. You should ask Wu Zekai to do this kind of thing in the future. Performing two operations at the same time is simply killing me."

"If I hadn't done two surgeries and the hospital had given me a bonus, I wouldn't have gone even if I was beaten to death."

Before Professor Ding could speak, Fang Xin hurriedly said

"Xiao Wu, I am also considering Fang Xin's recent difficulties. You also know that our hospital provides subsidies to doctors who perform surgeries.

Professor Ding quickly replied.

Fang Xin's reason was simply perfect, without any flaws.

"Um... Professor Ding, you have a point, but I have never experienced the things that were done in these two surgeries. I will definitely do it if I have a chance."

Wu Zekai quickly changed his words. At first, he was very willing to go in and do the surgery with Professor Ding, but when he saw that Fang Xinshi had not recovered yet, he backed out.

He didn't want to collapse on the ground after the surgery.

"Okay, take a good rest."

"There will be an award ceremony for you two later."

Looking at Fang Xin and Wu Zekai who were exhausted and collapsed on the sofa, Professor Ding said kindly.

It is undeniable that Professor Ding was very satisfied with their performance this time.

"Award ceremony?"

"What award?"

Wu Zekai was excited when he heard about the award ceremony. Fang Xin beside him was also curious. He had been in the hospital for so long, but he had never heard of the award ceremony in their hospital.

"You will know in a moment."

"You two have it, don't ask me anymore, or the dean will laugh at me."

Professor Ding looked at the two and smiled.

Their hospital has a variety of surgical records, and as long as someone breaks any record, the dean will personally present them with an award.

Although there is only a certificate and no substantial reward, it is of great significance to the doctors who receive the certificate, so this tradition has been preserved.

Half an hour later, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai were taken to the surgical meeting room by Professor Ding. All the medical staff had already sat inside, and when they saw the two coming, they immediately cheered.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I am very grateful for your efforts during the operation just now. Thank you for your hard work."

After that, the dean bowed deeply to all the medical staff. If it were not for the efforts of these people, how could one patient after another recover and be discharged from the hospital?

"As you all know, our hospital has always had various surgical records, and most of the records are held by Professor Ding who is beside me. Professor Ding’s contribution to our hospital over the years is obvious to all."

"However, I am very pleased that today two newcomers in our hospital broke two records of Professor Ding, which also shows that the future of our hospital will only get better and better!"As soon as the voice fell, applause rang out in an endless stream. For a moment, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai blushed and didn't know what to do.

"First of all, I would like to thank Dr. Wu Zekai. As a returned overseas doctor, he resolutely chose our hospital. Let us congratulate Dr. Wu Zekai for breaking the fastest surgery record with a duration of 15 minutes. Let's give him a round of applause!"

Amidst the warm applause, the dean handed a certificate to Wu Zekai. Looking at his colleagues in front of him, Wu Zekai felt for the first time that this light certificate for surgery was so important.

This is not just a certificate, but also a recognition of his strength!

"Thank you all!"

Wu Zekai kept thanking them. He never thought that he would be so excited because of a certificate.

"The next record-breaker is our Dr. Fang Xin. The record holder is a doctor who is about to retire. The original record lasted for 10 hours and 7 minutes."

"Now, Fang Xin has become the new record holder with the time of twelve hours and thirty-five minutes just now!"

"Let's give them a round of applause and congratulate them again!"

Looking at their colleagues in the audience, both Fang Xin and Wu Zekai felt that their work was meaningful.

"Dean, are there any rewards?"

Listening to Fang Xin's words, all the medical staff looked at the dean with expectation. This operation was not only a victory for the two of them, but also a victory for all the medical staff.

"To celebrate our great victory today, I hereby declare all medical staff to have a day off"

"However, as you all know, our hospital cannot be without people, so everyone can only take turns to rest, but I guarantee that everyone will get this day off!"

After thinking for a moment, the dean said

"Long live!"


At this moment, the conference room was boiling again. For doctors, the best reward is sometimes not a bonus, but a vacation. Due to the special nature of their work, even during vacation, they would put aside their personal lives and rush to the hospital without stopping because of a call from the hospital.

This is the truest portrayal of every doctor. They shoulder not only their own families, but also the families of thousands of patients.

"We are really sworn enemies. You are the fastest and I am the slowest. Hahaha!"

Looking at the certificate in Wu Zekai's hand, Fang Xin said with a smile.

"You are fast, you are the fastest!"

Wu Zekai retorted with a smile.

At this moment, the two of them no longer had the previous prejudice, but were happy for each other from the bottom of their hearts.

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