He had been waiting for Fang Xin here for a long time, but he had never seen Fang Xin.

"Is the sports car you are talking about black?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Fang Xin said helplessly on the other end of the phone.

"Then hurry up and come down, how long do you want me to wait!"

After saying that, Fang Xin hung up the phone in a bad mood. At the same time, Wu Zekai looked at the black supercar outside the window with a confused look on his face. After a long time, he went downstairs doubtfully.

Seeing Wu Zekai's sneaky look in front of the car, Fang Xin wanted to pick up her phone to record a video for him. If the two were not colleagues, Fang Xin would have thought he was here to steal something.

"Hurry up and get in the car, big man, why are you dithering?"

Fang Xin said impatiently after sticking his head out.

Sitting in the car, Wu Zekai stared at Fang Xin in front of him with shock. Is this still the Fang Xin he knew?

Not long ago, Fang Xin said that his family was short of money, so why did he drive a sports car to pick him up now?

"Fang Xin, how much did you pay for this car you rented?"

In the passenger seat, Wu Zekai touched here and there, looking like he had never seen the world.

Hearing Wu Zekai's words, Fang Xin was very happy. For the first time, he felt that buying a car with a lot of money was a correct choice.

"Is this mine?"

"Yours? Didn't you say before that your family was in trouble and you were short of money?"

Wu Zekai widened his eyes and looked at Fang Xin in disbelief. He didn't know when Fang Xin became so rich.

"Um... my family encountered some problems, but the gap of several hundred thousand has been made up. Tell me what you want to eat."

Fang Xin made up a random excuse and evaded the question. He had long forgotten what he said.

After hearing that the gap was several hundred thousand, Wu Zekai smiled bitterly. He now understood why Fang Xin did not want his salary. Compared with the gap, his salary was simply a drop in the bucket.

""Let's have a barbecue!"

Wu Zekai said absentmindedly. He could not accept this fact until now.

Seeing Wu Zekai silent, Fang Xin did not say anything along the way and drove the car by himself.

Fang Xin understood that Wu Zekai must be envious and jealous at the moment. After all, he loved to compare with Fang Xin so much. How could Wu Zekai calm down when he saw that he drove a sports car while he lived in a slum with a monthly salary of several hundred yuan?


After a sudden brake, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai walked out of the supercar and came to an open-air barbecue stall in full view of everyone.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to be the center of the world, and all eyes were focused on them.

"Just order whatever you want, you're welcome!"

Fang Xin said with a smile as she handed the menu to Wu Zekai.

"No, you're driving a sports car and you're taking me to a roadside stall?"

Wu Zekai said dissatisfiedly. He accepted the fact. After all, he had no way to change his family situation. Besides, the envious eyes on the road also made Wu Zekai very happy.

"You know nothing. The delicious barbecue is all on the roadside stalls. You, a returnee, don't know anything."

Fang Xin said with a smile.

For some reason, she felt very comfortable with Wu Zekai at this moment, and neither of them had any objection to the other.

Just like that, the two of them chatted and ate skewers on the side of the horse. They were so happy, and all the previous differences were swept away.

"No, Fang Xin, it's so boring to eat barbecue without drinking."

After taking a bite of the roasted lamb loin in his hand, Wu Zekai said slowly

"Of course we have to drink, but not here. After you finish eating, let's go to a disco to relax."

After drinking the water in the glass, Fang Xin's mouth curved into an arc.

Fang Xin had wanted to go to a disco for a long time, but unfortunately he didn't have the money to go at the beginning.

Now he finally has money, but he has no free time and no friends. Today, both of these things are gathered together, and it is perfect to go to a disco after eating barbecue. The reason why Fang Xin has always wanted to go to a disco is because his ex-girlfriend met that wild man while going to a disco, and then betrayed him.

So, Fang Xin is now determined to be a scumbag and not talk about feelings!

"Why are you still eating? Let's go now!"

After wiping the oil stains from the corners of his mouth, Wu Zekai became excited.

Thinking back to when he was studying abroad, he often went to nightclubs. After returning to China, he never went there due to work reasons. Now that he heard about Fang Xin's arrangement, he couldn't help it.

""Boss, no need for change!"

After leaving a stack of 100-yuan bills, Fang Xin and Wu Zekai got into their supercar and drove away.

"Fang Xin, you still have the nerve to cry poor to me every day, are you sure that I am the one who has no money between the two of us?"

Sitting in the sports car, Wu Zekai teased.

Facing Wu Zekai's questioning, Fang Xin just smiled. The reason why Fang Xin is where he is today is all thanks to the system, otherwise Fang Xin would not be a loser living in the slums and being cheated on by his girlfriend.

As the night fell, a McLaren stopped at the door of the Miami Bar, which is also the largest bar in their city. Many young people come here to relax every night.

Of course, many"touching" stories have also happened here.

"Gentlemen, do you know anyone here?"

As soon as Fang Xin and Wu Zekai got out of the car, a salesman in a suit came running over to ask. After all, there weren't many rich young men like them. If he could get in touch with them, his monthly sales would improve a lot.

"Acquaintance, aren’t you our acquaintance?"

"That's right, you two can just call me Xiao Wang, I'll take you in right away."

After hearing Fang Xin's words, the salesperson was immediately delighted and hurriedly led the way.

"How about this position?"

After taking Fang Xin and others to the center of the bar, Xiao Wang asked.

This golden position is reserved for the big customers of the bar, and the consumption here is naturally the highest. Although Fang Xin and Wu Zekai are dressed in ordinary clothes, the sports car just now is enough to prove their financial strength.

""Very good!"

Sitting on the sofa, Fang Xin fell into deep thought while looking at the prices on the drinks list.

He had thought that the cost of such a place was very high, but he had not expected it to be so extravagant. The cheapest set meal was 1288, not to mention the tens of thousands of drinks.

At this moment, Fang Xin finally understood why her ex-girlfriend came here. After all, those who could afford to spend here were either rich or noble.

"Order whatever you want, it's my treat!" Fang Xin handed the drink list to Wu Zekai and said with a smile. As she had no experience, Fang Xin left the task of ordering drinks to Wu Zekai.

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