Chapter 132 - Earth is Beautiful

However, the only way to find out was for him to make his way down. And that etched in his mind, he braced himself, inhaling and then started to run, all the way to the World Bridge. 

In a short time, he dashed through, the power of the World Bridge taking over him immediately as his sense of being vanished.

However, almost as that started, it vanished, leaving him to process everything that was going on about him. It felt strange, this time. the experience at the Deployment Zone of Thunder was instantaneous. Immediately he got in, his sens of being vanished and then he popped up here, in Orun Apaadi.

But this time, he could process his thoughts, feeing as his body began to feel like it was split apart and slammed back together over and over again. Even to the extent that Sunday was not sure he had a body any longer.

He seemed disembodied for the most of it.

As the seconds pass through, strat thoughts began to pass through his mind. He frowned, remembering that he was in here without Bane.

Bane? Could he really survive in Earth without that soul beast? Honestly, his success here was due to Niniola being around and then again, to the existence of the Ascendancy Classed Prickled Bane Winged Wolf. He was not sure he would even have been standing here if Bane had not stepped in to combat the Demon Boss.

And so, if he was not going with Bane to Earth, then how was he to go about it? For the first time, the thought of being lonely, alone seemed to spite him so much that he loathed his very existence.

So many what ifs flooded his mind. What if when he got to Earth, he died? After all, there had been reports that on Earth, Irunmoles could also run into several misfortune. In fact, being on Earth, an Irunmole had to be extra careful because it was somewhat difficult, once a person has let down his or her guard, to identify demons who would ktem take on the skins of the human beings there. 

In that state, once the Irunmole was off guard, the Irunmole could be attacked and cleanly defeated.

More so, the demons there, no matter the soul class that they were in, seemed to loathe any presence of Irunmoles on Earth. And so, immediately they sighted one, they would gang up on that Irunmole, at least, until the Irunmole is destroyed by their hands or the Iruoles returned back to Orun.

Most times, the Irunmoles who were usually Messenger Classed with no knowledge and aailitu to combat demons, were done with their missions just as immediately as they went down to Earth. 

However for this mission, Sunday as very sure that just appearing to the Bolu girl was not all that the mission entailed. It was a bit complex and that he knew. Which meant, he was going to spend some time back in Earth.

So then, what if Bane never returned? Or something happened to Bane along the way? What if Bane ran into his father and the Primes again and they took him for just a regular Rare Type Beast, engaging him into extinction like last time? What if?

What if...?

What if....?

Just about then, Sunday felt the settling of himself inside of a body. His body.

He opened his eyes and shut them immediately. The change in the atmosphere was dazzling. In Orun Apaadi, it had been all dark nd his eyes had adjusted to that.

But now, the bright airs of the sky of Planet Earth sparkled into his eyes. He blinked, daring himself to open his eyes, blowing out an excited stream of air.

He inhaled now, breathing excitedly. He could not believe it. He finally made it to Earth. He made it to the planet where Eledumare let his pet creations.

He made it down here. It had bee a tumultuous journey so far but eventually he made it. He wanted to tell and scream and dance his way but for the meantime, he was breathless. A group of bird, hawks, from the way they looked sqwaked and immediately circled around him in fright.

He shook his head off the stray feathers that had settled on him, smiling. A realization just hit him. Was he in the sky?

"Oh ho! I'm actually in the sky? What?" Sunday squeaked, his eyes widening as he saw that he was in the sky.

Immediately, he realized this, Gravity took over. His body hurled down, blurring to the Earth at unimaginable speeds. 

In esctasy, he screamed out as the winds rushed past his face. He blinked in excitement just as his body tore through a column of clouds and then, a fiery sheen surrounded his body.

A concussion blast exploded out from him just as he felt himself drop down faster. The after effects of the shockwave slamming the clouds and mist about him to the farther side, leaving a circular patch of neat sky behind him.

"Woooohoooooooo!" Sunday yelled out, spreading his arms to the side as if he was gliding down to the Earth. "It's beautifullllll..."

As seconds went on, his speed increased, the fiery sheen doubling over. He began to feel the heat of it spreading all over his body, almost to the point of charring him.

But he was not afraid. This was the basics for every Irunmole. One needed to control the gravitational force of Earth to do their own bidding.

He inhaled, and then exhaled, tapping into the energy in his soul that hd already began to acc.u.mulate. He pulled it out, forcing it to cover his body in a protective sheath of white, the residual energy now spreading out to the the shooting star fiery effect on his body.

In no time, the orange blazing furnace on his body morphed, trimming down into just a tiny sheath of whitish energy. In this state, he could control his landing to the Earth without having to land with a large explosion.

That would attract too much attention.

However, now that he was moving slower, enjoying the ride, he could just as easy see the state of Earth's topography.

Or at least see what was situated on it.

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