Chapter 84 - Return of the Disciplinary Bounty Hunters

The loud whirring of the Flying Saucer rent the bustling atmosphere like a ghostly scream. White in color, it slowly rotated round and round, closing in on the targets circular pad on which it was to land on - the landing pad.

After coming to a final spin, it puffed out clouds of wind from the window like outliers in the center, the revving runic engines finally coming to a stop.

Just as it did, landing officers in blue overall coats and white beads moved towards the Saucer, waiting in line patiently as the door slid down, opening the insides of the saucer to the outside world.

As the passengers stepped outside, they re greeted by a beehive of activities, the air blistering with the power of several motion techniques fired here and there. Noise also resonates in the air as circular pads around have Flying Saucers either flying off in rotational circles or circling down to land. In the far distance, there are giant ring-like structures with rune markings all over them. 

Occasionally, a ring would fire up, light and energy flashing and combusting inside it. And simultaneously, the people or persons in front of it would get s.u.c.k.e.d in, vanishing away from sight.

It was a structure built for the wealthy and those actually in a hurry to get somewhere. Port gates or portal gates they were called, running on eyeblink speed motion techniques of light, chance, lightning and other laws as well.

All of these structures are in turn walled in by huge walls that rise up in.the horizon, like mountains kissing the skies, the midst of it occupied by jam-packed structures, buildings and vehicular transportations and of course, mass crowds of Irunmoles here and there.

Soon, Elisa and Elias stepped out of the door, joining in the line of the commuters as they were being checked out by the standing officers. Their tickets collected and ripped and then placed into a slit hole in a box. The reason being that the commuters are unable to use the tickets for another flight.

Few steps forward, Tobias stepped out, a slim, Irunmole with loin cloths and a sling bag of brown in between himself and the gold sprinkled booted twins.

Just as they dump their tickets, free from the check out line, a familiar face pops up with a wave, cheerfully from the side.

"Hey... Blueberry Mercenaries."

Elisa and Elias turn to the side but Tobias does not because he is behind them. He simply walks to them, silently munching on an apple.

It is an elderly looking Irunmole, lean and long, wearing a fancy blue gown with embroidered motifs at the arms, writs and necks, his gnarled fingers full of rings of different colors.

It was the HeadMaster of the Orun Travel Corporation, the one who had saved the mercenaries from getting into a skirmish with the guards earlier on.

"Good day, Head Master. It is such a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to see you today." Elisa greeted, her black hair swaying lusciously over her face.

"Greetings Head Master." Elias crossed his arms, forcing himself not to roll his eyes.

From the records, if one did encounter the Head Master then , that person had to be willing to sacrifice all of his or her day there.

The HeadMaster was that much of a talkative.

"Oh Ho!" The head Master waved his hands dismissively. "It is so nice to see you, Blueberry Mercenaries."

"It is Blue Moon, Head Master. " Elisa corrected with a smile, her hands latched to her voluptuous h.i.p.s. "Besides, how did you know we are from BlueMoon? We are not wearing our masks."

"Oh, Hahaha..." Head Master stretched out his arms, chortling. "Oh, people give me less credit than I am actually worth. Psst...  They think a business man like would not know the core values of an Irunmole."

He shrugged, looking all serious with raised eyebrows. "I mean, you can run an efficient business that has endured for centuries if you are not attentive to details, after all."

Elisa frowned slightly at that, trying to decipher what he was driving at.

"Oh!" Head Master's face was a mask of mock horror as he covered his opened mouth, dramatically. "You don't know? The boots you are wearing.  There are not exactly low profile, you know?"

"Interesting right?" The Head Master took their reactions for being amused in his observation.

"Also, you're still wearing the same coats from last time. So, once I saw you, I knew it had to be you too. I just don't see the other girl here." Headmaster looked about, searching for the other girl. "She called herself Heir to the House. Where's she? She didn't make the return trip?" He asked, searching about with his eyes.

"We should be leaving now." Elisa frowned, her eyes flashing. "We have something of urgent matters to attend to. Maybe after then, we would come listen to some gossip, Head Master." She said as politely as she could, barely concealing the seething anger in her mind.

That spoilt brat of an Irunmole. 

How dare she act that way to them? The bounty was right before them and yet, yet, she refused to act towards their capture.

It had irked her up badly that she was willing to remove the girl's dentition there and then, a far less deserving punishment for her disobeying direct orders.

Still, the girl had the guts to let the bounties and that boy in blue hood interfere. She freaking had the guts to let that happen, knowing fully well that she was already signing her death contract by doing so.

Held back from pursuing the bounties, by the High Council Guard Irunmoles, they had had to leave, outnumbered and escorted by the pokenosing guards into a Flying Saucer where she had nagged the two males with her.

She was that furious. Even now, she wished she the rogue Irunmoles had somehow wrecked some havoc on to Ibiyemi..

Elisa was livid and General Folarin was going to hear of it.

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