Train Survival: I Know My Luck

Chapter 14 Continue unpacking

Yu Qian'an already has four boxes in his car, but the blue luck he has been waiting for has not appeared. Maybe it's because he drove too fast today, so Yu Qian'an is not in a hurry.

Continuing to start the car, Yu Qian'an found Yao Yong's message: "Boss, what's there at 150 kilometers, what's at 200 kilometers, and what's after 200 kilometers?"

Yao Yong: "The price has increased. Two pieces of wood or one piece of iron or one part in exchange for news."

Yu Qian'an traded two pieces of wood.

Yao Yong: "You have three pieces of news, not one. I'll give you a discount price. Five pieces of wood, bring three more."

Yu Qian'an didn't need these three pieces of wood, so he traded them.

Yao Yong: "Thank you. At 150 kilometers, I encountered five goblins, two of them were riding dogs, one was holding a knife, one was holding a bow and arrow, and the remaining three were using a stone throwing bag, which was the European stone throwing soldier. The remaining two were goblin assassins with daggers, and the last one was holding a spear.

It was quite troublesome. I was injured, but fortunately I got a golden wound medicine.

At 200 kilometers, the station was a goblin camp with twelve goblins, including a priest. I don't know what skills he has. I shot him to death immediately, and then with the help of the terrain and the car, it took a lot of effort to get it done, but the supplies were quite rich, and there was also a small locomotive. , can be combined with your steam engine, the speed can reach 20 kilometers, finally no need for hand-cranked power.

After 200 kilometers, I walked more than 20 kilometers before encountering a chasing goblin carriage. There were five goblins in the car, which was about the same as the 150-kilometer one. It felt like poking a goblin nest. "

Yu Qian'an: "Thank you for sharing your experience."

Yao Yong: "You are not bad either. It seems that you are almost 150 kilometers. You are chasing very fast!"

Five goblins, Yu Qian'an filled the arrow clip. Before the opponent reaches the door, he should be able to shoot three arrows, kill the two dogs first, and then kill another one with a bow and arrow. At that time, it will still be one against four. I guess this door can't hold up, so I can only sacrifice it!

Yu Qian'an didn't want to stop the car and fight with them around the car. It would be troublesome if they knocked on the glass!

Soon, we reached 150 kilometers. The five goblin carriages mentioned by Yao Yong quickly connected to Yu Qi'an's train from the back. Before they were connected, Yu Qi'an shot a dog to death with an arrow. After the connection, the crossbow was already strung. The other party just jumped onto the cart and the second dog was sent away. The remaining five goblins rushed over with a howl.

One of the remaining two stood there shooting arrows, and the other was holding a leather rope and a big stone and shaking it.

Yu Qi'an finished stringing the bow, shot the archer to death immediately, and closed the door!

With a bang, a stone hit Yu Qi'an's door. Yu Qi'an continued to string the bow. A goblin climbed onto the roof of the car, and the remaining two were smashing the door.

Yu Qi'an suddenly opened the door, and the one with a knife was about to rush in with a howl. Yu Qi'an shot him to death with a crossbow, and the remaining one with a gun was taken out together. Yu Qi'an quickly closed the door again, and the door was hit by a stone again with a bang. Yu Qi'an continued to string the bow.

Suddenly, Yu Qi'an heard a crash, and the man with the dagger shattered the glass and rolled in.

Yu Qi'an gnashed his teeth: "Son of a bitch! Dare to break my glass! Shoot you to death!"

He was shot dead with one arrow, and the spearman behind him pierced through the wooden door. Yu Qi'an looked at the wooden door with heartache and silently wound up the string. When the second spear opened another hole in the wooden door, Yu Qi'an set up the crossbow from the first hole, aimed, and shot the man with the spear to death.

Then there was another bang, and the stone hit the door again. Yu Qi'an did not go out. After winding the string, he aimed from the spear hole.

The opponent threw another stone, and Yu Qi'an shot an arrow, and the stone thrower was also shot to death.

Yu Qi'an collected the broken glass first. The system prompted that it was a piece of broken glass. This thing is still very precious now.

Put away the dagger and copper coins, and throw out the goblin's body. This thing cannot be decomposed by default by the system, and it looks skinny and has no meat.

Open the door and clean up the other bodies. Two dog knights each cost five copper coins, and the remaining two cost three. With the 57 copper coins already, Yu Qi'an now has 76 copper coins.

Five water bags exploded, and now Yu Qi'an has 13 goblin water bags.

So it seems that water for steam engines is not that scarce. Most people's steam engines should be the same as Yao Yong's, consuming two liters of water per hour.

The reason why water is scarce is probably that it is drinkable water.

I got a bow and arrow, a knife, a short spear, and a leather rope for throwing stones. The two dogs also decomposed 22 pieces of dog meat and 8 dog teeth. I put the iron-wrapped boxes on my car. Yu Qi'an has already piled up five boxes.

The newly obtained cart was just hanging there. Yu Qi'an took a look at the Nothing to Do card. It was blue! Unboxing!

The first iron-wrapped box:

Golden Wound Medicine Blueprint (Green) x1 (Permanent)

It's just this thing, but this thing is very valuable. Yao Yong just said that he was lucky to get a golden wound medicine. Now it seems that he is even luckier!

After 100 kilometers, the battle became fierce. It is estimated that there must be more than one or two injured. This golden wound medicine is definitely hard currency!

After learning, the production of golden wound medicine requires three things (charcoal, paper, and herbs).

Yu Qi'an has charcoal and paper. Herbs? I wonder if this Cistanche counts?

Yu Qi'an puts Cistanche in, and the workbench shows that it can be produced, and the finished product comes out

Golden Wound Medicine x5

Yu Qian'an was a little confused. Why wasn't it a green wound medicine? Does it require green quality materials to make green wound medicine? Or is it random?

I looked at the trading interface and saw three people selling herbs. One exchanged for a bottle of water, one exchanged for a portion of water and a portion of food, and the other exchanged for a weapon.

Yu Qian'an contacted the first one first: "A cup of 500ml water for your herbs?"

Zhuang Hao: "Exchange, I'm dying of thirst!"

Yu Qian'an traded the water and continued to negotiate with the second one: "Your herbs can only be exchanged for a portion of water or a portion of food, or half of one, you choose!"

Liu Yang: "Poor bastard, get out!"

Yu Qian'an's face turned black. Don't let me meet this grandson! Block him and prohibit him from trading with me.

Contact the last one: "What weapon do you want to exchange?"

Ma Li: "I want a longer one. Do you have a spear?"

Yu Qian'an: "There is only a short spear of 1.2 meters, which is used by goblins."

Ma Li: "Okay, exchange!"

After exchanging for two portions of herbs, Yu Qian'an continued to make them. He made them twice, but they were still ordinary wound medicine.

Fifteen pieces of golden wound medicine, Yu Qi'an took one and put it on the transaction page to exchange for the blueprint.

Continue to look at the second iron box

Frame blueprint (green) x1 (disposable)

Iron ingot x10

Wood (green) x20

This is the second time to get the frame blueprint, Yu Qi'an hesitated, should he install it on his third carriage or keep it to exchange for something good from others?

Seeing the contents of the third box, Yu Qi'an did not hesitate

The third wooden box

Frame blueprint x1 (disposable)

Iron ingot x4

Wood x20

Another frame!

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