Train Survival: I Know My Luck

Chapter 3 Killing the Wolf

Yu Qian'an's eyes lit up. Increase speed, this is a good thing. Sure enough, the speed of the vehicle can be increased.

He put the oil on the workbench, which showed: Do you want to use oil on the car body?

After choosing yes, all the connecting bearings, wheels and other parts of Yu Qian'an's car showed oil lubrication.

Yu Qian'an tried it, not only did he save about a quarter of his effort, but his maximum speed also increased to 12km per hour, which increased by 50% at once. Yu Qian'an easily reached a speed of 10km per hour.

The condensation volume of the condenser also increased from 185ml/h to 425ml/h, which means that Yu Qian'an can collect at least 3 liters of water by the evening.

However, after installing the condenser and the locker, the vehicle speed decreased by 0.2, and the two kits reduced the speed by 0.1 each, which means that the weight of the things in the storage box is not a normal value.

Of course, Yu Qian'an did not choose to sell water immediately. After all, it has only been two hours since morning. Unless someone is unlucky and is thirsty before coming, how thirsty can others be? It's not necessary to take out so many precious things for a bottle of water.

In a desert like this, without water, a normal person can still survive for three days, so the best time to sell water is from the hottest time of the second day at noon to the third day, and those who lack water after that will die of thirst.

Click on the discussion area, some people are asking for food, some are asking for drinking water, but it's not like the survival novels that break the bottom line, such as original stockings or exposed photos in exchange for supplies, after all, it's not that far yet.

Most of those who ask for food and water at this time are women. These people are losing weight. They have been fasting for a day before coming here, and now they are panicking.

I guess the thing they regret most now is why they have to lose weight.

Just when Yu Qian'an was sighing at the high quality of everyone, a purchase information attracted Yu Qian'an's attention:

Wang Yang: "I want to buy a pair of pantyhose, it doesn't matter if you have worn it or not. Willing to exchange it with 300 ml of water."

Yang Chuanfei: "Shocking!! Pantyhose boss!!!"

Han Xue: "Pervert..."

Lu Han: "I am a man, I have varicose veins, and I usually wear pantyhose, do you want it?"

Zhuang Dundun: "The bottom man! Girls, don't give it to him, it's too disgusting! Is this the only thing on your mind, men! It's the end of the world, and you still only think about this! What a fool!"

Wang An: "It's the end of the world, can't you have a good time before you die?"

Han Xue: "Wang Yang! You are a scumbag, You cheated me of my stockings, and gave me sewage!"

Wang Yang: "You are so stupid. I found a sewage pit. I want stockings just to make filters. I will sell them to everyone after I filter out clean water.

You who scolded me have been blocked. Eat shit!

As for Han Xue, don't scream. I will change the water for you after I filter it!"

Yang Chuanfei: "Fuck! Boss, I was wrong. I shouldn't have said such a bad mouth!"

You Yunfei: "Why didn't I think of it! I also saw a sewage pit just now!"

Yu Qian'an had to sigh that there are still many smart people in this world. I don't know how much his sewage pit produces. If the output is large, I am afraid I can only drink soup from it.

Because of the addition of lubricating oil, Yu Qian'an's car reached 20 kilometers in less than half an hour. He looked at his luck. This time, the Wu Shi card was a layer of turbidity. Yu Qian'an picked up the crossbow and observed through the scope. He found that a desert gray wolf was lying in the thorn bush not far from the box.

It was probably because he was holding a crossbow, so the Wu Shi Pai judged that he was just unlucky. If it weren't for the crossbow, the gray wolf would have at least taken half of Yu Qian'an's life.

After loading the crossbow arrow, Yu Qian'an carefully approached the thorn bush. Because he was a novice, the closer the shooting distance was, the better.

When he walked to a distance of 50 meters, the gray wolf did not move. At a distance of 30 meters, the gray wolf had turned its head and was on guard. At 20 meters, the gray wolf had already arched its body as if it was about to pounce, but Yu Qian'an was still moving forward.

At a distance of 10 meters, the gray wolf finally couldn't help it and pounced on Yu Qian'an with a roar. Now! Yu Qian'an pulled the trigger without hesitation! The gray wolf's body was already off the ground, and there was no chance to dodge. Instead, the crossbow arrow arrived in an instant at a distance of 10 meters.

Originally aimed at the wolf's head, after the gray wolf pounced, the crossbow arrow shot at the position below his throat, and then shot through the chest and the arrow went out from the back.

The gray wolf was repelled and curled up on the ground wailing, and it was obvious that it was breathing more and less.

Yu Qi'an didn't get close, but went to find a crossbow first. This thing is a scarce resource now, and one less is used.

It took a lot of effort to find a crossbow dozens of meters away from the shooting direction. The arrowhead was only slightly worn, and it was estimated that it would be no problem to use it a few more times.

When he came back, the gray wolf was lying there motionless. Yu Qi'an decided to move the box first, and then deal with the gray wolf. What if this guy pretended to be dead and wanted to give him a shot? After all, his luck was suggesting that he was going to be unlucky, so he should be cautious first.

When he came to the box, Yu Qi'an saw that this box was a little different from the one he had just opened. There were screw fasteners on the eight corners of the box, which was more advanced than the wooden box.

Seeing that his luck was green, Yu Qi'an hesitated for a while, did not open the box, picked up the box and put it in the car, and then went to deal with the gray wolf.

After such a long time, the gray wolf was completely dead, because Yu Qi'an walked over and found four copper coins next to the gray wolf. It seems that it will be easy to confirm whether the beast is really dead or fake dead in the future, just check whether there are gold coins.

After collecting the four copper coins, Yu Qian'an was about to carry the wolf corpse when a message sounded: "Do you want to collect it?"

Yu Qian'an was stunned for a moment. This actually saved a lot of time. He chose to collect:

Get wolf meat 500gx16

Wolf skin x1

Wolf fang x4

This wolf looked like it weighed more than 30 or 40 kilograms, but after collecting, it only produced 16 kilograms of meat. The meat yield was not very high. And I lost a set of wolf dung, which means I don't have the tools now and I have never done this before, otherwise I would definitely decompose it myself.

16 kilograms of meat is enough for me to eat, but why didn't the first snake I killed show decomposition? Is it because there is too little meat?

After loading the things into the car, Yu Qian'an was in trouble. It's not that there is no place to put them. This storage box definitely does not have the function of anti-corrosion. Fresh meat will go bad in it, and it will not sell at a high price.

Yu Qian'an wanted to string the meat up and air dry it, but he was afraid that the bloody smell would attract other wild animals. He held the "Nothing" card and asked if making air-dried meat would attract wild animals. It showed white on it, which meant that there was no danger in drying it.

Yu Qian'an took out four sand willow branches and used a crossbow to pierce a hole in the meat. He strung four pieces together. There was no place to hang them. Yu Qian'an took out more sand willow branches and piled them behind the car. The meat was placed on top. Although it was not as good as hanging, the gaps between the willow branches could also allow air to circulate below.

The temperature at this time was already above 30 degrees. The exact temperature could not be seen. It was estimated that the meat would be made into jerky in two or three days. It didn't matter if it was not completely dried, as long as it didn't go bad.

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