Train Survival: I Know My Luck

Chapter 35 Mine Carriage

Yu Qianan asked: "Who have you joined now?"

Yao Yong: "Currently there are me, Yang Jiarui, Chu Ying, Dong Heng, Wei Yuqing, Ma Liang, Hou Renqing, Zhang Defa, Du Qianzun, Jia Fufu, and Zhu Hanyu, all of whom are big guys with more than 300 kilometers."

Yu Qianan thought for a while and sent a message to Wang Yang: "We have an organization here to protect our own interests, in order to prevent Liu Jun and others..."

Wang Yang: "Wow! The big guys are still thoughtful. Can I join?"

Yu Qianan: "I will recommend you."

Wang Yang: "Thank you, big guy, I will follow you in the future."

Yu Qianan replied to Yao Yong: "I will join too, but I also recommend someone, that is, the one called Wang Yang."

Yao Yong: "I remember, the big guy with stockings, I also bought water from him, okay, count him in!"

Yu Qianan concentrated on dealing with the 450-kilometer mine cave. When he entered the mine cave area, the sign showed the wailing mine cave, the roadbed was unstable, and the speed limit was 10km/h.

This kind of sign must be followed, otherwise what should we do if the road collapses and the train overturns? Yu Qian'an had to slow down to 10km/h. Now the goblins can catch up with the train as long as they run faster.

This mountain is very big. Not far away, you can see a large mine. There is a small train with two carriages parked near the largest mine.

Yu Qian'an looked at the pile of materials on the slope next to the mine. A large number of goblins were singing and dancing there. Two vultures were circling in the sky, looking like they wanted to pounce down.

Yu Qian'an changed to a green magazine. Six dogs were already rushing towards the train frantically. Yu Qian'an shot quickly, killing six hunting dogs with 8 shots and three big goblins with 4 shots. He changed a gun and then 12 bullets to kill the remaining nine big goblins. When changing the magazine, the group of goblins was already very close to the train.

Because there was no blessing from Yang Jiarui, Yu Qian'an's accuracy with the gun had dropped significantly. Yu Qi'an decided to carry four or five guns with him next time, which would save him two seconds of magazine change time each time.

After changing the magazines, the fast runners had already climbed onto the train, while the slow runners and those with bows and arrows were shooting on both sides. Yu Qi'an killed them directly. There were still 26 on the train, half of which were looking for Yu Qi'an, and the rest were destroying everywhere.

Yu Qi'an continued to change the bullets and shoot. Two magazines with 24 bullets killed the 20 goblins that surrounded him, and now there were only 6 left.

Yu Qi'an climbed onto the top of the fortress car. In the planting car, there were 4 goblins jumping in the wooden box sand there. Yu Qi'an killed them directly. The remaining two, one was on the top of the second car, and the last one was on the top of the storage car. Seeing Yu Qi'an on the roof, two goblins were rushing towards this side.

I continued to kill them with two shots. The vultures in the sky saw Yu Qian'an on the roof and swooped down together. Yu Qian'an took a look and shot three times to kill only one of them. He hid in the carriage before the last one rushed down. When it changed direction and climbed higher, Yu Qian'an came out again to shoot and kill it!

Yu Qian'an returned to the control carriage and stopped the train.

I checked the train first. There were some marks on each carriage. Fortunately, the glass was not broken. Yu Qian'an was more confident in the green glass.

Clean up the battlefield. Each big goblin has 20 copper coins, each hunting dog has 10 copper coins, and two vultures also have 20 copper coins. Together with 36 mining goblins, a total of 448 copper coins, 66 pieces of dog meat, 24 dog teeth, 8 pieces of vulture meat, and 108 vulture feathers. 2 portions of down.

Yu Qian'an looked at the small locomotive in the mine. He had too much of it now, but he was still going to wait here for a while. He would drive a good locomotive and pull it to 500 kilometers. He would definitely have no problem selling it.

As for the mine cart, he would see what he could synthesize. Anyway, it was no big deal to leave it hanging for now, and he didn't care about the speed loss.

Yu Qian'an would stop here and sell his pistols and bullets for green resources and blueprints. If he came across white permanent blueprints or saltpeter, sulfur, and copper, Yu Qian'an would also exchange them for them.

After two hours of work, Yu Qi'an already had 3,600 ordinary bullets and 1,200 green bullets. He exchanged the white permanent blueprint for a porcelain bowl manufacturing blueprint (permanent), a teacup manufacturing blueprint (permanent), a toilet paper manufacturing blueprint (permanent), a coal briquette manufacturing blueprint (permanent), a paper manufacturing blueprint (permanent), a notebook manufacturing blueprint (permanent), a stone bullet manufacturing blueprint (permanent), a water tank manufacturing blueprint (disposable), a wheel manufacturing blueprint (disposable) x4, a glass manufacturing blueprint (disposable) x3, a carriage manufacturing blueprint (disposable) x2, and a water bag manufacturing blueprint (disposable) x6.

Among them, 36 fans were sold in total, which means that at least 36 people have generators, and there may be more, such as Yang Jiarui who already uses air conditioning.

Some of these white blueprints are what Yu Qi'an already has, and some are new. Although he already has them, Yu Qi'an still exchanged them back. The blueprints can be exchanged with other people.

Porcelain bowls require clay, coal briquettes require coal and soil, paper is made into A4-sized white paper, and notepads require white paper and pencils. Yu Qi'an made one, which is a notebook plus a pen.

Stone bullets are a companion to the crossbow, but Yu Qi'an has already planned to eliminate the crossbow. When the time comes, this blueprint and the crossbow can be sold together for a good price, so he never learned it.

The blueprint for making a water tank, Yu Qi'an made it directly and put it in the planting car. Although there is no extra water now, what if the station can add water?

The wheel blueprint is not very useful to Yu Qian'an. His current wheels are all above ordinary, which can be regarded as reserve blueprints.

Yu Qian'an also despises the glass blueprint. Now Yu Qian'an does not want to make glass of quality below green because the protection level is too low.

The carriage blueprint and water bag blueprint are not very useful either. Yu Qian'an keeps them for exchange.

The Wu Shi card finally turned blue. Yu Qian'an quickly sent a message to Yang Jiarui: "I'll give you a toilet paper manufacturing blueprint. Big brother, please send me your blessing!"

Yang Jiarui: "Received, thank you, I will send you my blessing right away. It will arrive in one minute."

After waiting for a minute, Yang Jiarui sent an OK message. Yu Qian'an took a look at the Wu Shi card. Although it did not turn red, the blue color seemed to have deepened a lot.

Run over and touch the locomotive and the mine car.

Small locomotive:

Maximum speed: 30km/h

Water tank: 0/1000L

Fuel tank: 0/1000.

Not bad, this locomotive needs to be synthesized four times with that ordinary steam engine to produce one.

Two mine cars:

Storage of ore: 123/10000

Storage of ore: 154/10000

Yu Qian'an's eyes lit up. This mine car turned out to be a car specially used to store ore. Yu Qian'an thought that ore should be stored in storage cars. It seems that this is a special car!

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