
Chapter 20: ~Choosing clothes.~

***Norfolk, Fellmar***

“This is unacceptable!”

I am trying the sixteenth ball gown while Ascathon is looking at me with a bored expression. We are inside an exquisite shop for clothing in Fellmar.

“Could you decide soon? The Ball of Fellmar is going to start soon.” He points at an antique hourglass in a corner of the shop.

“I can't go like this! This looks … like... like...”

“A bikini?”

“Thanks. That's the nice word for it. Get me a decent ball gown!” I snap at the saleswoman who seems utterly confused.

“But... I don't understand the problem. That's the best traditional gown we have.” The saleswoman seems honestly confused.

Ascathon starts to chuckle in the background. He has no problems with the traditional clothing for men of Norfolk. It looks like a strange combination of a smoking and a robe.

The traditional clothing for women on a big festivity seems to be nothing more than a bad joke. I smile at the saleswoman. “I won't show off my entire body to lecherous old men. So get me something that doesn't freeze me to death.” Advertisements

“How about going with traditional clothing from Jamaian.” Ascathon waves at another row of clothing which is meant for festivities. Unfortunately Jamaian tradition is the polar opposite of Norfolk clothing.

“I don't even understand the logic behind it. Is it to torture the female population? The warm country dresses you up for winter and the cold country dresses you for summer?” I start mumbling while I look at the ski suits from Jamaian.

That's when the saleswoman comes back with something like a china dress. It's a set with a fan and a big hair needle. “Here! That's the latest fashion from the Academy. It shouldn't be a taboo to wear it on the Ball of Fellmar.”

Ascathon just raises an eyebrow. “You have to cut the walking slit higher.”

Sometimes I really want to know what's going on in his head. I guess that's the best compromise between swimming suits and ski suits.

“Why? It should fit fine.” The saleswoman looks sceptical at Ascathon.

“If she kicks someone it will rip!”

Hooh... nice thinking.

“Why should you kick someone at the Ball of Fellmar!?” The saleswoman is shocked.

“Cut it higher. I may have to kick my husband.” I wave for the saleswoman to do as ordered.

“Haah.... so it's that kind of relationship.... and they looked so good together....” The disillusioned saleswoman leaves the room again.

I guess our relationship isn't really the best. After the issue at the island I decided to try it inverted. Physical relationship first. Then acceptance. Then love.... maybe. Haaah... I hope I don't make a big mistake with this.

Well I guess a stable and secure life is better than love. All my other options are worse.

“That reminds me. Why didn't you object at all when I wanted to join you?” I look at Ascathon who is loafing on a chair in the corner.

“Mmh... It's required for noble landlords to bring their own companionship. If you come alone it either means that you have some kind of problem or you are some powerless nobody. Not that I would care. But the other indication is that you are single and willing to take everyone who offers himself.” He signals me a very obscene gesture to emphasize his point.

My expression drops a little. “I see. So you see me as an insecticide against all those lonely feme sole.”

“It's in your interest to ward off any pushy characters.” He smiles at me.

I purse my lips when the saleswoman enters the room again. She has the china dress in her hands and I start to change myself. They were really fast with adjusting it!

This world has almost no sense of shame in regards of nudity in certain areas. If you would ask a salesman for a changing room, they would look at you with big unintelligible eyes.

I grab the fan and the saleswoman helps me with the matching hairpin. I wish this world would have acceptable mirrors. But the most you can find even in high-spec stores like this are polished copper plates. So i turn to look into the biggest one at the wall.

Hooh...? I could get used to having my hair like that. It's out of the way and i don't have to cut it. And the hair needle could have ~other~ uses.

Anyway. Those copper mirrors distort the image and the colours. So it's always good to have a second opinion. When I am done I look at Ascathon. “Stand up. How do I look.”

“Why? You look fine. Like a real ~sugar cat~.” His expression becomes lecherous but he quickly follows my order when I start to smile.

“~Stand still. I have to test this dress.~”


I place a perfect Mawashi geri at the point where his head had been a second ago. But I strike just air because he ducked away at the last moment. It all happened in a split second.

“Ohoho... You got faster ~honey bear.~”

“I already expected violence ~sugar cat~. Please don't use lethal force next time. If I hadn't dodged my head would have popped like a melon.” He straightens his jacket.

“Of course I would have stopped. I would never harm the provider for the family.” Maybe..... But a little bump on your head would have been a suitable punishment for that creepy grin of yours.

Then I look at the saleswoman who turned pale at our exchange. Or was it my usage of the expensive dress? “I will take it. My honey will pay.” I snap the fan in front of my grinning face and leave the room.

The store is subdivided in different compartments. There is the one for festivities which I was in. Then there are other doors which lead to different ones. All are connected by a central sales area.

I take a look out of the window and watch the snow-storm. What a depressing country. I wish there would be more sunny days.

A minute later Ascathon joins me while mumbling to himself. “I don't understand why a piece of cloth is that expensive.”

He walks towards the exit and I quickly catch up and link arms with him. “Don't forget to cast environmental protection honey.”

“Hahah... I would never forget that.” He grabs the handle of the door and leads me outside while a blue shimmering bubble encloses us to form a shield against the snowstorm and the cold.

I wouldn't really need it because of my new skill. It's a perfect protection against any harm. But my dress would suffer without Ascathon's help.

We silently walk down the streets of the biggest seaport of the continent. Fellmar is known for it's size and the amount of ships which are coming and going.

It was chosen by the Jarl because the journey to this city is the easiest for most nobles. He wants to create good relationships with other nations after all.

“When will you start to introduce the new techniques and greenhouses to your principality by the way? I am of the opinion that we should move faster.” I strike a conversation with him to kill time.

“You think? I thought of changing everything slowly and little by little to draw as little attention as possible.” He grabs my hand and interfolds his fingers with mine. I guess that's meant to be an intimate gesture?

I smile and draw closer. “But the more time others have to get aware of the new techniques and machines, the more attention our principality will get. They hear about a new machine. So they will take a closer look. Then they see the lenient ruling. So they will sent the inquisition of the Academy. Then they find even more strange things. Maybe they will want to take a look at the source of all those new things.” I take a deep breath.

“All our changes and laws shouldn't draw any attention by themselves. But all the new techniques together with all those changes on how our normal population is treated will surely activate some red lights in their heads. News travel slow in this world if they aren't carried by nobles or merchants.” We start closing in on a big shimmering palace. The Jarl hasn't feared any cost to make the Ball of Fellmar a spectacle.

“So I think it would be nice if we wouldn't have to worry about a hypothetical inspector if he turns up in two years from now.” I end my train of thoughts and Ascathon starts to hum in thoughts.

Then he shrugs his shoulders. “It's a nice opinion. The question is if we really have that much time until an investigation starts. Or if we just trigger it earlier by following such a path.”

“That's why we have to control the trigger.” I start to grin. Advertisements

“Controlling the trigger!?” Ascathon arches an eyebrow while thinking about my words.

“Do you think the Jarl would be willing to grant you a little more freedom and a little protection in exchange for your intelligence about the Phenex Empire? A war is coming and your principality could be a decisive factor in the coming war if left alone.” I snuggle a little closer once more. “And a war can be long and gruesome.”

Ascathon starts to grin while we approach the big entrance door to the Ball of Fellmar.

“And who knows? In the end? Maybe they will find out that the puppy which was left off the leash can't be controlled any more?”


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