
Chapter 3: ~Mercenaries?~

***Norfolk Capital***

I am on the carriage again. I could count my negotiations with the Jarl as a complete success. His letter gives me more than I bargained for. Originally I thought that he would sell me the land just with a very complicated contract.

Instead he gave me complete rights as a noble of Norfolk on a whim. Of course it's just for as long as I remain in control of those lands but it still allows me to act in the way I wished for.

That brings me to my last business in this city. I tap the shoulder of the driver. “Who are the best mercenaries in Norfolk?”

The driver tilts his head while thinking for a second. “The official version goes with the Polar Cutters. They have the most men and are involved in almost all businesses regarding mercenaries.”

I shake my head. “But I don't care about people who are good in selling their reputation. I want to know who are the ~best~.”

The driver smiles. “If it's unofficial then you need most likely the Icewolfs. They have the best warriors. But there aren't many of them. And they are very picky with their contracts.”

After nodding, I gesture the driver forward. “Icewolfs it is.”

The driver nods and the whipping starts again. Aaahh.... I have to introduce a real method of transportation to this world. The sun is already setting and it starts to darken around us while the driver whips the horses in a steady pace.

Half an hour later we arrive at a run down building with a big shield over the entrance. “Den's Icewolfs” I read aloud. Advertisements

The driver nods while I get off of the carriage. “Den is the leader. I will wait here?”

I nod and enter the wooden house. Inside I get almost overwhelmed by smoke and the smell of beer. Several big and burly men are drinking and laughing on multiple tables. It looks like I ended up in a tavern.

With a smirk I head towards the bar. “I want something strong!”

“Only for members of the house small one.” The barkeeper continues to polish one of his glasses.

“And how about an employer?” I sit down on a bar stool and smack my second pouch onto the bar.

The burly barkeeper finally decides to give me a beer. “I am Den. And I don't take contracts from young upstart nobles.”

I grab the bottle and take a sip of the beer which tastes awful. It probably showed on my face because Den snorts at me and continues to polish his glass.

“I am young and I am an upstart. But I have money! And I want to live. I am here because I heard that you guys are quality over quantity.”

“Then you heard right. But my statement still stands. We don't work for pushovers!” Den shoves the pouch back towards me.

I take it and store it away again. “Then who tells me that you guys aren't the pushovers here?”

“Drink up and leave before I throw you out. The Icewolfs aren't working for high and mighty nobles. Solve your problems yourself with your spells.” Den answers with despise in his voice.

I shake my head. “I doubt that some weak commoners would be able to throw the high and mighty Ascathon out of their house.”

Den grabs me by the collar and I crush my bottle on his head in response. He doesn't even blink as he pulls me over to his side of the bar with one arm.

The next thing I know is that the world is turning wildly around me and with a hard impact I find myself between the remnants of a broken table. Hadn't I buffed myself by infusing mana into my body I wouldn't be able to get back to my knees so fast.

“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

The group of burly men around me starts to scream and cheer.

Den is already in front of me when I look up and his foot places itself perfectly on my chin. I feel the impact even though I strengthened myself.

Being lifted to my feet by the impact, I try to steady myself. The burly men start to form a tight circle around us and Den starts to shower me with a series of kicks and punches. Den is clearly using mana to enhance himself.

When I finally manage a counter-attack Den evades and I hit one of his followers instead. After taking the blow directly to his chin, the burly man falls to the ground like a felled tree.

The room becomes silent.

“Ups. I may have put a little too much force into that one.” I scratch my cheek. “Maybe I should really find some other mercenaries. I need some really good people. Someone who can be hit unconscious by a weak magician like me isn't what I need.”

Den points a finger at me. “Get that self righteous bastard! We will show him what the Icewolfs are made of!”

Then I am grabbed by a horde of burly men who move much faster than I had them imagined to be able to.




“So have you learned you lesson now?” Den stands with crossed hands in front of me.

I am bound to a chair with my hands behind my back. They took their time to give me a proper beating. My face feels like mush and must be twice the size as normal.

“ thhink...”

“Can we throw him out now, boss?” One of the burly men turns towards Den.

“Take his money first!” Another calls out.

“Thh.. Thh.. … iefff”

“What did you call us?” Another one shoots a deadly glance into my direction.

“Thh... hh... thhhug....”

“He doesn't learn it boss! Should we continue the beating?” -Thief

“I don't know. My hands are sore. That guy has unbelievable endurance. It's like hitting rock. Look. All my knuckles are swollen and bloody.” -Thug

“They aren't just swollen Tony. I think they are broken. Your hands look strange.” -Thief

“Oh really? Hmm. Yeah, you might be right.” Tony starts to set the broken bones in his hand with unpleasant crunching sounds.

“You always amaze me! Try to find a doctor and lift that curse to feel no pain. It's dangerous I tell ya.” Den shakes his head at Tony.

“But so far it was a really helpful curse.” Tony continues to set his bones while all burly men look with pity at him.

I better keep my mouth shut. Just trying to speak already hurts like hell. To imagine that this guy kept hitting me despite my use of stone-skin is quite remarkable. The other mercenaries just took a few blows at me and stopped.

Aaaah.... I should have tried the quantity over quality approach. It looks like the Icewolfs have a deep grudge against nobles.


A window is broken and someone jumps into the big room. At the same moment the door flies open and several hooded figures storm into the room. Whoho... are those assassins? They are fast! The day didn't even come to its end and they are already starting the first try.

“mmh.... rom..m... rope!”

Unbind me you burly men! I need my hands free! There are about ten assassins who are staring at the burly men.

“There he is!”

One of the hooded figures throws a knife at me but it gets blocked by one of the burly men. F... Fast! Are they on drugs? How can a muscle monster like that move so fast.

“Stop that! And you will pay for that window!” Den screams at the hooded figures and everything begins to move!

All hooded figures start to throw fireballs at us while the burly men begin to move. A few of them change into grotesque hairy humanoids with fur and sharp teeth! Werewolf!

The werewolf-curse is very old and was used during a past war to create common soldiers which are able to stand up against magicians. It grants high resistance against all kinds of magic while enhancing the body.

A downside is the bad smell and the hairy body. On top comes that many people aren't able to control the curse and turn into rabid animals.

Den grabs me together with the chair and carries me outside while the whole building starts to catch fire. His men are tearing the assassins apart in the meantime. A hundred werewolfs against ten assassins can't be called a fair fight.

Once outside I get thrown to the ground while Den watches in horror as his guild goes up into flames. Slowly his men start to leave the building. Some are gnawing at the parts of dead assassins.

Then I get grabbed and pulled upright while a hundred angry werewolfs are looking at me like I would be the next meal. “Look at that! Our hideout! Who do you think will pay for that! And which bastard is after you! Can't they wait for you to be alone and slice your throat in a dark alley!”

“mhm.. I... hire...”

Den shakes me like a doll. “Hire? Us? Didn't you just see what we are?” He snaps the ropes which bound me to the chair like nothing to prove his point and starts another round of shaking.

“Ffine....perffect....hire... aalll....”

The burly men around me start to laugh and Den shakes his head. “I can't take this any more. Is this guy really serious?” He grabs a small vial out his pocket and throws it into my lap.

A high grade healing potion! Thank the gods! I unplug it and down the content. A few seconds later I feel my jaw snap into the right position which makes speaking much easier.

“I will hire all of you as bodyguards. I don't care if you are werewolfs or not. Actually I ~love~ it! That's a wonderful bonus!” I grin at Den. At least as much as it is possible in my state.

“Just who is after you to be that desperate?” Den crosses his arms.

“Just the whole House of Arenzien. And maybe the House of Jasmine.... And the enemies of the Jarl. Did I forget someone? Hmm. Those should be the most important ones for the moment.” I scratch my cheek while grinning at Den. Advertisements

Den covers his face with his hands and sighs. “How long do you think you can pay us? We aren't exactly cheap you know? Being a werewolf and immortal doesn't exactly cause us troubles with money you know?”

I grab the pouch out of my coat and pour a few coins into my open palm. Then I hold the coins and the pouch towards Den.

“Like I said. I hire all of you. For as long as I live. Are a thousand platinum coins enough for a hundred immortal werewolfs? I don't plan to live forever you know? It should be enough if you keep me alive until I die of old age.”

That night I acquired a hundred big, burly, hairy ~watchdogs~ to guard my property.


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