
Chapter 5: ~Nightmares.~

***Norfolk, Sarn-Valley***

It has been a few weeks since I started to take care of Sarn's affairs. The work on my new property is in progress and I took a room in one of the better hotels. To be exact, I booked the whole building to have my watchdogs nearby.

Another point on my list was the letter for Kane. I hope he will lend me a little of his expertise to get this village running faster. His family has good connections on top of that. Having connections is never bad. And if this place gets known to a lot of people it's even better.

There are quite a few things I want for this valley. But first I need money and power. Enough power to do whatever I want. The others shall scream and throw their sticks at me. As long as I can step over them it shouldn't concern me.

It's night and the bed is quite comfortable. Maybe I should take it with me when my new house is finished? I instructed them to build quite a large basement too. So it could take a while.

I need a place to conduct my experiments and start my research.

Of course the citizen were a little confused about the sudden change of government. The elders made quite an uproar. That wasn't helpful in the least. In the end I had them arrested for causing civil disturbances.

Well. I had expected that they wouldn't act smart and keep their mouths shut.

At least the people calmed down after a few days when it became clear that my arrival would bring new life to the city. The three former elders which I kept in their offices are doing acceptable work. It's becoming clear to the citizens that things will change for the better.

And I kept the secretary which is called Sarah too. She is such a shy, little thing. Just right to vent my frustations by teasing her. The guards frighten her and she is sneaking around like a shadow all the time. If you surprise her from behind she jumps half a meter into the air. Advertisements

Anyway... I will take a nice nap now. The Icewolfs are guarding the inn, so I should be safe.



The reformatory doesn't allow free time. I learn, I train, I eat, I sleep. An endless circle. When will it end? Why am I here? More than five years. I just know my room and the classes. Why did my parents bring me here? Did I do something wrong?

No, I am barely five years old! There is nothing I could have done at that age! They just don't care about their children.

I learn, I train, I eat, I sleep.



It's dark. It's a dark room and my father is hitting me with a metal rod. I am not fast enough in breaking the mind of the prisoner. I don't know the man, but his resistance is quite strong. Every time I fail to draw out information my father hits me with enough force to break something.

“The mind has to be stronger than the flesh!”

He screams and heals me with healing magic. Then the procedure starts anew and I fail again. My mind feels muddy and I am tired. It is impossible to win a duel of the mind while being so tired.

But father has no mercy. It goes on and on and on.....



“Please go out with me!” I hand her the flowers and a letter. She has beautiful black hair and metal blue eyes. Ever since we started to take the same classes, my eyes were locked on her.

So I made up my resolve and confessed. I couldn't bear it any more.

She smiles at me with her beautiful lips and takes the flowers from me. Then I get kicked with a swift motion and two fingers stab for my eyes.

I scream while I feel hands on me and the world starts to spin. She threw me?


Was that the window? THIS IS THE SECOND FLOOR!



It's the final exam for this year. This is important to keep my studentship! My belly aches while sweat runs down my forehead. Oh, the pain. Someone cursed me with stomach-aches! And quite strong ones at that!

But I can't run for the toilet or the infirmary. If I blow this test I will be sent back home! That can't happen! Never!

I start to write while pearls of sweat drop on my sheet of paper. Then I hear a snicker which draws my attention. A few rows to the left is a girl with black hair. She is laughing while looking at me.

The bitch cursed me!



I open my eyes! It's dark. I am drenched in sweat. What a night! A nightmare! Fuck this world. I lived more lifetimes than I bothered to count. This fucking reincarnation still took a heavy toll on me.

Graah. It smells mouldy and I am lying on the hard ground. Did I roll out of my bed while I had those dreams?


Something scratches on my window and I roll under my bed without thinking. Someone is trying to enter my bedroom? Assassins?

It's too dark. I cast a spell to enhance my vision. There is no artificial light in this world of magic. Most people aren't able to cast their own light spells, so the cities are darker than someone from a world with technology would imagine it.

The darkness is complete. There is no moon tonight and it was cloudy when I went to sleep.

*scratch* *click*

Someone opened the window! It starts to get cold very fast, but I don't move. Someone starts to whisper.

“He isn't here!”

“Maybe another room.”

“That can't be, I watched the windows for days. He is sleeping here!”

“Then he went out to take a piss?”

I see two pairs of feet besides my bed. Those assassins are quite good to climb the facade of the inn like that. If I hadn't had such a bad sleep tonight.

While I sneakily crawl closer, I ready a paralysis spell. Mwahaha! I will teach them! Nobody wakes Ascathon Asceron up! And they are trying to kill me!

I will take my time with them. Two precious ~test-subjects~!

“We should....”

My hands shoot out towards their feet and blue sparks dance between my fingers and them. The paralysis spell renders them unable to move while they are still able to sense their surroundings. It's like a precise cutting of the spinal cord.

Both of them drop to the ground like having their strings cut.

And now for the fun! “Mwahaharharharhar.....”

***Assassin's POV***

Suddenly everything went limp and I dropped to ground! What's this shit? What happened? Damn I hit my head. It takes all my might to turn my head and take a look around.

Were we attacked? It's too dark and I didn't sense a thing. Was this room a prepared trap?

I look around and then my gaze falls onto the dark gap between the bed and the floor. Two red glowing eyes stare menacing at me!

S... s.. Something is under the bed! Then it suddenly starts to crawl forward in a creepy way! A human shouldn't be able to move like that!


***Den's POV***


I shoot up. A scream of pure terror tore the night apart! It came from upstairs! Ascathon's room! A few steps take me to the stairwell and I take three stairs at a time!

Did I just loose our employer? I told him that his actions would create enemies! I reach his door and see a puddle of blood coming out from under it.

Other members of my pack arrive and I open the door while expecting to find a dead corpse.

But on the other side I see a scene which no mortal should see! Two hooded figures are pinned to the floor with magical chains of light and a creepy guy in a pyjamas is standing in the middle of the room. There is so much blood everywhere!

Two red gleaming eyes turn into my direction and I feel like something very old just set it's eyes on me. Maybe the young noble didn't lie after all when he told me that his soul is immortal.


“I... I just thought... maybe you need something?”

“A knife would be fine.” Advertisements

I nod and throw the dagger from my belt towards -gleaming eyes-. “Anything... else?”

“I will call if I need something.”

I nod and slowly close the door. Then I look towards the men who were looking over my shoulders. They all have pale faces and disturbed expressions.

“You heard him! Guard that door. And place someone under the windows from now on!”


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