
Chapter 79: ~Preparations.~

***Norfolk, Sarn***


And one. Two. Three!

I dice the training dummy with my new weapon and grin as it comes apart. The wooden doll is no problem for my new sword.

“What are you doing in the training hall? It's rare to see you here.” I hear Celestial's voice from behind me and turn around.

“Ah, I just wanted to test my new sword.” I grin at her.

“You and a weapon? What happened to the mighty wizard? And what are you intending to do with that monster of a sword! It's much too big for you!” She points at my newest creation.

“It's a two handed straight longsword. I took the finest steel for the core and the cutting edge is made from fused mana crystals. The cross guard is also coated with mana crystals and there runs a smaller crystal core through the entire weapon. For the moment I can't make the crystals big enough to make an entire staff. So I chose the only other weapon I am proficient with. The last time we fought the elders I got into trouble because I ran out of mana. This weapon isn't just another mana storage for me, but it can also generate mana by absorbing it from my enemies. And it can take care of the small fry.” I slice another piece from the dummy. “And it is sharp as hell!”

“I am not sure. It looks to big for you. How do you intend to fight in close quarters with such a huge stick?” She shakes her head.

“Don't worry. I'll be fine. A weapon like this is intended for usage with armour anyway. It's not like someone who intends to get close will have it easy. There is also the option to wield this weapon like a staff.” I hand the weapon to Celestial and she takes it with one hand. Advertisements

The blade parts the air and the dummy beside me is cleanly cut in half. “Could be heavier for me.”

I force a smile onto my face. “Why don't you switch to dual-wielding longswords instead of those short daggers?”

“That would defeat the purpose. The swords are there to assist me when I run out of mana. I won't be able to swing those things around without my battle aura.” She shakes her head.

“It would have looked cool though.” I take my weapon back from her and point towards the armoury. “I anticipated that when I made new ones for you and kept them similar to your blades.”

“Really!? That's nice. Although I don't understand why you don't simply make a real gun for a case like this.” She walks over to the weapon stand and inspects her new blades.

“My spells are far more devastating than any gun. And I would have to carry ammunition around. It's not like a simple gun could do anything to someone who is protected by a barrier spell anyway.”

“For cases like this I created these little fellows here.” I walk over to Celestial and grab a leather belt with throwing stars. They are just two centimetres in size, but that's enough.

I pull one of them from the belt and throw it into the air. The little monster immediately starts to spin and stays in the air like a small drone. “They work with thought commands. You can either set them to passively circle you and react to attacks, or you send them out offensively.”

A mental command sends the small blade into the head of a training dummy. Exactly where the left eye should be.

Celestial frowns. “That's neat! I will take a set. But you seem very concerned about your own combat capabilities. Shouldn't you think about the greater picture?”

I nod. “You are right. But I handed the planning to our sky general and Den. The two of them are as fit for the task as me. Maybe even more so because Den has worked and trained with our soldiers day and night. I am just the guy who is in charge of the equipment.”

Then I fling a dismissive gesture at the weapons in the armoury. “The production of our weapons and ships is industrialized by now, so there isn't much I can do to make it faster. We'll have to deal with our numeric disadvantage in the upcoming battle. Maybe our technological edge gives us the advantage we need.”

“And if it doesn't give us the advantage?” Celestial looks at me with a doubtful expression.

“Then we'll hope for the intervention of a higher force.” I point up to the sky. Advertisements

“To me it sounded like the other party has more help of that nature.” Celestial grumbles.

I pull a fist sized crystal from my pocket and smile at it. “When there is no hope left, I will try to negotiate with them.”

“Negotiate? What could we have to offer them?” Celestial looks at the mana crystal in my hand.

“The continuous existence of their playing field.”


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