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“Principal, do you know who attacked Emma?” David was also extremely surprised. Great Marshal Andre knew some information he could understand, and Principal Lake knew he was a little surprised.

You must know that until now, David himself has not obtained information from several intelligence organizations.

In terms of intelligence, the Great Spiritual World intelligence organization can be said to be spread throughout the Interstellar Federation. It is estimated that only Viscount Dward knows how many intelligence personnel there are secretly.

In terms of wealth, Alto Fund has a net worth of 10000 to 100000000 million, and it spans several Star Domain industries, and its influence in Interstellar Federation is enormous.

But Principal Lake understood the internal news earlier than them, and even understood the identity of the other party.

“It was the Immortal Research Institute that attacked Emma. This is a loose organization. The Alidia First Academy has cooperated with the Immortal Research Institute!” Principal Lake replied in a deep voice.

An accident, an extreme accident, David thought that the Immortal Institute was a terrorist organization.

After Great Marshal Andre mentioned the “Institute of Immortality”, David had been flying in space and he did not at all time inquire about the relevant information of this organization. At this time, I heard that the Institute of Immortality and the First Academy of Alidia both cooperated. I was extremely surprised.

As one of the federal highest Academy, the organization that can cooperate with Alidia First Academy must be a very famous and influential organization.

“What organization is this’Eternal Life Institute’?” David asked.

“‘Eternal Life Institute’ is a research institution jointly established by three top consortiums. It has been established for more than 3 years. The original purpose was to study the subject of immortality. With the support of huge wealth, the research of this institute The project is getting deeper and deeper, involving some life restricted areas!

A few hundred years ago, some of the secret research of the Immortal Research Institute was targeted by the Federation. The Federation launched an investigation into the Immortal Research Institute. The Immortal Research Institute was hidden and never appeared publicly, but their research never stop! “Principal Lake replied.

David understands what is meant by research in restricted areas of life. Research on gene replication is not allowed in the Federation.

In the early days of the Federation, gene replication research was out of control, and a large number of human clones appeared. The emergence of human clones almost collapsed the identity system of the Federation, which also caused ethical problems.

In the end, the clones and the Federation were completely wiped out after a major war, and research in the life restricted zone was completely banned.

Of course, the most important reason for the federal prohibition of human cloning is that clones cannot appear as Armored Soldiers, not to mention Transcendent. Even after clones and normal people intermarry, their offspring cannot become Armored Soldiers and Transcendents.

Once clones become widespread, the consequences will be extinct. A race without a strong individual military force is not far from extinction.

“Principal, can you tell me which three consortiums are?” David continued to ask.

“If you don’t ask, I will also tell you to let you know how powerful forces are behind the’Eternal Life Research Institute’. This is not something you can deal with!

The 3 major consortiums are’Jiafei Consortium’,’Yabu Consortium’, and’Sifu Consortium’! “Principal Lake nodded said.

David has heard of these three consortiums, all of which are stronger than Alto Fund. Alto Fund has a history of only a few hundred years, and these three consortiums have experienced 3 years without any decline.

These three consortiums are all involved, ranging from military and economics to basic necessities, food, housing and transportation.

“Why are they kidnapping Emma?” David asked with a frown.

To be honest, David doesn’t care how powerful the three major consortiums are. He can display all his power in the Interstellar Federation. Without world Rule suppression, he can easily destroy any power.

3 The major consortium can use only economic and political suppression. In terms of politics, his relationship with Great Marshal Andre was almost a golden body during the military administration.

As for the economy, where does David care about wealth? If he needs the resources in his hands, he can easily exchange for endless wealth.

Perhaps for other forces, they need to care about the combat power of the three consortiums, but in David’s eyes, as long as they are within 3 kilometers, no matter how many people there are, they are like ants.

“I don’t know, but the great probability is for you. You have to deal with it carefully, don’t be impulsive for 10000000!” Principal Lake said, shaking his head.

Principal Lake talked to David in order to inform David of this. Like Great Marshal Andre, he was not assured that David would go directly to the “Eternal Life Institute”.

In their thinking, no matter how powerful David is, he is just a person. The three consortiums behind the “Institute of Immortality” and the network of beneficial contacts between Meridian and the three consortiums can completely restrict David to death.

“Thank you, principal!” David thanked him sincerely.

“Academy can’t help you much, but Academy still has an advantage in intelligence. This is some information from the’Eternal Life Institute’. You can also be prepared if you understand it!” Principal Lake took out a stack from the drawer The paper material was placed in front of David and said.

Leaving the first Academy of Alidia, David flew straight into space and took out a small high-speed ship from the space pendant. In his space pendant, there was a small fleet of 2 large battleships.

This small high-speed ship is only a subsidiary ship of one of the large battleships, and he has no plans to stay longer in Lenka Star, let alone set the last’space coordinate’ here.

After setting up the small high-speed ship to fly to the nearest Space Transmission Gate, David sat in the pilot’s seat and checked the information given by Principal Lake.

From the paper information given to him by Principal Lake, it can be seen that Principal Lake is also very careful, worrying about leaving any traces to be discovered by the’Eternal Life Institute’.

The records in the data are much richer than the simple introduction of Principal Lake, allowing David to really understand the details of the “Eternal Life Institute”.

The Immortal Research Institute is a research institute specializing in biological research. It has achieved many results in extending life, but it is far from being immortal.

The study of immortality is like a curse, restricting the study to be unable to go deep.

Human life has a limit. No matter what kind of bioengineering, lifespan can only be infinitely close to this limit. If you want to break this limit, the research of the Immortal Research Institute is not even as useful as the Unaging Holy Water of the Great Spiritual World .

At least’Unaging Holy Water’ can slightly break the lifespan limit, allowing life to exceed the limit and still exist.

According to the information, the “Institute of Immortality” has been studying the content of mysterious science in the past few hundred years, trying to break the limit of life in this way.

With the help of three consortiums, the “Institute of Immortality” has reached out to all aspects of the military, government, and federation.

The strength is extremely terrifying, and even some military forces of the war level can be used.

David shook the head, this’Eternal Life Institute’ is a group of madmen. When it comes to the research on lifespan, it is estimated that people in the two worlds are not as clear as him.

Lifespan is determined by the World Rule. Only after reaching a certain realm, lifespan will be promoted accordingly.

If you want to break the life limit set by the World Rule, you need to have the ability to break the World Rule. At least the researchers of the Interstellar Federation do not have this strength, or the power of technology is not enough to achieve this level.

The location of the “Eternal Life Institute” that David is most concerned about is the location of only one branch in the data, which is known when he cooperates with the first Academy of Alidia.

He is still within the scope of Lenka Star’s Skynet, and he is operating on the identity bracelet, giving orders to the Alto Fund and Kerr intelligence organization to find out the information of the three consortiums.

Now David has a lot less scruples. He didn’t look for the idea of ​​“Eternal Life Institute” at all. Instead, he planned to destroy the headquarters of the three major consortiums and let the foundation of the “Eternal Life Institute” disappear, and then deal with the “Eternal Life Institute”. ‘Institute’ is simple.

“Perhaps they have forgotten my threat in a few years!” David muttered to himself.

He never claims to be a kind person. His revenge has always been Thunderbolt 10000 Jun, just like Alto Fund back then. He almost catches everything in one net at the top of Alto Fund, which is why he can easily control Alto Fund. s reason.

All competitors are scared, and no one dared to jump out and challenge the ownership of Alto Fund.

David didn’t understand why the three consortiums hijacked Emma through the “Institute of Immortality”, but he is certain that this must have something to do with him.

Less than two minutes, continuous information continued to pass, and Alto Fund and Kerr intelligence organizations responded quickly.

The intelligence of the three major consortiums is not a secret. The three major consortiums are all public and official consortiums, each with its own headquarters.

Unlike the Alto Fund which had a satellite as its headquarters, the three major consortiums all have their own administrative planet as its headquarters. This specification has been significantly improved.

“My lord, do you want to take action on these three consortiums?” Alto Fund’s President Kreb directly contacted David and asked him about his concerns.

“Yes, what do you think?” David asked in a deep voice.

Since David asked Alto Fund to help search for information, he did not intend to conceal his subordinate.

When he wanted to come, President Kreb should have come to persuade him.

“My lord, please inform me before you move, so that I can swallow their legacy!” President Kreb not at all persuaded him, but suggested excitedly.

Perhaps even David did not expect that President Kreb had a blind admiration for him. Since he destroyed Alto Fund alone, President Kreb has become his diehard supporter.

David has continued to grow since then, and he killed multiple Level 3 insect races alone during the federal live broadcast, and won the title of’Federal War God’, which made President Kreb’s worship to the extreme.

If others heard about David’s plan to deal with the three major consortiums, they would have many scruples, but President Kreb only thought of the expansion of Alto Fund.

For Hegemon companies like Alto Fund, if they want to develop advanced by leaps and bounds, they must seize the interests of other groups. Normal competition cannot shake the 1000-year-old consortium.

David’s move to destroy the core of the consortium will be the best time for Alto Fund to expand.

David himself couldn’t help but lament how crazy the Alto Fund manager he was looking for was without considering the probability of failure.

He knows his own strength, but President Kreb is a kind of blind trust.

“The first target Jiafei Consortium, I will arrive in 3 days, and completely destroy their Pohua Star headquarters!” David said his plan indifferently.

Pohua Star, the headquarters of Jiafei Consortium, is a completely undefended planet in his eyes. There may be some Transcendents and a large number of Armored Soldiers, but in his eyes, these powers are basically the same as those without power.

“Three days is enough. I will arrange the annexation of Jiafei Consortium and start in 3 days!” President Kreb said excitedly.

Although David doesn’t care about the amount of wealth, he does not need to attack the enthusiasm of his men. Besides, the more wealth he has, the stronger his influence in the Interstellar Federation.

If his influence in the Interstellar Federation is strong enough, then how could the Immortal Research Institute target him.

“Lost David’s track, David didn’t contact any organization. He didn’t even use spaceship. We can’t tell whether he still stayed in Lenka Star or entered space by other means!” In the Conference Hall of the Immortal Institute, The intelligence officer reported.

On the light curtain of the Conference Hall, David appeared in Shouhu Star and then borrowed his personal Transmission Gate to reach Lenka Star.

It’s hard to believe that this’Eternal Life Institute’ can be so clear about the personal Transmission Gate of the Alidia First Academy, but as long as you understand that everything about this person’s Transmission Gate is connected to the military, you can guess something in the military. The department has personnel from the Immortal Research Institute.

It’s just that the’Eternal Life Institute’ thought that after tracking David’s trail, it could watch David’s every move.

They believe that with the energy of the’Eternal Life Institute’, David cannot escape their surveillance at all.

But they didn’t expect that David just teleported back to Lenka Star, and they lost their surveillance of David.

“Track all the nearby spaceships, don’t let one go, David must have boarded a certain spaceship!” Director Hengqi ordered in a deep voice.

When Director Hench mentioned David, his eyes flashed with warm rays of light, and it seemed that David was his research goal.

Orders were issued, and all the available networks were used, but David seemed to have disappeared, and no news was sent back.

This is almost completely impossible in the Interstellar Federation. There are various monitoring devices everywhere in the Federation, that is, each spaceship has its own number, which corresponds to the identity authentication of all identity bracelets on the spaceship. It is almost impossible that someone can escape tracking.

But David’s small fast ship is different. This is an unnumbered spaceship, even together with the 2 large battleships in his space pendant, all of which are such unnumbered battleships. This is a battleship produced by the military’s rebel forces and is targeted. The removal of possible monitoring.

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