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“Great Marshal Andre, hello!” When David approached the planet where the’Institute of Immortality’ is located, and when he entered the area of ​​Skynet, he received a contact application from Great Marshal Andre. He was in the sky and connected to the identity hand. Ring greeted.

“General David, I am waiting for you to return at the Federal Headquarters, ten days are coming soon!” Great Marshal Andre’s first sentence was to remind David.

David naturally counts time. After solving the’Eternal Life Institute’, there is just enough time for him to rush to Origin Star.

As for the delay in the’Eternal Life Institute’, he never thought about it.

After understood the headquarters of the Immortal Research Institute, the demise of the Immortal Research Institute is only a matter of time.

“Don’t worry, I will report on time!” David immediately replied loudly.

The planet where the’Eternal Life Institute’ is located is very close to the Space Transmission Gate, and it only takes a few hours, which is probably convenient for the transportation of materials from the’Eternal Life Institute’.

David’s first feeling when he returned to Interstellar Federation was that remote movement here was too inconvenient.

Although the Interstellar Federation has a huge space Transmission Gate, even larger in size than the planet-level Transmission Gate of the Great Spiritual World, its number is too small.

Almost every Star Domain will have a Space Transmission Gate. The Space Transmission Gate just connects distant Star Domains together. It is still necessary to navigate in space within the Star Domain.

Compared to every important planet in the Great Spiritual World, almost every important planet has a planet-level Transmission Gate. Some nobles also have their own transmission gates of various levels as a supplement to the planet-level Transmission Gate. This makes the Great Spiritual World as incomparable as the Interstellar Federation world. Huge, but extremely convenient to travel.

Of course, these two worlds are impossible to compare, and the floating population of Interstellar Federation is incomparable than Great Spiritual World.

The teleportation system of Great Spiritual World only needs to guarantee the travel of nobles. Only the nobles with very small population in Great Spiritual World are eligible to use the teleportation system. Ordinary commoners cannot leave their planet in their lifetime.

The Interstellar Federation, as long as there is a little financial ability, can travel between interstellar.

“One more thing, no matter where the Efa Star Super Star Destroyer goes, I don’t want to hear about the Super Star Destroyer again!” Great Marshal Andre said solemnly.

“Don’t worry, that Super Star Destroyer will no longer appear in the Federation!” David promised with a smile.

Great Marshal Andre reluctantly shook the head, the Super Star Destroyer really fell into David’s hands, but he didn’t think David could do anything with the Super Star Destroyer.

You must know that with David’s ability to infiltrate, you want to do anything silently and silently with no difficulty, and where to use the Super Star Destroyer.

In addition, the Super Star Destroyer is in his own hands, which is much better than whereabouts unknown.

“Protect yourself, I am waiting for you at the Federal Command!” Great Marshal Andre finally said.

David stood in the sky, he felt Great Marshal Andre’s concern, Great Marshal Andre did not tell him about the three major consortiums, as if it had never happened before.

But he knew that the pressure on Great Marshal Andre must not be small, but Great Marshal Andre did not say that’s all.

David re-determined the direction, and he flew towards the headquarters of the Immortal Research Institute.

The headquarters of the “Eternal Life Research Institute” is located in a leisure manor, where the picturesque scenery, precious horses strolling on the grass, the trimmed trees and precious flowers and plants, show the out of the ordinary here.

According to the hint of the built-in map of the identity bracelet, this manor is a membership-based high-end leisure manor.

David looked down from in the sky, and there was no shadow of the research institute.

He knew that Hobbes Heavenly Knight would not deceive him. When he interrogated Hobbes Heavenly Knight, Hobbes Heavenly Knight had a mental breakdown and did not have the slightest sense of resistance.

In addition, the spiritual gap between David and Hobbes Heavenly Knight is as different as heaven and earth. Once Hobbes Heavenly Knight lied, he could not hide David’s perception at all.

When his spirit crossed the ground and entered the ground, the hidden space appeared.

However, David’s complexion was a bit serious, because if his spirit hadn’t reached the Legendary level, he might still be unable to discover the hidden space underground.

Because this hidden underground space uses the isolation pattern of Great Spiritual World to isolate the underground space from the outside world.

If this is the Great Spiritual World, David will not be surprised, but this is the Interstellar Federation, there will be no alchemists who have mastered the isolation pattern.

David even wonders if this is the intelligence center sent by Great Spiritual World, but now the entire Great Spiritual World intelligence organization is under his control. If the’Eternal Life Institute’ is owned by the Great Spiritual World intelligence organization, Viscount Dward is impossible to hide from him.

With the cleverness of Viscount Dward, David asked him to investigate Emma’s information many times. He was impossible to know that there was a connection between Emma and Lord Arthur, and even impossible to send someone to hijack. The Great Spiritual World intelligence organization was involved in the protection of Emma.

From the findings of the “Eternal Life Institute”, David can be sure that there must be something in this “Eternal Life Institute” that is related to the Great Spiritual World.

David is already here, and the secrets of the’Eternal Life Institute’ will no longer be kept.

The’Silver Winged Dragon’ brought David to the ground, and then the’Silver Winged Dragon’ inspired the Innate Ability of Teleportation, ignoring the underground isolation array and security defense energy cover, and entered the corridor of the underground space.

As soon as he entered the underground space, the feeling of bloodline connection increased countless times. Even under the suppression of the World Rule, he could clearly perceive the bloodline connection.

“Sure enough, the Bloodline contact is related to the’Eternal Life Institute’!” David said to himself.

When approaching the’Eternal Life Institute’, he perceives that the Bloodline life is very close to him, and he can be 100% sure that the Bloodline life is in the underground space.

David’s spirit is not isolated from the earth, and it is more convenient to spread all around along the passage of the underground space.

Soon the entire underground space was completely exposed to his perception, and he also discovered something that surprised him.

This underground space is a super-large research institution. The core location is a super-intelligent system composed of ten customized servers in parallel.

All the calculations of the entire “Eternal Life Institute” are handled by this super intelligent system. This kind of condition, let alone a private research institute, even the Federal Research Institute does not have such conditions.

The super server can be obtained through purchase, but the cost is so high that a general research institute will only have one at most.

On top of the super server is a customized server. This type of server is redesigned and manufactured by the server manufacturer according to the requirements.

The customized server of the Immortal Research Institute is the strongest server David has ever seen. Ten customized servers are immersed in a special solution and sealed in a 20 by 20 cube.

The material of the cube is very special, which can quickly conduct the heat of the solution. The surface is also drawn with’reinforcement pattern’,’isolation pattern’,’cooling pattern’,’defense pattern’, etc., plus the cube The various functions of the Interstellar Federation technology layout make this cube a place for a super intelligent system.

This is the perfect combination of the alchemy system of the Great Spiritual World and the technological system of the Interstellar Federation, which shows that the’Eternal Life Institute’ does have an alchemist.

Neither the technical means of the Federation nor the gold hand part of the Great Spiritual World can prevent David’s spirit from entering the cube.

To be honest, the intelligent system within the body of this cube has almost reached the perfect state of the intelligent system in terms of design capabilities. If you want to invade such an intelligent system, unless you attack ten customized servers at the same time and successfully invade at the same time, It is possible to control this super intelligent system.

Ten customized servers are mutually backed up, and are integrated in computing, forming the most powerful server group.

It’s a pity that this super-intelligent system encountered David, a terrifying existence with 100 41 Soul Clone. In theory, unless someone uses more than 143 custom servers to form a server group, he can be prevented from intruding.

The reason why David was attracted by this cube at first sight is because he is also an “electronic countermeasures division”, and has almost no resistance to this super-intelligent system, so he wants to have it when he sees it.

Perhaps it is because I believe too much in the design of ten customized servers. The defense system of the super intelligent system is not too special a security defense system. It can only be regarded as the top level in the civilian level, and there is still a little gap between the security defense system of the military.

David can also understand the designer’s idea. With this kind of hardware design, the possibility of intrusion is theoretically eliminated, unless ten “Electronic Countermeasure Grandmasters” are found to enter the cube and operate the ten customized servers of the cube within the body. , It is possible to invade successfully.

But just to find ten “Electronic Countermeasures Grandmasters”, who can guarantee that the ten “Electronic Countermeasures Grandmasters” have the same speed of cracking. As long as there is a deviation of one second, it will fall short.

That’s why it is said that in theory, the cube super-intelligence system is unbreakable.

When David was cracking it, he was still thinking about other things. After 5 minutes, the cube super-intelligent system changed its owner. During the whole process, he did not alarm anyone in the “Eternal Life Institute”.

His second concern was a laboratory close to the core location.

Since the super-intelligence system of the Immortal Research Institute has been controlled by David, he did not become invisible anymore, but went directly to the laboratory.

Where David passes, there is no need to verify identity and the sealed door opens automatically.

The staff of the “Eternal Life Institute” also staggered David’s path perfectly under the automatic analysis and processing of the super intelligent system, and David entered the laboratory as if he were in his own home.

Entering the laboratory, he saw 5 culture tanks, and the bloodline connected life in the culture tanks.

“Who are you? Who let you in?” There were 3 middle-aged researchers and an old man in the room. David’s sudden appearance made one of the middle-aged researchers shout.

David ignored the middle-aged researcher, but came to a cultivation tank. He extended the hand and gently touched the cultivation tank, feeling the resonance of life inside.

The middle-aged researcher was already pressing the alarm, but the alarm seemed to have lost its function.

The other two middle-aged researchers approached David, seemingly wanting to come hard.

“Are you General David?” the old man couldn’t help but ask, seeing David’s face.

“I finally understand why you are looking for me. I didn’t expect that with a life form like me, you will be able to successfully clone and succeed in 5 cases!” David answered the question to himself.

In the 5 cultivation tanks, there are 5 humans whose faces are exactly the same as David, both in height and appearance are exactly similar.

This is not the most terrible. Under David’s mental scan, it was found that these five human bodies are almost his true copies. The same Black Dragon body may only differ from the body in the soul.

These 5 human bodies are within the body, not at all souls.

Of course, these 5 cloned bodies have no cultivation at all. At this time, they are only equivalent to ordinary persons, but if these 5 cloned bodies start to cultivation’Black Dragon Sleep’, it will be like 5 baby black dragon-likes, and there will be no future. Limited.

David was extremely surprised, knowing that his life form is very special. He has long been in a non-human state, but has become the body of Black Dragon.

In the form of his body, let alone cloning, it is impossible to use his body tissue to cultivate more body tissues.

David doesn’t believe that the researchers of the Federation can do this. This already involves the realm of God.

Although he is not yet a Spiritual God, his body of Black Dragon is the body of Divine Grade life.

“I am Professor Leith, specializing in cloning technology, did not expect General David, you also have some knowledge of cloning technology!” Professor Leith said solemnly.

The two middle-aged researchers who were about to rush over had stopped when they heard Professor Leith say David’s name.

Even if they were in the’Eternal Life Institute’, they had heard of David’s name. Some time ago, the sponsors of the three’Eternal Life Institute’, Jiafei Consortium, Yabu Consortium and Sifu Consortium, were destroyed by David alone.

Not to mention the invincible title of “Federal War God”, where researchers without battle strength can deal with it.

“I am also very curious that the cloning technology can clone the Divine Grade life form. To be honest, I am really curious about the research ability of the Immortal Research Institute!” David Dan said with a smile.

At this time, David had already sensed that many of the forces of the Immortal Research Institute were concentrating here, and the Immortal Research Institute discovered his presence in this laboratory somehow.

He also didn’t directly solve it. He was extremely curious about the research here, at least until he understood the research results here, he would not completely destroy it.

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