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It’s not that David had never thought of learning that insect race Divine Grade general, and using the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ to enhance the strength of Fifth Level Templar Knights.

But the physique of Fifth Level Templar Knight is a big problem, unable to withstand the terrifying energy washout during the transformation of the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’.

The’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ is created based on the insect race physique. For all races lower than the insect race physique, the use of the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ cultivation results in the body Self-destruction.

This time the 5 clone Avatars are very special. Because they use David’s genes to match the energy transformed by the gods, the cloned bodies completely replicate David’s Black Dragon body.

The body of the Black Dragon is much stronger than the physique of the insect race, so it is not a problem to withstand the erosion of the transformation energy of the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’.

If it was not before using the Innate Ability of the “Thinking Storm”, David might transfer the “Sovereign level inheritance pattern” to one of the clone Avatars, and then clone the Avatar to create an autonomous operation of the “Sovereign level inheritance pattern” to transform the strength of Faith For divine force, divine force transforms physique.

David does not know whether the “Sovereign level inheritance pattern” will affect the body after leaving the body. The most important thing is that he is currently in the Legendary Peak state. Any bit of intense energy activity within the body can cause insults. The expected consequences.

In the state of’Thinking Storm’, he predicted that if the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ were removed from the body, there would be a probability of 1% point 2 due to the loss of the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ and accidental breakthrough.

This probability is very low, but David doesn’t want to take risks.

So he thought of this solution under the influence of the’thinking storm’ state.

The’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ is running, and the tide of strength of Faith is transformed into divine force. Even if it is divided into 5, to strengthen the 5 clone Avatars, it also makes the strength of the 5 clone Avatars crazy.

Of course, along with the crazy increase in strength is the damage of the bodies of the 5 clone Avatars. The horrible energy washes away within the body of the clone Avatar, and the improvement in the past is also causing damage.

The energy feather wings behind David flapped gently, one after another’immortal life force’ rushed to the 5 clone Avatars, repairing the damage.

Almost at the same time, five clone Avatars broke through to Fifth Level. Of course, this Fifth Level is not Knight or other professions, but Black Dragon Fifth Level.

The 5 clone Avatars do not have any other cultivation techniques. The only cultivation is the Legacy Cultivation Art of the Black Dragon family.

When the 5 clone Avatars reach Fifth Level, with the enhanced physique, the enhanced energy of the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ can no longer damage the clone Avatar.

For such a short time to break through to Fifth Level, David was not surprised.

It is necessary to know that when the 5 clone Avatars themselves don’t cultivate, they have a physique equivalent to Level 4.

Use the divine force generated by the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’, this multiple world highest energy to enhance the Level 4 physique, as long as the body is not burst, the enhancement effect must be super strong.

So the process from Level 4 to Level 4 Peak was reached in a short time. As for the bottleneck from Level 4 to Fifth Level, simply does not exist.

This is David’s clone Avatar, and it is also the clone Avatar of his Legendary Peak period. Whether it is in the genes or the deeper hidden life code, it has the life imprint of Legendary Peak.

In addition, the soul of the Avatar clone is David’s Soul Clone, which has his knowledge of realm.

This allowed the 5 clone Avatars to reach the Legendary Peak level both physically and spiritually.

David’s entry into the insect race world this time has once again attracted the attention of the 8-bit’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ Owner.

‘Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ was disturbed. This was not the first time. The last time it looked for’Blade Mantis Sovereign’, it was counterattacked by the opponent with words.

This time repeating the previous situation again, making’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ extremely annoyed.

The strength of Faith of the entire insect race world will be allocated according to the level of the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’. When a certain’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ leaves the insect race world, this’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ should be allocated The strength of Faith will be transferred to the other 8’Sovereign level inheritance patterns’.

During the transfer of the strength of Faith, the divine force generated by the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ will also fluctuate. This fluctuation will make the insect race Divine Grade unable to accurately control the energy for a short time.

Normally, it’s fine, but’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ is undergoing complex puppet transformation work. This time the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ suddenly appeared in the insect race world, which made its transformation work fail and lost a lot of it. An insect race body that is valuable for cultivation.

“Blade Mantis Sovereign, if you transfer the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ at will, I lost a Demi-God puppet. If you don’t give me an explanation, we will go to war!”‘Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ remotely contacted Blade Mantis Sovereign ‘, exclaimed.

“And me, I lost a piece of armor here, compensate me or go to war!”‘Titan Sovereign’ then intervened in the conversation.

In fact, the loss of’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ is even greater than that of’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’. The loss of’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ is just a puppet, even if it is a Demi-God puppet, its effect is limited.

But the loss of’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ is different. It is strengthening its own piece of gold armor, and it is also its bad luck, or’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ bad luck. At the most critical moment, David entered the insect race world and triggered Changed the strength of Faith of’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’.

The divine force obtained by insect race Divine Grade is all used to transform itself, which makes the body strength of insect race Divine Grade extremely terrifying. They do not need any Divine Item because they themselves are Divine Item.

Their teeth and claws are the sharpest to attack the Divine Item, and their worm shell is the strongest defense against the Divine Item.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ loses a piece of gold armor, which means that years of hard work will be wiped out. The regenerated gold armor will become its fatal weakness. I don’t know how many years of strengthening are needed to make up for this piece of gold. A, let the defense of the whole body be at the same level.

‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ is stupefied. Recently, it has been sending out an insect race to spy on David’s news, but it is a pity that David has already left the battlefield.

‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ is waiting for the opportunity. It drags the war and wants to wait for David to return to the battlefield. It has been prepared for a long time. As long as David appears, it can snatch the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ back.

But before he returned to David, he waited for 2 insect race Divine Grade to ask for trouble.

‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ doesn’t want to go to war at all, let alone war in its current state, even if it is too close to other insect race Divine Grade, it will expose its loss of strength.

Speaking of compensation, the Demi-God puppet of “Halfbody Spider Sovereign” can also find a potential “Assassin Mantis” on top, which can compensate some resources at most, but the golden armor of “Titan Golden Armor Sovereign” does not have the ability Compensation, this is part of the’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ body, which has been transformed into over time.

‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ is to take off the armor from his god body and pay it to’Titan Golden Sovereign’, and’Titan Golden Sovereign’ cannot match its own defense.

But’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ is very clever. It understands that these two insect race Divine Grades cannot be attacked at the same time, so it first contacted’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ privately.

“Halfbody Spider Sovereign, all the assassin mantises that appear in my Blade Mantis family 500 years later, no matter what Bloodline is, are yours. Are you satisfied with this compensation?”‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ gave his own terms.

“1000 years! I want all the assassin mantises that will appear in the next 1000 years from the Blade Mantis clan!”‘Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ directly added and added.

The heart of “Blade Mantis Sovereign” is bleeding, but it understands that it can’t hesitate at this time, and the most important thing is to quickly solve the big trouble of “Halfbody Spider Sovereign”.

“Okay, I agree!”‘Sovereign’ gritted his teeth and agreed.

The Blade Mantis family is an extremely powerful battle race of the insect race. Among them, the’Assassin Mantis’ is a rare mutant species. Due to its small size and explosive attack power, it is the best assassin and is deeply loved by the powerful insect race.

If you encounter a king-level mutation “Assassin Mantis” in 1000 years, then “Half-God Mantis Sovereign” only needs a period of training to have a Half-God Level “Assassin Mantis”. When a blow breaks out, it has a terrorist attack power that can damage Divine Grade.

The Half-God Level’Assassin Mantis’ is much stronger than the Half-God Level puppet lost by the’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’. Although it is only in exchange for the 1000-year probability, the’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ is still extremely satisfactory.

In terms of probability, there is a high probability that the king-level mutant’Assassin Mantis’ will appear in 1000 years.

Dismissed’Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ with great profit,’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ contacted’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’.

“Titan Golden Sovereign, I am willing to be led by you, I just hope you help me!”‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ said to’Titan Sovereign’.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ was a bit unexpected. Although it would be very troublesome for’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ to pay a piece of gold armour, it would not make him rely on himself.

To know that the 9-bit “Sovereign level inheritance pattern” Owner, except for the mother emperor who controls the insect race core area and the 8-bit insect race Divine Grade, the other 8 insect race Divine Grades are each responsible for a Star Domain. Competitive relationship.

With the pride of the insect race Divine Grade and the racial characteristics of the insect race itself, few insect race Divine Grade will unite together, not to mention the fact that the one who relied on would take it first.

“Blade Mantis Sovereign, since you said that, then I agree! Tell me what’s the matter?”‘Titan Sovereign’ said directly.

There is not too much intrigue between insect races, and there is often something to say, and politeness is extremely rare in insect races.

“You help me catch a human being and just hand him to me intact!”‘Sovereign’ said solemnly.

“So simple?”‘Titan Sovereign’ asked somewhat surprised.

Perhaps for other insect race Divine Grade, entering another world will greatly affect your own strength, but’Titan Sovereign’ is the least affected.

Because the’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ cultivation is a pure worm body, it has no other special Innate Ability. The biggest special Innate Ability is the’Titan Body’, which forcibly enhances its own power.

This is the insect race Divine Grade. The’Titan Golden Armor’ family is originally known for its strength. After stimulating the’Titan Body’, the’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ can crush the same level in close proximity.

Without special Innate Ability and special energy, the suppression power of the different World Rule will drop to a very low level.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ can even retain 70% of its own combat power. This is the combat power of the god body in the main world, and it is truly invincible in the main world.

The ultimate weapon of’Titan 金甲 Sovereign’ is generally only dispatched at important moments to strike a fatal blow to the foreign world.

Use it at the beginning of the invasion, and it will be discovered by the Spiritual God who invaded the world and find a way to deal with it.

“Titan Golden Armor Sovereign, you agree to reach a contract with us!”‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ did not elaborate, but said directly.

The credit of’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ is extremely high and will not change as long as it is promised. This is extremely famous in the insect race world.

‘Blade Mantis Sovereign’ is very clear that the matter of David cannot be delayed any longer. In a short period of time, David entered the insect race world twice. This is only the impact of entering the insect race world twice. Sovereign’can’t bear it anymore.

So it needs to find the simplest and most direct solution, and’Titan Sovereign’ is the best use object.

If it succeeds,’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ can take back the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’. Although it relies on the’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’, it will not be embarrassed by the character of’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’, but its reputation is damaged.

Failed,’Titan Sovereign’ fell into the foreign world,’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ also solved the big trouble of’Titan Sovereign’, and the compensation matter was also ended.

“Concluded!”‘Titan Sovereign’ agreed.

“This is the breath of that human. He took away my’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’. I hope you will bring back the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ for me when you bring this human back!”‘Blade Mantis Sovereign ‘I heard’Titan Sovereign’ agree, let out a long relaxed breath said.

‘Titan Sovereign’ understood the selfish calculations of’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ at this time, but it didn’t care about it either. It just despised the incompetence of’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ in its heart, and even lost its’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ is also calculating the gains and losses in his heart. Retrieving the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ for the’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ can let the’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ become his own helper. This transaction is very cost-effective.

“Don’t worry, I promised you that I will definitely bring this human with his within the body’s’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’ back, but you need to provide accurate information about that human. I only have one chance to shoot!”‘ Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’said solemnly.

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