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“Emma, ​​have you heard from David recently?” Mrs. Amelia looked at Emma who was sitting under the sun with melancholy, and asked softly.

“No, is he in danger?” Emma shook her head worriedly.

Emma was on the spaceship before. After returning to Lenka Star, she stayed in the villa. She didn’t even have the mind to read the news and was almost out of touch with the outside world.

“Don’t worry, you will be free to move around in a few days!” Mrs. Amelia smiled and patted Emma’s arm comforted.

“Who wants to catch me, do you want to use me to threaten David?” Emma is very clever. Naturally, she knows that the singer of her queen is not capable of sending the other four Transcendents. After hearing Mrs. Amelia’s words, she quickly asked.

“It is the people sent by Jiafei Consortium, Yabu Consortium, and Sifu Consortium, but I don’t know if they want to use you to threaten David!” Mrs. Amelia replied.

Every time Emma heard the name of a super consortium, her face became heavier, even if Mrs. Amelia said that the matter had been resolved, she was still extremely worried about David’s safety.

“Don’t worry, David appeared on the day you were attacked, and he destroyed all the three super consortiums with one person!” Mrs. Amelia saw Emma’s worry and continued.

A look of surprise flashed in Emma’s eyes, and a feeling of extreme pride rose in her heart.

getting angry for a woman, and is still an enemy of the three super consortiums with the most powerful federal forces, and successfully destroyed them. For the party involved, Emma, ​​the impact felt by the heart is huge.

A sense of sweetness made Emma almost can’t wait to see David, and express her feelings to David in person.

Emma and David are both introverted people in terms of feelings. Their feelings are produced after experiencing danger and slowly fermenting in the slow contact. This feeling is more lasting, even if they are separated for 2 years. change.

“Why didn’t David come to see me?” Emma asked softly.

She seemed to be asking Mrs. Amelia, but also like asking herself.

“The federal military actually wanted David to go to the Great Spiritual World battlefield to boost morale with his reputation, but because of his retreat before, he did not accept the appointment. This time he did a lot of things. The military ordered him to Go!” Mrs. Amelia explained based on her own judgment.

Emma is even more worried, but that is the battlefield of the insect race battle, which is not affected by single-player combat power at all.

At this time, a message rang from Emma’s identity bracelet. This reminder that Emma had set a special ringtone made her feel happy and quickly opened the identity bracelet to check it.

Mrs. Amelia looked at Emma’s actions and knew that this was the news from David.

To be honest, Mrs. Amelia was extremely satisfied with David, but she also criticized David for not appearing for a long time.

But with David’s achievements today, there has never been any scandal about him, and his mentality of focusing on cultivation is understandable.

It is normal for the Interstellar Federation to get married even 40 years old. Both David and Emma are only 20 years old. Mrs. Amelia doesn’t want to get involved too much, and everything goes with the flow.

Mrs. Amelia hopes that David and Emma can be together, which has a very important effect on her family, provided that Emma is happy.

“David said he went to the Great Spiritual World, and it was difficult to contact afterwards. He also sent a combat team to protect me!” Emma said with a satisfied smile on his face.

The explicit confession not at all in the letter, the faint care and the homely messages, made Emma very accustomed to this way of communication, just like when she was with David.

“Does David have anything else to confess?” Mrs. Amelia asked, her eyes moved slightly.

“David mentioned Alto Fund and said that I can use Alto Fund’s credit points at will, without saving credit points for him!” Emma continued happily.

Mrs. Amelia looked at Emma who didn’t know the real situation, she couldn’t help but shook the head, and she was also happy for Emma.

“Alto Fund annexed Jiafei Consortium and Yabu Consortium a few days ago. Sifu Consortium’s Bouxia Star also belongs to Alto Fund. The current Alto Fund is still digesting the annexed industries. Even so, Alto Fund is also the highest federal consortium. The credit points in the bank have hundreds of thousands of 100000000 million!” Mrs. Amelia explained to Emma.

“Is there so many credits?” Emma was also surprised by the number of hundreds of thousands of 100000000 credits, but she quickly laughed again.

Compared with the right to use hundreds of thousands of 100000000 credits, she is more concerned about David’s attitude. She doesn’t think David will lie to her. Since David said that Alto Fund’s credits follow her, it is true.

Emma cares about David’s trust. This kind of care from everywhere makes her miss David even more.

“Emma, ​​General David is here!” Agent Lucia walked into the room and said softly.

“Go, let’s take a look!” Mrs. Amelia is also very curious. David will send who to protect Emma. You must know that there are already 8 Transcendents here.

Mrs. Amelia walked faster than Emma. When she and Emma came to the villa lobby, they saw twelve tall people standing in the lobby.

The 8 Transcendents who are responsible for protecting Emma next to them are all looking at these ten 2 people with amazement, because in the perception of the 8 Transcendent, these ten 2 people are extremely dangerous.

If these ten or two were not sent by David, they would not dare to let Emma meet them.

These ten or two people have empty eyes, without a trace of human feelings, standing there makes people watch the involuntarily chill in their hearts.

When Emma appeared, the eyes of a dozen or two people were glorious. They walked up to Emma and knelt down on one knee.

“I have seen Master Emma!” Ten 2 people said in unison.

The sudden change surprised the 8-bit Transcendent and Emma didn’t know what to do for a while.

As a member of the Interstellar Federation, although in the identity of Emma and the power of the family behind, there are also two female Armored Soldiers, Leona and Nora, as bodyguards, but the two female bodyguards and Emma get along more like sisters.

The ten or two people in front of us regard Emma as their master, which is extremely rare in the Interstellar Federation. Perhaps in some top consortiums, some such people will be cultivated to protect the important figure, but the strength of such people will not be too great. Strong.

As long as the strength reaches Transcendent, any restrictions are of no use, because Transcendent has a very high status in the Federation.

“Get up!” Mrs. Amelia was not surprised, she waved.

It’s just that ten or two people are still waiting for Emma’s order as if they hadn’t heard.

“Get up!” Emma also reacted and waved.

“Yes!” Ten 2 people stood up and naturally separated left and right, protecting Emma inside.

“Emma, ​​these all are dead men, you send a dead man out to fight Transcendent, how about the strength of this dead man?” Mrs. Amelia was not angry because of what happened just now, she suggested.

Mrs. Amelia thought that this was the dead man sent by David to the Alto Fund. In order for this kind of combat power to work, it must be clear what the combat power of these ten people is.

In her mind, the combat power of these dead men is not expected to be too strong, because the Alto Fund’s background is insufficient, and after power transfer, it is not long in David’s hands.

Even the most of these ten dead soldiers is the combat power of the elite Armored Soldier. Although the combat power of the ten or two dead soldiers can be improved when combined, the combat power is probably not as good as a Transcendent.

Mrs. Amelia is wondering, if this is the case, why did David send ten or two dead soldiers? Transcendent here doesn’t say much, as long as two are left, it is enough to protect Emma.

In David’s current capacity, it is not difficult to send two Transcendents to protect Emma.

“Please this Transcendent fight with this dead man, don’t hurt each other, just click as far as you want!” Emma agreed to Mrs. Amelia’s proposal.

In Emma’s heart, she already thought that the strength of these 12 dead men must be very strong, so she not at all only confessed to Transcendent to keep her hands, but to both sides at the same time.

The Transcendent designated by Emma has no underestimation. This Transcendent is also an experienced powerhouse and can feel the pressure from a dozen people.

The’Transcendent armor’ appeared on Transcendent, wrapped his whole body, and also had a Level 3 Heavy Axe in his hand. He was ready to fight.

The so-called dead man appointed by Emma among the ten 2 people walked in front of Transcendent, and suddenly a Level 4 heavy sword appeared in his hand.

The dead man did not wear’outer skeleton armor’ nor’Transcendent armor’, and he still wears the ordinary person clothes.

But Transcendent’s eyes shrank abruptly, his eyes swept across the fingers of the dead man, and a ring on his fingers caught his attention.

“Space ring!” Transcendent shouted inwardly in his heart, and his gaze swept across the hands of the remaining eleven dead men, and every dead man had a space ring on his finger.

“Please take it!” Transcendent did not dare to take the lead, but said solemnly in a defensive posture.

As soon as Transcendent finished speaking, a sword light flashed, and the Level 4 heavy sword with light purple rays of light was already placed on Transcendent’s neck.

Fortunately, Emma confessed in advance that this Level 4 heavy sword just got close to Transcendent’s neck and did not go further.

The whole hall was quiet, and no one thought it would be the result.

“I admit defeat!” Transcendent opposite the dead man did not excuse any reason, he put away the weapon in his hand and said.

Maybe Emma and Mrs. Amelia didn’t understand, but the Transcendents in the hall could see clearly. When the sword was pierced out, they did not see the trail of the sword. It was just after Transcendent said “please shoot”. The 4 grade heavy sword appeared on his neck inexplicably.

What kind of strength is this capable of having such combat power, how powerful is such a dead man?

The dead man took the Level 4 heavy sword in his hand back to the space ring, and returned to his post.

The same can be said of the ten or two people here who are dead men. These ten or two are exactly the ten or two fake Level 2 Heavenly Knights killed by David at the’Eternal Life Institute’.

When David was cleaning up the battlefield, he also took away the corpses of the ten or two Level 2 Heavenly Knights.

He did not consume his Fifth Level Soul Clone, but used the original resurrection method to resurrect the ten 2 Level 4 Heavenly Knights.

The reason for resurrecting these ten Level 2 Heavenly Knights is because David discovered that these ten Level 4 Heavenly Knights actually have the real Interstellar Federation identity.

This identity is complete even the birth information, without any trouble, this should be handled by the’Eternal Life Institute’ for them to facilitate their operations in the Interstellar Federation.

You must know that in Interstellar Federation, there is no real identity bracelet, and some important occasions cannot be entered at all.

Of course, David does not need the strength of ten or two Level 2 Heavenly Knights, he is for Emma’s safety considerations.

Although the 8-bit Transcendent is powerful enough, it is always unpredictable for the people. 10000-Some of these Transcendents are bought, who knows what will happen.

Although this probability is extremely small, but dare to challenge David’s influence can not do anything.

David equipped the ten or two Level 2 Heavenly Knights with a full set of Level 4 grade equipment. Of course, Level 4 Heavenly Knights would not be equipped with Level 4 Knight armor at ordinary times, and perhaps they would never need equipment for their combat power.

Not only that, but David transferred his’sword technique’ Innate Ability to a dozen Level 2 Heavenly Knights, and their combat power suddenly rose to the Peak of Level 4 Heavenly Knight.

Not to mention Transcendent, even if Level 4 Heavenly Knight appeared in front of them, it was just a sword.

In addition, David also passed the knowledge of “Knight Battlefield” to ten Level 2 Heavenly Knights through the knowledge energy ball, so that these ten Level 4 Heavenly Knights made up for the shortcomings of Knight.

The order David gave to the ten 2 Level 4 Heavenly Knights was to obey Emma’s order and protect Emma’s safety.

Although the wisdom of the ten or two Level 2 Heavenly Knights is not high, there is no problem in completing such a task. It is impossible for them to do meticulous things, but protection and battle are their instincts.

Mrs. Amelia looked at the 12 dead men with erratic eyes, these dead men without any extra feelings, with such a strong strength, staying by Emma’s side is absolutely a waste.

But she also felt the kind of doting that came from David to Emma. In order for Emma David to destroy the 3 major super consortiums, she could send 12 extremely powerful dead men willfully.

“Emma, ​​you must be kind to them!” Madam Amelia reminded softly.

“I know!” Emma nodded responded.

Her eyes were not placed on the 12 dead men, but looked towards the distance.

Although David did not come to see Emma, ​​but through various means, David expressed his feelings in his own way.

“You must come back safely, my hero!” Emma in the heart said.

David in another world also looked up at this moment and looked towards the distance. At this moment, two hearts were thinking of each other at the same time, and time and space could not stop this thinking.

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