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But at this time, David has no time to think about the understanding of Strength of Black Dragon. He felt a strong pressure. The madness of the insect race forced him to squeeze his potential.

At this time, he realized that he looked at himself highly.

David can’t fully guide the Strength of Black Dragon out of the body to attack, this kind of energy should not appear in this World.

Therefore, he can only attack in close quarters, which requires him to face the insect races in all directions at the same time. When the number of insect races is controllable, he can still do well.

However, the subsequent arrival of the insect wave surpassed David’s slaughter speed, so he needed to face more insect races.

Fortunately, his strength has reached the Legendary level, and his Black Dragon body, he is almost immune to the various weird and special Innate Ability of the insect race.

“Record all the battle scenes of General David!” Francis Admiral ordered the staff around him in a deep voice.

In fact, even if Francis Admiral did not order, the staff would record these precious pictures.

Francis admiral did not know what’sword technique’ Innate Ability was, but he saw the limit that the’sword technique’ could reach. He no longer understood the’sword technique’, and he also understood that General David’s’sword technique’ reached a new realm .

This is of great reference and guiding significance for all Armored Soldiers and Transcendents who use swords as weapons, and the Federation can also research and organize this’sword technique’ through General David’s battle screens and transform it into a word that can be learned. technique.

In fact, Francis admiral definitely thinks too much. David’s’sword technique’ Innate Ability, for the Armored Soldier and Transcendent of the Interstellar Federation, is totally incomprehensible.

Even the Federation’s’sword technique Grandmaster’ can’t understand David’s’sword technique’Innate Ability’.

This is the same as giving advanced mathematics to elementary school students. There are too many knowledge gaps. If you want to skip most of the sword technique knowledge that the’sword technique Grandmaster’ cannot master for a few lifetimes, learn the’sword technique’Innate Ability is impossible to do.

It is the Great Spiritual World, a world that specializes in the use of swords. In 10000 years of history, the number of Knights who have reached the’sword technique’ Innate Ability level is extremely rare. Every Knight who has mastered the’sword technique’ Innate Ability has Genius who is a peerless innate talent.

Of course, Francis admiral is not completely useless. Perhaps Interstellar Federation will one day have a genius in the’sword technique’, with David’s image data, which can let the’sword technique’ genius know where he is going.

On David’s Fifth Level long sword, a faint golden rays of light is flashing on it.

In this environment, this faint golden rays of light not at all was noticed by other Templar Knights, mainly Fifth Level light long sword itself has light golden rays of light, under the cover of pale-gold rays of light , Unless it is deliberately perceived by the spirit, it is impossible to detect it at all.

At this time, David’s investment in mind reached nearly 100%. He had originally studied Strength of Black Dragon for a long time, but his body was mixed with energy, and it was difficult to comprehend Strength of Black Dragon to the extreme.

The current clone Avatar, the pure Strength of Black Dragon, is not affected by any other energy, making it easier for him to perceive the Strength of Black Dragon, the previous bottleneck each and everyone broke open.

With the deepening of David’s perception, the Strength of Black Dragon’s Fifth Level light long sword will become more and more obvious.

The power contained in his light long sword is also constantly increasing. This is not because he has strengthened his power, but with the control of the Strength of Black Dragon, the power is automatically increased.

It’s just the’sword technique’ Innate Ability used by David. Every hit is a fatal attack. Not at all shows that his battle at this time is different from before.

But David himself can perceive this. He has a feeling that he is only one step away from the Strength of Black Dragon rule that Black Dragon Alexis said.

Black Dragon Alexis perceives the rule of Strength of Black Dragon from David’s clone Avatar. The time given is uncertain. It depends on whether the time of David’s clone Avatar cultivation’Black Dragon sleep’ is sufficient, but at least it will not be less than ten years. Even later, decades and more than 100 years are possible.

This is still a clone of Avatar, which is of the Legendary level. It is the most suitable time to master the rules. No matter how weak you are, you cannot understand the rules. No matter how strong you are, the rules are already solidified within the body.

David didn’t understand how his Avatar, a clone of the Strength of Black Dragon rules that hadn’t intended to understand the Rules of Strength of Black Dragon, would be the first to reach the bottleneck of the Rules of Strength of Black Dragon.

In fact, not only he did not expect it, but Black Dragon Alexis also did not expect this to happen.

As the Black Dragon clan, Black Dragon has never encountered a battle similar to the one encountered by David clone Avatar. David spare no effort is required to continuously use the Strength of Black Dragon to continuously break its own potential.

If the Black Dragon clan encounters the worm tide, a dragon roar can clear the worm tide in the spiritual range, where can these insects be close.

Not to mention putting the Black Dragon into this kind of hard fight. The Black Dragon clan is impossible to let young Black Dragons who have not reached the Strength of Black Dragon rules to bear such danger.

In addition, Black Dragon Alexis did not calculate all the soul perception abilities of David’s Soul Clone in the clone Avatar’s perception of Strength of Black Dragon rules. Black Dragon Alexis only regards the clone Avatar as a single body, and up to 5 clone Avatars can share their insights.

David’s Fifth Level light long sword is a pick. This attack was definitely insufficient before, but now the strength of Black Dragon blessing contained in the Fifth Level light long sword is enough to exert deadly formidable power. .

The selected Level 4 insect race had a hole in its head, exposing the brain shattered by force.

The increase in power makes David’s slaughter faster, and he can barely make the killing speed equal to that of the insect race.

This kind of balance is of great benefit to David. At the most critical moment when he felt the rules of Strength of Black Dragon, the external battle environment provided him with the most suitable help.

On the battlefield, the worms flooded continuously and stopped less than 10 kilometers away from the Federal Fleet, becoming the best target for the Federal battleship.

If the 100 “Insect Kings” were not immediately bombarded and killed, at this time the “Blade Mantis Sovereign” would definitely know the situation of the war and order the insects to change their attack targets.

It’s a pity that’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ is not in the Great Spiritual World, and only the’Insect King’ type of spiritual insect race has the ability to pass information through the space gate, and only the’Insect King’ type of spiritual insect race can be shared ultra-remotely The perception of the insect race ahead allows’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ to grasp the battle situation on the front line at any time.

It is estimated that even Francis Admiral did not expect that the 20 long-range strategic missiles he counterattacked would have such an important effect on the direction of war.

The 10000 warship battleship of the Federal Fleet has used all its own heavy laser cannons, defensive missiles, anti-aircraft rapid-fire guns, Gauss cannons and other weapons, just to give maximum pressure to the insect tide.

As for the strikes of the main artillery, it has become less. This is mainly because the main artillery can only attack the 2 sides of the worm. The central part of this huge might attack may affect allies.

On the guard star, countless launchers were all activated, and one defensive missile flew out. The strategic materials transported by the transportation line for such a long time were no longer stingy at this time, and they were all put on the battlefield.

The Battlestar’s attack points are almost everywhere in the outer space. Amidst the roar of various weapons, the Battlestar looks like it is wrapped in flames.

Sometimes even the Knights of the Great Spiritual World have to admit the space combat power of the Interstellar Federation. Almost most of the worms were cleared by the Federation. The Templar Knights only achieved a blocking effect. The real solution to the worms is Federal military.

David did not need to think about his sword, the’sword technique’ Innate Ability was brought to the extreme, and his all around insect race each and everyone died.

In this near invincible state, he felt the barrier in front of him.

“Not enough pressure!” David secretly said in one’s heart.

You know that David wears the Level 4 “Transcendent armor”. As far as defensive power is concerned, even the full strength attack of Level 4 insect race is reluctant to resist, and the “Transcendent armor” can be scrapped in a few strikes at most.

But he took advantage of the realm gap, and the Legendary-tier strength calmly avoided all attacks.

It is this kind of ease that makes David always unable to break the last barrier, unable to truly control the Rules of Strength of Black Dragon.

Just as he thought about it, a Level 4 insect race took a Self-destruction before dying, completely releasing the electric light within the body, and his body was all white beating electric light.

This lightning not only affects the Templar Knights, but also affects the insect race all around.

David is not affected by the electric light, and there is a difference of 2 great realms, even if it is a Level 4 insect race self-destruction outbreak, it will not have any effect on him.

The paralyzing effect of electric light is immune to his Black Dragon body. Although there is electric light flowing on his body, it cannot invade him within the body.

But in these electric lights, David felt a little abnormal.

Within the insect infestation, the effect of danger perception has dropped to the extreme, which is related to the insect race in the insect infestation using special Innate Ability to cover up the danger warning.

The anomaly that David felt was not from the perception of danger, but from his familiarity with the Innate Ability of’lightning’.

Just when he discovered that something was wrong, two Fifth Level “light beetles” emerged from his side lights and waved sharp claw at him.

“Danger!” Lord Ludwig exclaimed, some distance from David.

It’s just that Lord Ludwig and the other 66 Templar Knights were too far away. When they saw David in danger, they could not immediately rescue them.

They also did not expect that the 2 Fifth Level insect races would attack David first. You must know that Lord Ludwig was on the first line of defense. They were just affected by the Self-destruction of Level 4 Lightning Insect family, the Bloodline Strength shield of the Knight battle formation. Almost beaten up.

If these two Fifth Level’Electric Beetles’ attack the Knight battlefield, it is likely to cause casualties to the Templar Knights.

However, the two Fifth Level “Electric Light Beetles” chose the farther David, which made the Templar Knights completely unprepared.

The pupils of David’s clone incarnation shrank slightly, and the 2 Fifth Level’Electric Beetles’ attacked too fast. The’Electric Beetles’ were originally one of the fastest Fifth Level insect races.

However, David felt the anomaly first, and he still served as an early warning.

Perceiving the 2 claws of the 4 Fifth Level “Electric Light Beetles” that are getting closer, and the pale-gold claws flashing with electric light, David has no confidence that his Black Dragon body can completely withstand such an attack.

Needless to say, the Level 4 grade’Transcendent armor’ on her body is just a decoration. In front of the Fifth Level’Electric Beetle’, it is not even qualified to block it.

Although the skin defense of David’s clone Avatar barely reached Fifth Level, it was unable to block the full attack of two Fifth Level’Electric Beetles’. Whether it was the flashing electric light or the physical attack of Fifth Level, the clone Avatar was hit hard. .

When the danger came, the unprecedented pressure made the blood flow throughout his body, and his spirit was extremely concentrated. At the critical moment, he was blocked by the last barrier before the Strength of Black Dragon rules. He was overcome by a cohesive mental breakthrough. The mastery reached another realm.

The Fifth Level light long sword in David’s hand swept across in front of him. This sword not at all uses the’sword technique’ Innate Ability.

The seemingly useless sword swayed a golden shadow in front of him, just like the afterimage of a Fifth Level long sword.

The 2 Fifth Level “Electric Light Beetles” probably thought the same way. Their eyes flashed with cruelty and pleasure. They were extremely excited when they faced the insect race genetic enemy who was about to die under their hands.

But when the 4 worm claws were in contact with the golden afterimage, the 2 Fifth Level “light beetles” felt that the 4 worm claws were touching a solid wall.

In fact, no matter what the wall is, it will be broken in an instant in front of two Fifth Level “Electric Light Beetles”, but the golden afterimage is 2 times stronger than the wall.

This is the application of the Strength of Black Dragon rule. David arranges a Strength of Black Dragon rule along the Fifth Level light long sword in front of him, forming a Strength of Black Dragon rule defense.

This Strength of Black Dragon rule defense, for the Fifth Level insect race who has not mastered the rules, is like a divine existence.

David used 2 Fifth Level’Electric Light Beetles’ to be blocked and paused. The Fifth Level light long sword took one stab, and the light long sword contained the rules of Strength of Black Dragon, and easily broke through one of the’Electric Light Beetles’. The worm shell pierced its heart.

The other Fifth Level “Electric Light Beetle” knew that it could not harm David, and its silhouette turned into a flash of light.

“Want to escape!” David sipped softly, and the Fifth Level long sword in his hand stabbed out again.

Generally speaking, this kind of physical attack is impossible to hit the’electro-optical beetle’ in the electro-optical state.

David’s body also has a similar Innate Ability, his’lightning body’ can be immune to most of the attacks, 100% immune to physical attacks, and most of all energy attacks.

But what David used was not a simple physical attack, but a regular attack. The Fifth Level light long sword ignored the state of the’electric beetle’ and penetrated the electric light and pierced the head of the’electric beetle’.

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