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The Black Dragon Alexis silhouette flashed to the front of the’Titan Sovereign’, and the’Titan Sovereign’ had also accumulated its strength. After the Black Dragon Alexis hit, it took the opportunity to leave the battle.

But when Black Dragon Alexis was about to hit the’Titan Sovereign’, the dragon claw on the left protruded and slapped the foot of the’Titan Sovereign’ blocking the lower left side wound, letting the’Titan Sovereign’ The wound was exposed.

David’s full force of the “Deadly Sword” did not cause a large wound. Even the long-term warming energy of “Divine Item Knight’s War Sword” stimulated the wound with the “Deadly Sword”, and it did not cause much damage.

This is mainly because the strength of the body of the’Titan Golden Sovereign’ is too high, and the body of the’Titan Golden Sovereign’ is too large, even if David can cause some damage, he will at most hurt the’Titan Golden Sovereign’ ‘The muscle tissue is blocked.

And this bit of wound created by David, for the huge Titan Sovereign, is like a human being bitten by a mosquito.

However, this wound pointed out the goal for Black Dragon Alexis, and his right dragon claw, after the feet of the’Titan Sovereign’ was slapped away, grabbed the wound heavily.

The damaged gold armor of the’Titan Sovereign’ is not large, about the size of a palm, which is the side armor on the lower left side.

The dragon claw of Black Dragon Alexis could not penetrate completely, but one of the claws of the dragon claw penetrated deeply.

Black Dragon Alexis is much stronger than David. Originally, when the’Titan Sovereign’ defense was intact, his power could not act on the’Titan Sovereign’ within the body, so that it could not damage the’Titan Sovereign’.

Now a claw penetrates into the’Titan Sovereign’ within the body, allowing the Strength of Black Dragon to directly act on the defense of the’Titan Sovereign’.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ was about to retreat with force, but it felt the force of the body being pulled, and it immediately understood that this was a broken golden armour that had been broken by Black Dragon Alexis.

After that, the force of terror entered the’Titan Sovereign’ within the body, destroying all the body tissues that were blocking the front.

Affected by this, the’Titan Body’ of’Titan Sovereign’ has reached the brink of collapse.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ knew that it could not be dragged any longer, otherwise it would fall here. Its body was shaken, and its left side was caught by the Black Dragon Alexis dragon claw, and a complete leg was separated from the body.

In this way,’Titan Sovereign’ successfully got rid of the dragon claw of Black Dragon Alexis.

But the danger of’Titan Sovereign’ is not at all over, and Black Dragon Alexis simply has no idea of ​​letting it go.

Black Dragon Alexis casually collected the’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ foot and body tissue from the dragon claw into a space ring. He followed David for a period of time, and he was used to this kind of good things. Matter.

This did not affect the Black Dragon Alexis’ continued attacks.’Titan Sovereign’ didn’t want to fight Black Dragon Alexis at all. The collapse of the’Titan Body’ of’Titan Sovereign’ has entered the countdown.

‘Titan 金甲 Sovereign’ made a decisive decision, and its tail section was about ten meters away by it, and a dark golden blood spurted out.

At the moment when the dark golden blood spurted from its body, it was as if it had received a huge impetus, and its broken body squeezed into space and disappeared into space.

Black Dragon Alexis only felt the strong divine force fluctuations, and the blood sprayed by the’Titan Sovereign’ carried terrifying energy, and he had to make a defensive posture.

To be honest, in the battle between Divine Grade and Divine Grade, unless you have an overwhelming strength, it is almost impossible to keep a Divine Grade.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ uses the life-saving ability, consuming part of the divine body and divine blood, in exchange for the ability to break through the space and leave.

The ten meters tail section left by the’Titan Golden Sovereign’ flew in the direction of David with a surprisingly fast speed. At this time, Black Dragon Alexis was being blocked by divine blood. This was also the final anger of the’Titan Golden Sovereign’.

“Holy barrier!” Demi-God’Holy Spirit Knight’ waved his hand, one after another white wall appeared before the ten meters tail section of’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’. This is the active guardian of Demi-God’Holy Spirit Knight’ .

When there is no consciousness manipulation of the Lord David’s soul, each Soul Clone acts according to the instinct, and protecting the ontology is the most important instinct.

The tail section of the divine body carries the might of the secret technique, which is like a siege hammer to easily break one after another white wall. The’sacred barrier’ not at all can prevent the impact of the tail section of the divine body.

Of course, Demi-God’Holy Spirit Knight’ is not useless in doing so. The blocking of multiple’sacred barriers’ has affected the impact speed and impact energy of the tail section of the god body.

It also gave David enough time to react. David within the body’s injury has recovered under the influence of the’immortal life force’.

He first wrapped himself with white energy feather wings. At this time, he didn’t dare to underestimate any attack by the’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’, and first ensure his own safety.

Then the 6’Death God chains’ behind David stretched out and wrapped around the tail section of the god body.

Perhaps using any of the remaining Divine Items can not achieve the effect of the Divine Item’Death God Chain’.

The sealed Divine Item has a strong sealing effect on the fragment of the divine body that has lost the control of Spiritual God. This is also the purpose of Death God to make the Divine Item’Death God Chain’.

The impact of the tail section of the divine body made David’s body unceasingly retreat, completely withdrawing from several hundred meters, which offset the impact contained in the tail section of the divine body, and David’s body was hurt again during this process.

But it is also worth it. After losing the impact in the tail section of the god body, it should have been Self-destruction to cause more damage. This is also the final anger of the’Titan Sovereign’.

The explosion of the god body at close range, the damage caused, if David is not aware of it, it is possible to die.

With the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ here, the Self-destruction in the tail section of the god body is naturally unable to proceed, and the remaining’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ Divine Consciousness in the tail section of the god body is forcibly suppressed.

“My lord, let the insect race Divine Grade run!” Black Dragon Alexis came to David’s side and said with ashamed expression.

Black Dragon Alexis did not expect that a severely injured insect race Divine Grade could burst out such a terrifying combat power in battle.

It even caused David to be continuously affected, which made Black Dragon Alexis feel ashamed and felt that David was not protected.

“Not bad, we also gained something!” David said indifferently.

Before fighting, he was still a little greedy, wanting to get a god body.

But after Black Dragon Alexis battled’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’, David understood how naive his thoughts were.

The horror of the battle of God, David, the person watching the battle from close up, is the most experienced.

Neither Black Dragon Alexis nor’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ use the domain. The real attack comes from their respective bodies. This may be related to the reason why the two Divine Grades are both melee Divine Grades.

The kind of attack that can wipe out the space, any one hit can make the Half-God Level powerhouse fly away.

If David had the idea of ​​picking up the spirit of War God before, from today onwards, before his strength does not have a major improvement, he will be as far away from Spiritual God as possible.

“My lord, I will deal with the Divine Consciousness in this divine body fragment!” Black Dragon Alexis looked towards Divine Item’Death God Chain’ said the divine body fragment.

‘Titan 金甲 Sovereign’ Divine Consciousness has little effect for David, but for Black Dragon Alexis it is a good medicine for the soul.

Now that the soul of Black Dragon Alexis has recovered more than half, the ordinary soul energy function will become weaker and weaker. It is rare to obtain Divine Grade Divine Consciousness, he is very positive.

“Okay, take care of it!” David let go of the permission of the Divine Item’Death God Chain’ and said.

Black Dragon Alexis A dragon claw penetrated into it, grabbed the fragment of the god body, and pulled a dark golden light spot from the inside.

“This insect race Divine Grade is really cruel to you. I want to kill you before I escape!” Black Dragon Alexis said while observing the twisting light on the dragon claw.

Indeed, if it weren’t for David’s Divine Item’Death God Chain’, the fragments of the divine body would explode violently under the influence of this Divine Consciousness.

In order to kill David,’Titan Sovereign’ would rather lose a bit of Divine Consciousness, which shows the extent of its hatred for David.

“Will insect race Divine Grade come back to me again?” David asked worriedly.

This kind of Divine Grade insect race, which has the courage and ability to pass through the world, showed great combat power, which made David a little worried.

Under the Great Spiritual World’s world Rule suppression, after being attacked by Interstellar Federation’s doomsday weapons, the heavily damaged’Titan Sovereign’ can still fight Black Dragon Alexis inextricably.

David himself has Black Dragon Alexis protection and many life-saving methods, so don’t worry too much, but his many Avatars, especially clone Avatars, are troublesome.

“Master, please rest assured, this insect race Divine Grade does not have a 100-year period and cannot be recovered unless it gets a large amount of’immortal life force’!” Black Dragon Alexis said with a smile.

“That’s good, let’s go back, we can’t stay here!” David nodded said.

Although the battle between Black Dragon Alexis and’Titan Sovereign’ is not long, where is this place? Today’s chaotic Star Domain is constantly monitored by Interstellar Federation and Great Spiritual World. I believe the battle aura just now cannot be hidden.

The breath of Black Dragon Alexis converged, and his body quickly became smaller. It changed back to the size of a cat and jumped back on David’s shoulder.

David enters the Soul Space Small World mindfully and finds the coordinates of the “Great Spiritual World Safe Point” of the “Space Coordinates”, which is the space coordinates of Garmi Star, and then extracts space energy from the “Space Pattern”.

A Space Wormhole appeared in front of him, he stepped in, and in his shadow, Demi-God’Holy Spirit Knight’ also entered.

Space Wormhole became a little starlight disappeared after David passed.

About 3 hours after David left, the two “Starry Sky Flying Boats” from the temple came to the battlefield.

“Discovering the breath of divine blood, the space here has been severely shaken, showing that there has just been a divine battle here!” The priest sitting in the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ looked at the alchemy pattern in front of him, his eyes flashed After terrified look, he reported to the temple by contacting array.

“Have you found traces of another Spiritual God?” the temple asked.

“There is no remnant of another Spiritual God. This is a repressive battle. The defeated party should be severely injured, and the other party is not injured at all!” The priest replied.

The two “Starry Sky Flying Boats” continuously collect the breath on the battlefield. In order to get here as soon as possible, the temple used the space gates from the remote space.

The space door of this kind of remote space is the secret of the temple. Because it consumes the strength of faith, this technology cannot be popularized in the Great Spiritual World.

In addition, due to the massive consumption of strength of faith by the space gate invested in the remote space, even the temple itself is rarely used. If the divine metaphor is not received this time, this kind of space gate belonging to the category of Divine Item is basically impossible to use.

The temple detected that there was an extra Divine Grade aura inside the chaotic Star Domain, and due to the battle between the two Divine Grades, the two Divine Grade auras almost caused the temple’s detection pattern to burst due to excessive aura.

In this case, the temple attaches great importance to this matter. After the 5 Spiritual Gods received the report, the god metaphor was also issued.

“Collect all clues, and then return immediately!” The temple commanded in a deep voice.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ emerged from the space. Its current situation is extremely miserable. The lack of divine body, the reduction of divine blood, and the loss of a bit of Divine Consciousness all make it extremely annoying.

What made’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ even more angry is that it stayed to deal with David’s means, but it was cracked. The message from Divine Consciousness, the part left by its divine body was taken away by David and became spoils of war, and Divine Consciousness was swallowed by Black Dragon Alexis.

The angry’Titan Sovereign’ made all the insect races near the space gate shiver coldly, and none of the insect races dared to raise their heads. They all lowered their heads as much as possible.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ also didn’t want to take these insect races out of anger. With a wave of its hand, a well-prepared’Sonic Boom Armor-Plated Insect’ king flew over.

Consistent with the previous entry method, once again consume this’sonic boom Armor-Plated Insect’ king and let’Titan Sovereign’ return to the insect race world.

As soon as it entered the insect race world,’Titan Sovereign’ felt the operation of the’Sovereign level inheritance pattern’. The strength of Faith surged like a tide and transformed into a divine force, which made its spirit uncontrollable.

‘Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ didn’t stay at all, and didn’t say hello to’Blade Mantis Sovereign’. Instead, it summoned its efforts to use the newly converted divine force Tearing Space. No matter where it is on the other side of the space, it cannot stay here.

Because’Titan Golden Armor Sovereign’ knows ten points, if its injury is left,’Blade Mantis Sovereign’ will definitely not be able to help it.

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