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Minister Dalton was in a bad mood and disconnected. Admiral David’s plan made him feel that for a long time later, the output of Alto’s arms would not have much surplus.

The most important thing is that these weapons with alchemy patterns that have not passed through the Federal Military Equipment Department have to be settled by the Federal Military Equipment Department.

But Minister Dalton couldn’t refute Admiral David. As Admiral David’s own industry, Alto Arms would of course immediately meet his own needs.

“Admiral David, can I tell all Transcendent and Armored Soldiers of this good news?” Lieutenant General Radner said excitedly.

Although weapons in the army cannot be taken away from the army, weapons with alchemy patterns will greatly enhance the battle strength of Transcendent and Armored Soldier in the army.

Especially after the military and military discipline management has just been conducted, a slap and a little benefit is the kingly way of management.

The benefits David was preparing to give to the Nineteenth Fleet were too timely, and they were extremely supportive of the work of Lieutenant General Radner.

“No problem, we continue to visit the doomsday system!” David said with a smile.

Although the Doomsday System has been damaged, it is a rare opportunity for David to study the Doomsday System so close.

In another month, it is really hard for him to say if he has time to come over.

While leading the way, Lieutenant General Radner sent out the news that the weapon was equipped with alchemy patterns, which immediately caused a sensation in the entire 1th Fleet.

According to Lieutenant General Radner, the 1th Fleet will be equipped with alchemy pattern weapons in batches until every Transcendent and Armored Soldier can use alchemy pattern weapons.

Just after the one minute when Lieutenant General Radner sent the message, his identity bracelet received continuous messages, all of which were requests from captains for the first batch of alchemy pattern weapons and equipment.

This made Lieutenant General Radner, who was leading Admiral David, a smile on his face.

With the support of Admiral David, and without the resistance of the former forces, Lieutenant General Radner is confident that the 1th Fleet will be built into the army with the strongest response and battle strength in a short time.

This will also be the most glorious moment in the history of Lieutenant General Radner. Lieutenant General Radner secretly thanked Great Marshal Andre for his arrangement.

Both Lieutenant General David and Radner have sufficient authority. It is forbidden to visit inside the Doomsday System, which is the most important weapon system in the Federation.

David checked his identity and entered the energy supply compartment of the doomsday system. Radiation warnings all around indicated that it was unsafe.

“Lieutenant General Radner, you stay here, I will take a look here myself!” David waved his hand to let Lieutenant General Radner stay.

“Be careful, if the radiation indicator is too large, please leave immediately!” Lieutenant General Radner reminded with some worry, he did not insist on entering together.

Admiral David’s strength may not care about these radiations, but he, a slightly stronger ordinary person, cannot withstand radiation.

The curious David ignored the radiation, which indicated that the energy supply system here had an extraordinary energy response.

How long did David’s visit not at all last, he walked out of the energy supply cabin in disappointment, because the most important energy generating device in the entire energy supply cabin had become a metal cluster.

In his opinion, this extremely resistant alloy material was melted by excessive energy during the energy conversion process.

David could not discover the energy response principle of the doomsday system even if he used his mental perception at close range. The mind he wanted to study could not be achieved in a short time.

Stayed on the aircraft carrier for one night. On the morning of the 2nd day, all the battleships of the 1th Fleet were ready to set sail.

“Admiral David, the Nineteenth Fleet is ready, please give instructions!” Lieutenant General Radner looked at the data on the command light curtain, and then saluted David and reported.

“Go!” David looked at the countless battleships outside the porthole, and was a little excited, he waved and ordered.

David has encountered a larger fleet before, but this is the fleet that belongs directly to him, and the meaning is completely different.

This fleet will fight according to his will, hundreds of millions of soldiers will die because of one of his orders, and he also feels responsible.

The line of defense between War Zone and Alidia Star Domain is not far from the AL001 airport. The main AL001 airport was originally the first supporting airport after the line of defense. Three hours after the fleet set off, the line of defense was already vividly visible.

David looked at the star map on the command light curtain. This line of defense consists of two parts, one is the fleet and the other is the Battlestar.

On the long line of defense, fifty battlestars formed a complete defense, and no creatures would pass through the War Zone.

Another function of the Battlestar is to perform scanning and precise positioning. When a powerful enemy is found, the fleet will use the Battlestar’s positioning to conduct long-range attacks.

Of course, the defense here is not at all tense, because the actual military strength of the last line of defense in the War Zone is several times that of this side, and the defense is more tight, and almost no creature can sneak over.

“The 1th Fleet exits the line of defense, please accept!” Just as the 1th Fleet was approaching the line of defense, the 1th Fleet on the line of defense sent a message.

This kind of fleet handover defense does not allow any excessive exchanges, because after the 1th Fleet exits the defense line, it cannot continue to stay here, affecting the deployment of the 1th Fleet.

“The Nineteenth Fleet takes over the defense line!” Lieutenant General Radner solemnly replied.

After a simple handover, command the 1th Fleet on the light curtain to quickly withdraw from the defense line. At the same time, the 1th Fleet filled in and vacated positions.

David looked towards the void outside the porthole. Because he has been under the oppressive force of World Rule in the Interstellar Federation, he seldom let go of his spirit completely.

But at this time, his spirit was madly extending outward, just for his special induction, it seemed that there was something in the void.

Spirit soon discovered that 80 kilometers away, a spaceship using special stealth technology was slowly flying along a route.

In addition to the optical stealth technology on the surface of this stealth spaceship, there are also some “isolation patterns” of Great Spiritual World. When the spaceship shuts down the engine and uses Great Spiritual World’s alchemy pattern drive technology, the federal equipment finds it more difficult. Big.

David also discovered that this stealth spaceship was flying in the same area where the scanning systems of the two Battlestars overlapped. Because of the interference of the scanning signals, both Battlestars would scan the narrow area.

David complexion turned cold, he also knew that the federal defense line impossible had no loopholes, but in this case, it was obvious that there was collusion between inside and outside. Otherwise, how could the military’s Battlestar scan range leak?

This stealth spaceship wants to use the opportunity of changing defenses to quietly break through the defense.

Most importantly, in the stealth spaceship, David found two live’tiger aphids’.

Although “Tiger Aphid” is only a Level 1 insect race, it is a living insect race. Once it is mismanaged, letting the “Tiger Aphid” escape, it will definitely cause terrifying disasters when escaping from the planet.

In the early days of the Federation, some planets were caused by the insect race disaster. The military had to use space weapons to destroy the planet, because in addition to destroying the planet where the insect race was located, it could not completely control the hidden descendants of the insect race underground.

The inexhaustible pest plague, the Federation will never allow it to appear in a peaceful area, as long as there is a little negligence, the pest plague will become a disaster for the entire Federation.

David moved his fingers on the command light curtain, and Lieutenant General Radner on the side was taken aback and didn’t say much.

David obtained the right to operate a Gauss gun. What kind of weapon the Gauss gun simply can’t be considered on the aircraft carrier is just a short-range small self-defense device. If it is not equipped with grade ammunition, its formidable power is pitiful.

Under his operation, the Gauss cannon quickly turned, and a normal ammunition was loaded.

He has forgotten how long he has not operated this weapon system, but he is also much stronger than before, and coupled with the mental lock-in, he completed the preparatory preparation in just two seconds.

Launching a Gauss cannon from a huge fleet in space, even the nearby battleship can hardly be alarmed, which shows how small this Gauss cannon is.

The target position of the Gauss cannon was a void, and Lieutenant General Radner suppressed his curiosity. He didn’t believe Admiral David would fire at will.

What is Admiral David most famous for?

In the eyes of people outside the army, it may be Admiral David’s terror melee ability, but within the military, it is recognized that Admiral David’s long-range sniper ability is invincible.

Because of this, Lieutenant General Radner believed that Admiral David must have discovered something.

It’s just that Lieutenant General Radner didn’t see anything on the command light curtain.

In the space environment, the attack range of the Gauss gun has been extended many times, but 80 kilometers is definitely the farthest distance.

After a few seconds of flying, the bullet that was shot hit a corner of the invisible spaceship. This is where the invisible spaceship’s “isolation pattern” is located.

The formidable power of the bullet is not great, it just hits a line of the “isolation pattern” into a gap.

Alchemy patterns have their own protection mechanism, unless it is good luck to the sky, or it is an alchemy level above Master Alchemist, otherwise the effect of alchemy patterns cannot be easily broken.

David used a bullet to accurately hit the energy intersection of the “isolation pattern”, which is also the weakest position.

The’isolation pattern’ lost its effect, and the moment the bullet bounced, it swept across the stealth spaceship, cutting off the energy supply of the optical stealth system.

This kind of shooting effect like Gods Vestige, David is not at all the slightest pride, because at this distance, if he does not hide his strength, he can break all the disguise of the invisible spaceship at will by relying only on spirit.

The sudden appearance of the spaceship caused the 1th Fleet to react quickly, and the active scanning device locked the spaceship.

A group of six Armored Soldiers inside the spaceship are still inexplicable.

They never imagined how the smuggling that was about to succeed would fail.

You must know that they even managed to sneak across the War Zone defense line, how could they miss this defense line that is not taken seriously.

But the dazzling sirens made the six Armored Soldiers understand that they were indeed found and that they had nowhere to escape. When locked by the military weapon system, as long as they dared to make any abnormal behavior, they would be ruthlessly attacked.

In Battlestar 23, Major Gunther saw the spaceship appearing and face changed.

“Use the No. 1 main gun to attack the smuggling target!” Major Gunther ordered as he entered the coordinates.

“Major Gunther, the fleet has already controlled the target, can’t we intervene now?” a soldier reminded aloud.

“To execute the order, our task is to not allow any creatures to pass through the defense line!” Major Gunther stared, said solemnly.

The Battlestar III main gun instantly locked the spaceship, and the charging started, and the spaceship could be explodes into waste within two seconds at most.

David was looking at the direction of the spaceship and suddenly found that there were energy fluctuations coming from Battlestar 23, which exceeded his maximum mental range. Only the energy response after the main gun was activated was he discovered.

The spaceship can’t be destroyed like this, he needs to find out the forces behind it, and smuggle in front of him. This is not enough for him.

If someone else is here, even Fifth Level Templar Knight, there is no way to think of the main artillery attack that has been launched.

David is different. He immediately enters Soul Space Small World, inspires the’speed rule’ in Small World, and obtains the special speed rule energy, and then transfers this speed rule energy to the main world.

Although suppressed by the Interstellar Federation World Rule, fortunately, he has been studying the’speed rule’ recently, but it hasn’t had much impact.

When the speed rule energy has an effect in the main world, the whole world is still.

David calmly operated on the light curtain. Fortunately, because the battleship’s main gun was locked to the spaceship, he only had to change the attack coordinates of one of the sect master guns.

What made him a little helpless was that he had to slowly wait for the response of the intelligent system when he entered instructions.

Originally, the intelligent systems of aircraft carriers and other battleships had extremely powerful computing capabilities. Only intelligent systems had to wait for human input commands. There has never been a human command faster than intelligent systems.

David watched the energy beam blasted from Battlestar 23, moving forward a little bit, and the light curtain in front of him slowly reflected the new operation interface.

After entering the remote command, David recovered the speed rule energy in Soul Space Small World, and the speed of the main world also returned to normal.

The rest of the soldiers in the cockpit of the aircraft carrier only saw what Admiral David had input on the light curtain, and then a scene that was unforgettable for all the soldiers of the entire 1th Fleet took place.

The energy beam of the main gun fired by Battlestar 23, when it was about 1000 meters away from the spaceship, the energy beam of another main gun accurately hit it.

Obviously, the 2nd main gun has a longer time to recharge, the formidable power is stronger than the energy contained in the main gun energy beam fired by Battlestar 23.

The energy beams of the two main guns collided in space and turned into an energy wave.

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