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Archbishop Guy’s’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ approached the nearest planet, not at all, and directly stimulated the planet-class portal to the extreme, and the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ passed through the planet-class portal and returned to the Temple of War.

‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ slowly descended on the square at the time of departure, but when we went there were ten’Starry Sky Flying Boat’, but when we returned, only one’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ remained.

Archbishop Guy did not speak, his silhouette quickly entered the temple.

“Everyone, take a break and wait for the new mission!” Bishop McKinley reluctantly said to everyone on the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

Although the attack at this time failed, this is the god of War God, and it is impossible to stop.

So no matter what Archbishop Guy thinks, the Temple of War still needs to be reorganized to deal with Lord Arthur.

Templar Knight Annabella ignored Bishop McKinley’s words, she flew out of the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ hatch, and everyone else looked at each other, not at all moving.

Bishop McKinley is sighed in his heart, and he understands Templar Knight Annabella’s emotions very well. It might be better if Archbishop Guy did not show the strength of Legendary this time.

But Archbishop Guy can be promoted to the Legendary level, but it restricts Templar Knight Annabella, who is only a short-term Templar Knight, which is indeed unacceptable.

From Fifth Level Templar Knight to Legendary level, it can be said to be a qualitative leap. The control of power has been transformed from the control of energy to the application of rules.

Especially the extension of lifespan, there is hope of Demi-God.

Archbishop Guy returned to his room, and his spiritual Avatar flew into the special space fragments to activate the signal.

Soon, the four spiritual Avatars of Archbishop appeared.

“Everyone, not long ago, Lord Arthur used the energy weapons of the Interstellar Federation to aggressively attack the’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ in the temple, until nearly 3,000 priests of the Temple of War died. I hope four Archbishops Able to help capture Lord Arthur!” Archbishop Guy said solemnly.

The loss this time was a bit big. Even after the war with the insect race world, Temple of War did not lose many people.

Temple of War requires too many priests, and there are not many priests that can be mobilized.

Be aware that Temple of War has sub-temples on many planets throughout the Great Spiritual World. These sub-temples require the presence of priests, which allows Temple of War to disperse a large number of priests.

Of course, the details of Temple of War are not limited to these, but Lord Arthur is obviously on guard, and if you want to deal with Lord Arthur, the price you need to pay is great.

Archbishop Guy didn’t want to pay a higher price. He thought of asking the other four temples to help.

This requires a reasonable excuse to let the four major temples take action.

“Archbishop Guy, you don’t know yet. The video of your attacks outside Garmi Star has been circulated throughout the Great Spiritual World. It is estimated that, except for some low-level nobles, most nobles know about this.” Archbishop Adele lightly saying.

“The Supreme Council sent an application for assistance. Unknown forces want to invade Lord Arthur’s private domain. Although it did not achieve the goal, this behavior is already a provocation to the noble system!” Archbishop Barney continued.

“It’s not that we don’t want to help you, but in this case, we are not suitable to take action!” Archbishop Julian expressed his opinion.

“Archbishop Guy, don’t want us to intervene. This is God’s test of you!” Archbishop Ambrose finally said.

Archbishop Guy’s complexion is very ugly. He did not expect Lord Arthur to move so fast, nor did he expect Lord Arthur to do so, putting the failure of Temple of War in front of all the forces of Great Spiritual World.

If this attack is successful, even if the Supreme Council has opinions, it doesn’t matter.

But the problem is that Temple of War failed to capture Lord Arthur, but made a lot of noise about Temple of War’s arrest of top nobles for no reason.

“Then you don’t have to act, little Knight, dare to despise Temple of War, he must pay the price!” Archbishop Guy disappeared after shaking his hand.

“Temple of War has been too active recently, and the momentum has overwhelmed us, but after this time, whether or not Lord Arthur can be successfully captured, the momentum of Temple of War will be greatly reduced!” Archbishop Adele has no scruples lightly said with a smile.

“It’s a bit strange. According to historical records, there is a god’s metaphor for arresting a certain powerhouse. The five temples will all receive news to cooperate with the action. Why this time only Temple of War received the news, we have no news here ?” Archbishop Ambrose thought of another point and said.

Behind the five temples are five Spiritual Gods, like the action of capturing the powerhouse. According to past experience, the five temples cooperate with each other.

The five Spiritual Gods are extremely closely connected. It is indeed a bit weird to act alone, not at all, to notify the other four Spiritual Gods.

Be aware of the communication between Spiritual Gods. Normally speaking, the divine sense of Spiritual God will automatically handle it and send out the gods to the temple of the main world without affecting the time of Spiritual God.

“Let’s just watch the play well, drag the Supreme Council first, wait until Temple of War catches Lord Arthur!” Archbishop Julian said with a smile.

The four Archbishops actually didn’t believe in the heart that Lord Arthur could escape the capture of Temple of War. The most important thing was that the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ was invited out by Archbishop Guy.

Don’t look at Lord Arthur successfully repelling the attack of Temple of War, and causing great loss to Temple of War.

But as long as it is close to a certain distance, Archbishop Guy can activate the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ to make Lord Arthur lose battle strength.

In the noble circle, the most explosive news is that Temple of War sent a large number of priests to sneak attack Lord Arthur, but was repelled by Garmi Star’s defensive weapons.

In the spread of the news, it also specifically stated that Temple of War did not report at all, nor did it explain what kind of crime Lord Arthur had committed, and was attacked by Temple of War.

Among the nobles, those with a little brain understand that this is a challenge by Temple of War to the entire noble system.

The five temples do not intervene in secular matters. Some things are passed through the Supreme Council, especially the top aristocracy. The top aristocrats have committed unforgivable crimes and need to remove their titles before arresting them.

As long as the title of the top aristocrat is in the body, it is sacred and inviolable. This is also the basis for the existence of the noble system.

The privileges of the nobles are the manifestations of the noble titles, and the noble titles are obtained by the nobles for the Great Spiritual World.

Once the privileges of aristocrats can be trampled at will, what is the meaning of the status of aristocrats?

A little bit of sparks of sparks rose among the nobles of the Great Spiritual World. At this time, these sparks of sparks were still in Early-Stage, but the power of a prairie fire had already been predicted.

Some other forces have also seen the relationship, such as the ‘Gods of Twilight’ organization, which agitated all the Evil God believers that they can influence.

‘Gods of Twilight ’not at all hit a person when he’s down to David because of previous grievances, they knew who was the biggest trouble.

All Evil God believers have started activities, using various means to discredit Temple of War, and describe the actions of Temple of War as a contempt for the entire noble system.

The unity heart of the Great Spiritual World, which was originally condensed through war, was completely scattered after the action at this time of Temple of War, and chaos is spreading in the Great Spiritual World.

Archbishop Guy opened the contact array and connected to Speaker Gould. On weekdays, he did not put the Supreme Council in his eyes. At this time, he needed the cooperation of the Supreme Council.

“I have seen Archbishop Guy!” Speaker Gould’s phantom appeared in the contact array, and he bowed with a polite smile on his face.

“President Gould, immediately deprived Arthur Luce of the dukedom, reclaimed his territory, and cancelled his status as a member of the Supreme Council!” Archbishop Guy ordered in a deep voice.

The Speaker Gould didn’t expect Archbishop Guy to be so direct, but he was already mentally prepared.

“Archbishop Guy, deprivation of title requires reasons. According to the law of nobility, top nobles can only be deprived of the title unless they commit the felony of blaspheming Spiritual God or betraying the Great Spiritual World. I don’t know what crime Lord Arthur committed and what evidence is there. ?” Speaker Gould asked unchanged the smile on his face.

“As the Temple of War Archbishop, I appointed Arthur Luce to blaspheme Spiritual God. I don’t need evidence anymore. My words are evidence!” Archbishop Guy said coldly at the phantom of Speaker Gould.

Archbishop Guy naturally knows the relationship between Speaker Gould and Lord Arthur, but he does not believe that Speaker Gould will be an enemy of Lord Arthur and Temple of War.

“It turns out that Archbishop Guy only needs to finger which top nobleman is guilty, and that is guilty. I will announce your intentions in the Supreme Council. All members will vote to decide whether to deprive Lord Arthur of the title!” Speaker Gould converged Smile said solemnly.

If Speaker Gould does not want to help Lord Arthur, and Archbishop Guy accuses Lord Arthur for blaspheming Spiritual God, then Speaker Gould can indeed determine Lord Arthur’s crime based on Archbishop Guy’s identification.

Not to mention the interest entanglement between Speaker Gould and Lord Arthur, that is, Speaker Gould himself wants to be promoted to Legendary, which will definitely touch the interests of the temple. It is better to take this opportunity to make a big fuss for the nobles. Big benefits.

Unless Speaker Gould does not want to be promoted to Legendary, then he may still help Temple of War.

But Templar Knight Annabella is an example, showing the Temple’s attitude towards Legendary.

There are no secrets among the nobles. Even the Temple of War cannot escape the noble circle. What happened there is known to Speaker Gould.

It is no secret among the top nobles that Templar Knight Annabella applied to the temple for the resources and cultivation cultivation technique to be promoted to the Legendary rank.

“Very well, Gould, you want to be an enemy of Temple of War, have you considered the consequences?” Archbishop Guy threatened in a deep voice.

“Archbishop Guy, if you don’t accept your unprovoked conviction against the top nobles, that is, if you are an enemy of Temple of War, then does Temple of War simply fail to put the Supreme Council in its eyes? The Supreme Council is not directly under Temple of War , The Supreme Council belongs to all the nobles!” Speaker Gould replied in a deep voice.

Archbishop Guy angrily closed the contact array, and on the other side of the contact array, Speaker Gould was recording the conversation just now into the alchemy pattern card.

Speaker Gould once again called a meeting of the Supreme Council. Five minutes later, the virtual meeting room was filled with the shadow of the lord.

“Just now, Archbishop Guy of Temple of War asked me to deprive Lord Arthur of his title, territory, and councilor status, and Archbishop Guy’s evidence is his word!” Speaker Gould looked towards all councillors, loudly Said.

After speaking, he released the process of his contact with Archbishop Guy. During the viewing, the anger of the congressman was also burning.

Perhaps among the top aristocrats in the entire Great Spiritual World, only the top aristocrat of Lord Arthur is the shortest time-consuming, but it also relies on a lot of military exploits in exchange for undisputed credit.

For the rest of the top nobles, which family has not experienced hundreds of thousands of years of continuous hard work, and countless generations of people have made it to reach the top nobles.

But the top aristocrats have become the existence that can be easily convicted in one sentence in the mouth of Archbishop Guy. This ignorance makes all the top aristocratic lords intolerable.

“Lord Arthur cannot be deprived of the title, we retired this step, then our descendants will scold us!” a member of the council said.

Be aware that as long as this head is opened, the prestige of the Supreme Council will not be there, and the temple will only be more effective in the future.

Why is there a Supreme Council? Although part of the reason is to facilitate the management of aristocratic groups, it is not to unite the aristocrats and resist the temple’s interference with the aristocrats.

“President Gould, you don’t need to think about it for me, it doesn’t matter if I lose my title!” In David’s mind, he didn’t want Speaker Gould and the entire Supreme Council to be an enemy of Temple of War for him.

David himself has the confidence to resist Temple of War. If it weren’t for some of his strength that could not be exposed, whether Temple of War would dare to deal with him is still a question.

He really doesn’t care about knighthood. The so-called knighthood and territories have become clouds after his strength.

David now only cares about the improvement of his own strength, especially after being attacked by the Temple of War, he wants to improve his strength even more.

“Lord Arthur, this is no longer yours alone. Archbishop Guy has repeatedly challenged the noble system. Once Archbishop Guy succeeds, our nobles will become the fish in Archbishop Guy’s eyes.” Lord Fred waved his hand. Said.

No one who can become a top noble lord is a fool. They all understand the pros and cons.

This is not the business of Lord Arthur, or even the nobles of this generation. If this time can’t stand it, then the nobles may be under the direct control of the temple for countless years to come.

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