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Speaker Gould did not expect that just a glass of spiritual object red wine would make him reach the conditions for promotion to the Legendary rank, and within the body Bloodline Strength began to condense and solidify.

He didn’t want to be promoted to the Legendary rank at this time. In order to be promoted to the Legendary rank, he prepared a lot on Maine.

This is not a Maine star. Without any preparation, promotion to the Legendary rank is extremely risky.

But these are not based on the will of Speaker Gould. The effect of Spiritual Object Red Wine is really good, so good that he was brought directly into the promotion state by the energy of Spiritual Object Red Wine without precautions.

Just when Speaker Gould was worried, Lord Arthur took him away, but instead calmed his heart.

To say who Speaker Gould trusts most here, Lord Arthur can definitely be ranked first, plus he knows Lord Arthur himself is the Legendary rank, and he also helped Annabella Legendary successfully promote, and he has experience in promoting the Legendary rank. Very rich.

David took Speaker Gould to the center of the super-large Spirit Gathering Formation. In fact, in the Annabella Legendary castle, you can enjoy the effect of the super-large Spirit Gathering Formation, but there are too many people there, which is not conducive to Speaker Gould. Promotion.

“Don’t be distracted, it’s me!” David said solemnly.

Speaker Gould heard these words, and his face couldn’t help showing a relaxed smile.

David waved his hand and ten ‘Perfect level kryptonite crystal stones’ were scattered around Speaker Gould, and the super-large Spirit Gathering Formation also started to operate.

For the promotion to Legendary rank, even if David wasted some resources, he did not want Speaker Gould to fail due to resource problems.

The promotion process was very smooth. With David’s care, coupled with the investment of spiritual object red wine and massive resources, Speaker Gould finally became Legendary after more than an hour of promotion.

In this more than one hour, the guests at the promotion reception each and everyone feel ill at ease.

Their attention is not in the reception, but outside the castle, they can perceive the increasing breath outside the castle.

But without the consent of Lord Arthur and Annabella Legendary, none of the guests present went to watch Speaker Gould’s promotion process, although they really wanted to watch the promotion process of Legendary with their own eyes.

Annabella Legendary was also very helpless. This reception was ruined by Speaker Gould, but she was not at all because of this complaint, but a sincere blessing.

An old friend of many years, Annabella Legendary, how could she not know Speaker Gould’s desire for Legendary rank.

If Speaker Gould was promoted alone, Annabella Legendary might still be a little worried, but with Lord Arthur watching over, Annabella Legendary is extremely relieved.

“The promotion was successful!” Annabella Legendary sensed the rise of an aura belonging to the Legendary rank, and she couldn’t help but cried out in surprise.

Don’t need to say Annabella Legendary, all the guests also perceive the legendary atmosphere.

The reason why Speaker Gould was promoted to Legendary rank?

After thinking of this, some guests have already looked at the wooden wine barrel, and a glass of spiritual object red wine promoted Speaker Gould to the Legendary rank.

They also drank it. Although the effect is not as amazing as that of Speaker Gould, it also surpasses their at least half a year’s penance effect. How high will the value of this spiritual object red wine be?

Needless to say, the spiritual object red wine alone may provide help for the promotion to the Legendary level. This makes the value of spiritual object red wine inestimable.

Because of the fact that Speaker Gould saw with his own eyes, the guests believed in the value of spiritual object red wine.

Some guests even believe that the reason why Annabella Legendary can be promoted to Legendary is also the effect of this spiritual object red wine.

Unfortunately, after the robot poured the wooden wine barrels for each guest, there was not much wine in the spiritual object, and the robots kept holding the wooden wine barrels in their hands. They were not easy to grab them as guests .

“Bring me another glass of spiritual object wine!” Lord Ludwig suddenly said to the robot at this moment.

The robot did not hesitate at all, and stepped forward to pour another glass of spiritual object red wine for Lord Ludwig.

At this time, the rest of the guests also suddenly realized that they hurriedly asked for refills, but the spiritual object red wine in the wooden barrels was poured in half a glass and disappeared.

Lord Ludwig saw everyone looking at him with cannibalistic gazes, and quickly swept away his spirits, and collected the spiritual object red wine and wine glasses into the space ring.

“Annabella Legendary, I will borrow this wine glass, and I will give you a brand new one!” Lord Ludwig knew that this behavior was too rude, but he still said to Annabella Legendary.

Lord Ludwig does not want to drink a second glass of spiritual object red wine at this time. Since spiritual object red wine has the effect of helping to promote to the Legendary rank, his next thing is to find the Legendary Knight cultivation method.

Only after obtaining the Knight cultivation method of the Legendary rank and preparing the resources for promotion to the Legendary rank, he will use the second glass of spiritual object red wine.

Seeing Lord Ludwig put away the spiritual object red wine, the rest of the guests turned their eyes to another Templar Knight who received half a glass of spiritual object red wine, then Templar Knight followed the look of Lord Ludwig , Also explained to Annabella Legendary, put half a glass of spiritual object red wine into the space item.

At this time, Lord Arthur and Speaker Gould walked in together.

The Speaker Gould has a bright face, and his long-cherished wish has been fulfilled, making him extremely happy.

For everything Lord Arthur did for him, he didn’t say any more words of thanks. He remembered this great person in the heart.

spiritual object red wine,’Perfect level kryptonite crystal stone’, super-large Spirit Gathering Formation, and’immortal life force’, these resources are all consumed by Lord Arthur for the promotion of Speaker Gould, especially the’immortal life force’ The highest value.

“Congratulations to Speaker Gould for being promoted to Legendary!” The guests stepped forward and said.

“Good luck!” Speaker Gould replied with a smile.

To be honest, Speaker Gould’s unexpected promotion to Legendary gave all the guests hope alive. If only Annabella Legendary was promoted to Legendary, it might just be accidental, but Speaker Gould was also successfully promoted, it’s not accidental. .

Perhaps Knight’s spring is coming, and Knight’s bottleneck will no longer be Fifth Level Templar Knight.

“Thank you for coming. Let’s end today’s reception. Speaker Gould still needs a rest!” Annabella Legendary sensed that Speaker Gould’s breath is unstable. The guest’s attention was focused on her, and then she announced loudly.

The reception is over, but the influence is not over, but is getting bigger and bigger.

President Gould has been promoted to the Legendary rank. This news is even more sensational than the promotion of Annabella Legendary.

Who is Annabella Legendary?

That is the envoy of War God, no matter whether Annabella Legendary has betrayed Temple of War or not, Annabella Legendary has gained a sense of power beyond its own realm through the surrender of many gods. opportunity.

Although Annabella’s promotion to Legendary has had a great impact, for many Knights, her promotion has special opportunities, and it cannot be simply regarded as an ordinary Templar Knight independent promotion to Legendary.

But Speaker Gould is different. His identity is very clear. There has never been a Legendary in the Maine Family for many generations. This time his promotion to Legendary shows that he was promoted successfully on his own.

Speaker Gould returned to Maine after Garmi Star stabilized his realm. He did not go to the Shining Star of the Supreme Council.

In the uncertain situation, the Maine star is much safer than the shining star that you can enter and exit at will.

At least Speaker Gould must get the attitude of the five temples towards the Legendary Tier before he will appear in public.

This is also a trouble of happiness, but if you let Speaker Gould choose, he will still choose to become a Legendary, and it is worth taking some risks.

“Master, Lord Ludwig, please!” Steward Hayes reported excitedly.

Since Speaker Gould was promoted to the Legendary rank, the entire Maine Family was extremely excited. Few of these clansman knew about the temple’s blockade of the Legendary rank.

Lord Ludwig recently walked very close to Speaker Gould. He is coming to Maine. The clansman who manages the planet-level Transmission Gate will not refuse to apply.

“I just met now, why are you so anxious and want to meet?” Speaker Gould muttered strangely.

“Master, Lord Ludwig brought many gifts to congratulate you on your promotion to the Legendary rank!” Steward Hayes continued.

“Lord Ludwig, please come to the reception room!” Speaker Gould didn’t quite believe it when he heard this reason. It was obviously an excuse, and he waved.

According to the usual practice, the promotion gift should be given out only when Speaker Gould announces the promotion. Before that, the promotion may take a long time to fix.

Although promotion is an increase in realm and strength, it can also cause great damage to the body.

Like Speakers Annabella Legendary and Gould, without David using the ‘immortal life force’ treatment, the injury during the promotion process, not to mention whether it can be promoted safely, is that the promotion success cannot be recovered without a long period of repair.

Lord Ludwig’s visit was obviously out of time, showing how anxious he was to see Speaker Gould.

“Speaker Gould, congratulations on your promotion to the Legendary rank!” Lord Ludwig entered the reception room and bowed to congratulate Speaker Gould.

“Lord Ludwig, there are no outsiders here, just sit down and say something!” Speaker Gould smiled and rejoiced and pointed to the chair beside him.

“I took the liberty to come today, there is indeed something important!” Lord Ludwig was not polite, he said after sitting down.

The Speaker Gould did not answer, watching Lord Ludwig waiting for him to continue speaking.

“You are promoted to the Legendary level. Spiritual object red wine has played a big role, but if you don’t have the Knight cultivation method of the Legendary level, you are at best like me. The Bloodline Strength within the body is more solid and will not produce A qualitative change!” Lord Ludwig said after considering his words.

“What do you mean?” Speaker Gould heart slightly startled, his face changed not at all, and it is normal for the other party to guess this.

There are even a few top aristocrats who will have this guess, because among the inheritance of the top aristocratic families, a few inheritances have a description of the Legendary level.

Promoting to the Legendary rank requires the corresponding Legendary rank Knight cultivation method, but the Legendary rank Knight cultivation method has been lost thousands of years ago.

Even if the Legendary Knight cultivation method is not lost, this cultivation method is only circulated inside the temple and will not flow out at all.

“I would like to ask you for this Legendary Knight cultivation method, at any price you propose, as long as I can do it, I can agree!” Lord Ludwig gritted his teeth said solemnly.

The purpose of Lord Ludwig’s coming is very clear. He and Speaker Gould are in very similar situations, both struggling to break through the realm of Fifth Level Templar Knight all his life.

For this purpose, he is willing to pay all the price.

Lord Ludwig’s strength was stuck above Fifth Level Peak. This time, drinking the spiritual object red wine, although he went further, made him recognize one thing.

If there is no Legendary Knight cultivation method, no matter how hard he cultivation, the result will be the same.

Maybe one day, like the Seniors, he will lose his self-awareness at the Fifth Level Templar Knight and become a one-time fighter for the family.

If there is no probability, Lord Ludwig will recognize it.

But the promotion of Annabella Legendary and Speaker Gould’s promotion on the spot show that Fifth Level Templar Knight is not the end of Knight.

Especially, Lord Ludwig struggled with disdain at the promotion reception and grabbed a glass of spiritual object red wine and collected it in the space ring. This gave him the same preconditions as Speaker Gould.

Now it’s only the Legendary Knight cultivation method of Speaker Gould. As long as he has the Legendary Knight cultivation method, then he can definitely successfully promote to the Legendary level.

The background of the top aristocracy is very strong. Starting from how many generations, the Golden Dragon Bloodline Hopkinson family began to prepare resources for promotion to the Legendary level.

In today’s Hopkinson family, there are enough resources reserved for Lord Ludwig to try and promote Legendary.

“Lord Ludwig, tell you the truth, I promised others that the Legendary Knight cultivation method can only be inherited in my bloodline!” Speaker Gould said this, Lord Ludwig prepared to speak anxiously , He waved to stop.

“I understand your feelings. Didn’t I pay a lot for the promotion of Legendary? Back then, I, Lord Ferdinand, Lord Merlin, Lord Amir, and Lord Luke entered the’Plague God Gladstone’ together for that glimmer of hope Small World, prepare to slaughter the gods. All four of my best friends fell in that battle. If the four friends desperately sent me out, I would also fall there.

Since then, I have a stronger obsession with being promoted to the Legendary rank. Being promoted to the Legendary rank is not my own hope. I am burdened by the fallen Lord Ferdinand, Lord Merlin, Lord Amir, Lord Luke and others. Hope, now I can finally comfort them! “Gould Speaker said solemnly.

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