
You can search “Transcendent David 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“President Gould, what can you do to spare the Morse family?” Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight lost the courage to resist, he asked bitterly.

“All the direct descendants of the Morse family died. When we ended, why do you think we started acting at this time?” Speaker Gould solemnly replied.

Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight just realized that all important members of the Morse family are in the castle. If they were to catch everything in one net, the Morse family would basically disappear.

“Why? Why do you want to do so? Don’t give us a little bit of survival?” Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight looked at the 15 lord in the sky, he asked unwillingly.

“Because Lord Arthur is a bit busy, we will help Lord Arthur solve this problem, and we will solve it in the style of Lord Arthur!” Lord Ludwig replied with a sorrowful smile.

At this time, the rest of the Morse family clansman also left the castle. When they saw the 15 lords in the sky, they understood the fate of the Morse family today.

“Lord Arthur, you are actually fighting for Lord Arthur!” Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight muttered incredulously.

Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight thought of many possibilities, the most likely is that these 15 lords have taken a fancy to the interests of the Morse family.

As a veteran giant dragon bloodline top aristocratic family, the Morse family’s background is not low at all. Even if it is divided among 15 lords, it can also allocate a lot of benefits.

But Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight did not expect that together with Speaker Gould, the 15 lords who shook Great Spiritual World were actually just to help Lord Arthur.

“Enough said, let’s solve the battle!” Speaker Gould looked at the Black Dragon emblem on the castle and shook his head slightly.

Lord Ludwig did not only use his own Bloodline Strength this time, but instead used the Bloodline Strength of 15 lords in the Knight battle formation, turning it into a white giant blade towards the defense shield of Morse Castle Hack down.

The Morse Castle, which has experienced thousands of years of history, has been improved and strengthened by each generation of clansman, but no matter how hard it is strengthened, it cannot withstand a Legendary tier, the formidable power of 14 Peak Fifth Level Templar Knight. .

The huge Bloodline Strength blade collided with the defensive shield. The defensive shield made a sound like a piece of cloth being torn apart, and then the entire defensive shield turned into starlight and dissipated.

Bloodline Strength blade not at all disappeared with the defensive shield because it broke through the defensive shield, and it continued to slash downward.

Each brick of Morse Castle is painted with alchemy patterns, but under the huge Bloodline Strength blade, piece by piece collapses.

Some non-Knight clansman were hit by the flying gravel from this attack. This kind of aftermath is not something that an ordinary person can bear. Those who survived by chance, fell to the ground and screamed constantly.

“Fight with them!” Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight shouted loudly.

As a Templar Knight, in the face of death, he still has the courage to launch a final attack.

But behind Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight, Dorothea followed closely, and the rest of the Knights were frightened by the blow just now.

Some Knights dared not move because of fear, while others ran towards all around, thinking that these 15 lords would not put them in their eyes and would leave them alone.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. Fifteen energy Avatars appeared, killing Knight one after another who wanted to leave Morse Castle.

To deal with these weak Knights, the energy Avatar is the most terrifying. That speed makes Knight unable to see clearly. Many Knights have not been able to see whose energy Avatar killed themselves until death.

“Dorothea, follow me!” Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight said solemnly.

Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight led Dorothea to the Speaker Gould and launched a charge. Although Dorothea’s strength had just been promoted to Level 4, under the leadership of Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight, he also mobilized his own limited Bloodline Strength , Provided to Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight.

The Speaker Gould showed respect, and he would show enough respect for any brave Knight.

A Fifth Level light long sword appeared in his hand. The best response to Knight like this is to personally give the opponent death.

14 The lord did not intervene, and they also expressed respect. They wanted to give Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight a glorious death.

Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight’s eyes flashed gratification. In any case, Knight’s death in the hands of a powerful opponent is definitely better than dying on a bed.

Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight was personally killed by the second Legendary Knight in the Great Spiritual World in thousands of years.

However, he was also unwilling. When he was halfway through the charge, the Heart Sea Space exploded in an instant, and the crazy Bloodline Strength poured out from the Heart Sea Space.

Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight became a blood man in an instant. Before attacking the enemy, the explosive Bloodline Strength first destroyed his body.

At the same time, an energy Avatar flew out from Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight within the body, grabbed Dorothea in his hand, and flew towards the distance.

Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight at the last moment, not at all chose to escape by himself, but wanted to use the Avatar to save a little bloodline for the Morse family.

He did not choose the male descendants in the family. On the one hand, no male descendants had the courage to charge with him. On the other hand, he also understood that if the male descendants fled, Speaker Gould would never allow it.

Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight approaches one meter of Speaker Gould, the blood on his body becomes thicker.

No matter how the explosive Fifth Level Bloodline Strength erupts, it is still Fifth Level Bloodline Strength. The Legendary Bloodline Strength of Speaker Gould is gathered on the Fifth Level light long sword in his hand.

The Legendary Bloodline Strength on the Fifth Level light long sword easily broke the Fifth Level Bloodline Strength of the Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight, and the sudden burst of quantity was defeated by the stronger quality.

Legendary Bloodline Strength entered within the body of Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight, destroying his vitality within the body.

“This is the power of the Legendary level!” Mickey Fifth Level Templar Knight’s face showed a trace of satisfaction, a trace of helplessness, he finally said softly: “Thank you!”

Mickey’s Fifth Level Templar Knight’s lifeless body fell from the air, and the energy Avatar in the distance also disappeared.

“Let her go and leave a little bloodline for the Morse family’s direct line!” Speaker Gould said to the lords on the side.

There is no objection from the lord. Although they are not lord Arthur, they do not have the decisiveness of lord Arthur.

Of course, Lord Arthur will generally not kill these weak people himself, but will choose to let a certain Avatar act on his own.

David learned about the destruction of the Morse family only after receiving news from Speaker Gould.

I have to say that Speaker Gould knows him very well, and he also expressed his gratitude to Speaker Gould, which really saved him time.

Know that David will be at risk if he leaves Garmi Star now. If Temple of War anticipates his whereabouts, he will inevitably lay a trap again.

Temple of War is not thinking about capturing Lord Arthur. The interior of Temple of War is in intrigue.

Although once you take over Archbishop, you will have to take over the task of capturing Lord Arthur, but the temptation of Archbishop’s position is still too great.

The four bishops and the supporting forces behind each have begun to use various methods such as wooing, uniting, dividing, and buying, all of which were used in a short period of time.

In the next period of time, Temple of War has no spare time to deal with David, at least until a new Archbishop is selected, no one will target David.

Among the space fragments shared by the five great temples, the spiritual Avatars of the four Archbishops of the Four Great God Palaces hover in the air.

“Archbishop Guy died and lost the Divine Item ‘Knight Ban Card’!” Archbishop Adele said angrily.

Be aware that the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ has always been the final hole card of the five temples, and it is their confidence to suppress the Knight career.

With the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’, no matter how the nobles make trouble, the temple can be cleaned up at any time.

But I didn’t expect Archbishop Guy to fall, and the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ was also lost.

“The most speechless thing is that Lord Arthur got the Divine Item’Knight Forbidden Card’. He didn’t even have any greed. He gave the Divine Item’Knight Forbidden Card’ to Speaker Gould, so we couldn’t even ask for it!” Archbishop Barney said with a bitter smile.

Archbishop Barney has a close relationship with Speaker Gould, but this is not the reason why he cannot ask for it.

At present, all the nobles believe that the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ was created by War God to suppress the Knight profession, not at all suspected of the rest of the Four Great God Palaces.

If their four Archbishops come forward for this, they will become common enemies of the Knight profession together, and not only Temple of War will be affected, but they will be greatly affected.

At that time, Great Spiritual World is very likely to have the most chaotic situation in 10,000 years, which Four Great God Palaces does not want to see.

Even if you think of a way to retrieve the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ by extraordinary means, Four Great God Palaces will not forcefully retract the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ now.

“Annabella and Speaker Gould have both become Legendary ranks, can you see how to deal with this?” Archbishop Julian changed the subject and asked.

Two Legendary tiers suddenly appeared. This news made Four Great God Palaces completely unprepared. There was no sign before, Annabella became Legendary tier, and then Speaker Gould also became Legendary tier.

These two are Knights who have a great reputation in the Great Spiritual World. Annabella Legendary is better. They can be captured and dealt with in the name of Temple of War.

But Speaker Gould is difficult to deal with. The Speaker of the Supreme Council has the greatest power in the Great Spiritual World.

How to deal with Speaker Gould Even Four Great God Palaces must be careful not to cause conflicts with the aristocracy.

Before, the Temple of War had precedents before, and if it could not handle the relationship with the nobles, then it would stand on the opposite side of the noble class.

“Archbishop Barney, you can talk to Speaker Gould and give him some advantages to abdicate and reduce the number of appearances. What do you think?” Archbishop Ambrose first said to Archbishop Barney, and then consulted again. The rest of Archbishop’s comments.

This is already the best plan that Archbishop Ambrose thinks. If it weren’t for Speaker Gould, he would have already proposed that Speaker Gould be resolved secretly.

“The Speaker Gould, who holds the Divine Item ‘Knight Ban Card’ in his hand, is already qualified to negotiate with us!” Archbishop Barney reminded in a deep voice.

Archbishop Ambrose couldn’t help being silent. He knew the effect of Divine Item ‘Knight Ban Card’ very well.

With the Divine Item ‘Knight Forbidden Card’ in the hands of Speaker Gould, the Knight battle strength of the Four Great God Palaces cannot be used.

“First contact Speaker Gould, and see his attitude!” Archbishop Julian looked towards Archbishop Barney and said.

Archbishop Barney didn’t want to show up on this matter at all, but here is indeed the one who has the best relationship with Speaker Gould.

When the discussion came to an end, the Avatar of Archbishop Adele suddenly expressed a tight expression.

“Everyone, talk with Speaker Gould slowly beforehand!” Archbishop Adele waved.

“Do you have a better way?” Zhu Yian Archbishop couldn’t help asking.

“The latest information, Lord Ludwig and Lord Darryl have been promoted to Legendary rank!” Archbishop Adele said solemnly.

“How is it possible!” The three Archbishops almost cry out in surprise in unison.

In their view, Annabella Legendary and Speaker Gould are special cases, and they never thought that the remaining Fifth Level Templar Knights would also be promoted to Legendary rank.

“It’s Lord Arthur’s spiritual object wine!” Archbishop Ambrose was the first to react.

President Gould drank a glass of spiritual object red wine, which made Lord Arthur’s spiritual object red wine completely famous in the Great Spiritual World.

Archbishop Ambrose is not surprised at all about the effectiveness of spiritual object red wine, because he has taken spiritual object fruit. The spiritual object fruit itself has a very strong effect and is the top cultivation resource.

For the red wine made with spiritual object fruits, Archbishop Ambrose feels a sense of powerlessness as long as he thinks of using spiritual object fruits to make wine.

The five temples that ruled the entire Great Spiritual World, and they were unable to use spiritual object fruits to make wine. This behavior is extravagant and outrageous.

In order to save the consumption of spiritual object fruit, the five temples will carefully control the consumption of spiritual object fruit, and set various preconditions for receiving spiritual object fruit, so that every spiritual object fruit produced is far from enough.

“I will go to see Lord Arthur and take a look about spiritual object wine. After we understand the details, let’s discuss spiritual object wine!” Archbishop Barney actively said.

Whether it is Speaker Gould or Lord Arthur, they belong to the secular powers of Earth God Palace.

As the meeting was about to end, the four Archbishops suddenly discovered that they didn’t know when they started, and the temple had great scruples and couldn’t do things at will.

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