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The World Tree branch entered the huge Space Stone, and the branch suddenly stretched out to the core of the huge Space Stone.

Although David knew the magic of World Tree for a long time, he was surprised by this completely contrary to the movement of plants.

He also guessed that there should be a higher-quality Space Stone inside the huge Space Stone. When he was thinking about it, the center of the huge Space Stone was empty, and about two cubic meters of space appeared.

David only felt the final one meter of the World Tree above his head suddenly shook, and then his Soul Space Small World also shook a few times, making his will disappear for a short time.

When he came back to his senses, the World Tree above his head was completely disappeared. Fortunately, he was in space. Although part of the huge Space Stone was hollowed out, the mass was still extremely terrifying, because there was no gravity. The influence did not hold him down.

Otherwise, David will really become the monkey in the previous life. Although he won’t be injured, he is really embarrassed.

David’s spirit swept across the huge Space Stone. Although he didn’t know what treasure was lost inside the huge Space Stone, he was already content to retain the shell. He took the huge Space Stone into the space pendant.

His mind entered Soul Space Small World, and as soon as he entered Soul Space Small World, he discovered the difference from before.

A complete World Tree stands in the center of Small World, with a huge canopy covering a small half of Small World.

The two crystals originally suspended in the air are now hung on the branches, like two fruits.

David’s mind is stable in Soul Space Small World. In the past, whether in space fragments or in Small World, there was a feeling that the space was not stable enough.

This feeling is related to many things. One is that the Law of Space is incomplete, and the balance of the rules is not reached, so that you will feel imbalance in it.

The second is that the spatial structure is not solid. As long as you move from the main world to Small World or space fragments, you will have a strong sense of spatial structure instability.

World Tree will only grow in the main world, which is the origin of life when the main world is born.

The normal main world and World Tree grow with the main world and will not leave the scope of the main world.

However, the insect race world is a world that has experienced deviations in its growth. Nature and life have been destroyed too severely in the insect race world, making the World Tree lose its living space.

Without the appearance of David, perhaps the trunk of the World Tree would eventually become part of the rock and wander in space forever.

David saved World Tree, and World Tree would choose his Soul Space Small World if he had a chance to survive.

Nowadays, after absorbing a large amount of Space Stone energy and even the world spar, the World Tree can fully enter the Small World, making Small World a relatively complete world.

Yes, inside that huge Space Stone is a world spar. The super-large Space Stone mine where the ‘Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ lair is located is based on this world spar.

This is also the reason why ‘Halfbody Spider Sovereign’ uses the super-large Space Stone mine as a nest. Only Divine Grade can discover the magic of world spar, and it also has a significant effect on Divine Grade.

Without this world spar, even if David finds more Space Stones, World Tree cannot be fully integrated into Soul Space Small World.

Of course, during the whole process, David didn’t know about the existence of world spar, and even Black Dragon Alexis did not find world spar because he was in the “Divine Item space card”.

Perhaps Black Dragon Alexis discovered the special nature of the huge Space Stone and discovered the existence of the world spar. If David knew the preciousness of the world spar, he might not try to let World Tree absorb it.

In Soul Space Small World, the illusory silhouette of Archbishop Guy is completely condensed, like a daoist. In Small World, the ‘Illusory Will Method’ transformed from David cultivation into humans is also like a daoist.

However, Archbishop Guy is fundamentally different from the rest of the illusioned humans. Archbishop Guy is more like life. Although those illusioned humans are no different from human beings on the surface, they lack spirituality.

That’s it. The strength of Faith produced by the transfigured humans through Archbishop Guy’s mouth has also been significantly increased by more than doubled.

Soul Space Small World is so stable that David couldn’t help but wonder if he could send items from the real world into Soul Space Small World.

After the idea was born in his mind, it was out of control.

Previously, the only energized matter that can be collected into Soul Space Small World, ordinary matter is basically impossible to enter Soul Space Small World, because Soul Space Small World was originally an existence in an illusory state.

David took out a Fifth Level Knight armor from the space pendant and tried to receive it in Soul Space Small World, but as soon as his consciousness moved, the Fifth Level Knight armor disappeared, and in Soul Space Small World there was an extra Fifth. Level Knight armor.

“Really!” He cried out in surprise.

David some not knowing what to do, because he didn’t know how his change of Soul Space Small World would affect him.

Soul Space Small World is where his soul is. Once something goes wrong, he will disappear from this World, even the ‘immortal life force’ cannot be saved.

World Tree sent an emotion that made David feel at ease, and it also made David react. His Soul Space Small World is tied to World Tree. World Tree stabilizes Small World. Small World wants to collapse. Can’t do it.

David thought of something at this time. He seemed to perceive something wrong.

In his original perception, once World Tree fully enters Soul Space Small World, it will be of great benefit to him.

But now David has managed to expand Soul Space Small World to the extent that it accommodates World Tree, but he has not discovered the imaginable benefits.

The so-called benefit will never be to give him an extra storage space, right?

David has never lacked storage space. The pendant space alone is enough for him to use, and there is a spare space ring.

“Can Small World store living objects?” His curiosity rose again.

In David’s ‘Divine Item Space Card’, there are a lot of lives, but they are all very important to him.

So he used ‘Broken’ Innate Ability again, returned to Garmi Star, and grabbed a rabbit with his spirit, and the rabbit appeared in Soul Space Small World with his mind moving.

The rabbit looked around curiously. The environment here made it feel extremely comfortable. It saw the green grass on the ground and opened its mouth to eat.

David has been paying attention to the rabbit, and when he saw the rabbit eating grass, he was even more curious whether the grass could really be eaten.

These grasses were completely transformed by World Tree after energy transformation. David didn’t know whether the plants in Soul Space Small World were real or fake.

The rabbit is very happy to eat, it seems that the grass is very delicious.

David’s mind moved, he pulled up a small grass by the roots, and then sent out Soul Space Small World and fell into his hands.

When the grass fell into his hands, it immediately began to break down into tiny bits of energy, and then disappeared.

David hurriedly tried to take out the Fifth Level Knight armor. Fortunately, the Fifth Level Knight armor was not at all disassembled and still retained its original state.

After many experiments, he finally understood the influence of Soul Space Small World on matter.

When David takes out any matter belonging to the Small World from Soul Space Small World, it will be transformed into energy in the main world, but in Soul Space Small World, it is no different from real matter.

And the material he receives from the Soul Space Small World from the main world will not be affected, whether it is lifeform or plants, or ordinary materials.

David thought of the sphere of knowledge in his mind, and becoming such a Soul Space Small World would have any effect on his absorption of the sphere of knowledge.

He invited Shadow Servant, put a hand on Shadow Servant’s shoulder, and randomly found a light orb of noble knowledge, and led the light orb of noble knowledge into Soul Space Small World.

The sphere of noble knowledge was attracted to the branches by World Tree, and World Tree asked David whether to absorb the sphere of noble knowledge by itself or give it to the creatures of Small World.

David was taken aback for a moment, and the choice given by World Tree allowed him to discover new uses for the knowledge sphere.

Know that as he grows up, he has killed too many lives. There are insect races and humans. Many of the souls provided by these lives have been extracted by Shadow Servant into the light of knowledge.

Because David’s own strength has improved too fast, many knowledge spheres have lost meaning to him, and can only stay within the body of Shadow Servant, forming a sea of ​​knowledge spheres composed of knowledge spheres.

Now David has finally found another way to consume the sphere of knowledge. He did not hesitate to choose the creatures given to Small World.

Immediately, the sphere of noble knowledge flew to a human being transformed by the ‘Illusory Will Method’. The sphere of noble knowledge fuse together with the human. After a few breaths, the human temperament changed.

Human beings with a light sphere of aristocratic knowledge are not only between behavior and behavior, but also have obvious aristocratic temperament, but also have more spiritual accumulations that were not available before.

It can be said that after the fusion of the knowledge photosphere, this human being who does not belong to real existence at least became a spirituality human in Small World.

David asked Shadow Servant to transfer all the unnecessary knowledge light spheres into Soul Space Small World, and countless points of light flew into Soul Space Small World.

World Tree controls the sphere of knowledge, flying into a human within the body.

There are a lot of knowledge spheres. After all the humans in Soul Space Small World got the knowledge spheres, there were still a small part of the knowledge spheres that were not integrated, all hanging on the branches of the World Tree.

While David was still happy for the effect of the knowledge sphere, the strength of faith of every human being exploded.

In the Soul Space Small World before, due to the entrance of the Archbishop Guy’s soul, the strength of Faith produced is enough for David to use any divine technique. He can treat himself as a powerful sacrifice, and he is still the kind of person who does not believe in any Spiritual God Sacrifice.

Now the total amount of strength of Faith is beyond his imagination. Although it still can’t compare with the strength of Faith attracted by “Sovereign Inheritance Pattern”, the amount is also considerable.

If David has a complete inheritance of faith as a god, then he will know how huge the strength of Faith of Soul Space Small World is.

This is also the strength of Faith absorbed by the ‘Sovereign Inheritance Pattern’ before David, so he didn’t care about the strength of Faith generated by his Soul Space Small World.

Under the influence of World Tree and the guidance of Archbishop Guy, all humans in Soul Space Small World have become the most devout believers. There is only one they believe in, and that is David, the owner of Soul Space Small World.

The ball of knowledge originates from the soul. After being integrated into the body of the Small World human, it also gives the Small World human the soul that a real human should have.

Even if the soul provided by the sphere of knowledge is less, it is a real soul. Under the special environment of Soul Space Small World, as long as Small World humans have a trace of soul seed, the soul seed will grow rapidly.

It can be said that in David’s Soul Space Small World, millions of humans are no different from real humans in terms of body structure or soul.

The difference is that these human beings are immature in mind. They only carry out daily tasks and pray constantly to produce the strength of faith for David.

David does not need to take these humans away from Soul Space Small World, he knows that once these humans leave Soul Space Small World, they will automatically disappear.

Their existence is based on the rules of World Tree. Without the protection of World Tree, they cannot exist in their true form.

David urgently needs the knowledge to become a god. Although he is more inclined to the path of cultivation success, the’Black Dragon body’ gives him the opportunity to become a true Divine Grade life, but mastering some knowledge of becoming a god will also Make his fighting methods more diversified.

Especially, he got the Small World only owned by Spiritual God who believed in God, and space fuse the Small World with his soul.

Now that Soul Space Small World has grown to this point, he needs the knowledge to become a god to control Small World and know how to apply Small World.

Now his way of groping is too slow, and he will take countless detours.

David transferred his previous mounts and pets, Little White, Xiaohua, Silver Winged Dragon, etc., from the cultivation space of the “Divine Item Space Card” to Soul Space Small World.

These partners who have grown up with him have the supply of ‘immortal life force’ and can always be with him.

Although these partners have long been unable to fight with David due to their strength, David does not intend to leave them.

The environment of Soul Space Small World is better and safer. As long as David does not fall, they will not have safety problems.

It can be seen that these partners are still very satisfied with the new environment. They are happy in Soul Space Small World, which is much better than space fragments. The meaning of life in a complete and stable world is different. .

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