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As Admiral David’s lieutenant, Colonel Cyril feels that he has little effect.

Of course, this is the reason for Admiral David’s retreat. There is no adjutant for the chief officer, and some messages are sent and received every day. There are two lieutenants in charge of the Alidia Star Domain defense line and the garrison. His work is pitiful.

Today, Deputy Cyril received an order from Admiral David through his identity bracelet, asking him to purchase a batch of ‘kryptonite crystal powder bombs’.

Although the ‘kryptonite crystal powder bomb’ is a prohibited weapon, it is only for ordinary persons, and it is quite normal for the military to purchase ‘kryptonite crystal powder bombs’.

Deputy Cyril placed an order to a specific military industry enterprise as quickly as possible. The military purchase cost of this order was taken from Admiral David’s private account, so Lieutenant Cyril intentionally blocked the order.

The military-industrial company was also greeted by the deputy Cyril. The military-industrial company accepted the concealed order without hesitation.

The quantity of the order is 1000 ‘kryptonite crystal powder bomb’. Military companies already have inventory, but it didn’t take much time.

It was transported through military channels and used the military’s Space Transmission Gate. It only took a few days. The batch of’kryptonite crystal powder bombs’ disguised as ordinary munitions were sent to the military of Alidia Star Domain In the hand, it was received by the Adjutant Cyril.

A few hours after the adjutant Cyril reported the arrival of the 1000 ‘kryptonite crystal powder bomb’ to Admiral David, Admiral David appeared and took the 1000 ‘kryptonite crystal pink bomb’ away.

This thing that has not been heard in the Interstellar Federation at all, no one thought it would have an impact on the Great Spiritual World.

In the space of Dela Star, David hovered in the space, looking at the planet coldly. He was waiting.

On Dela Star, there is a standard Temple of War, right next to the main city.

Now the main city is still daytime, David waits for the main city to enter the night before he can move.

In order to retaliate against Temple of War, he studied a lot of intelligence and decided to destroy the temples of Temple of War.

The reason why Drastar became David’s first choice is that there are the fewest followers of War God on Drastar.

Drastar was originally a commercial star. Most of the people on planet believe in the god of wealth. In addition, the nobles recently asked their civilians to carefully consider their beliefs.

Now the entire Great Spiritual World, whether it is aristocrat or commoner, knows that the Supreme Council Speaker Gould, two Legendary lords, and dozen Fifth Level Templar Knight, were framed by the Temple of War.

Although the nobles did not clearly state what the beliefs that require careful consideration of their beliefs refer to, but the common people understand that the beliefs here refer to the beliefs of Temple of War without guessing.

As for what happens if you don’t think about your faith carefully, the nobles didn’t say anything, but as some devout believers of Temple of War were sent to the most difficult places, the civilians naturally knew the result.

The actions of the nobles on Drastar greatly impacted the already shaky belief in War God. Many civilians have changed their beliefs. The situation of Drastar is just a microcosm of the entire Great Spiritual World. Dela Star is the most serious.

If David wants to try his own revenge plan, he needs a test subject, and the Temple of War in Dara Star is the best choice.

Without a strong foundation of faith, the foundation of the Temple of War of Draxing is extremely fragile.

Even if the Temple of War discovers David, and the War God descends through the Temple of War of Drastar, it will not be able to exert much battle strength.

David is sitting in space, thinking of his plan, and also thinking of the temporary Temple of War still in the space pendant.

Although Temporary Temple of War does not have an energy core, all components are made of standard temple materials. This material can only be manufactured by temples, which involves many Spiritual God secrets.

This temporary Temple of War David has been researching for many days, but he still can’t replicate the texture through Interstellar Federation technology.

At the moment his divine light flashed, he thought of a way he hadn’t tried.

David’s spirit envelops the temporary Temple of War in the space pendant. The temporary Temple of War cannot be activated because there is no energy core. He found the Divine Idol in the temporary Temple of War.

This Divine Idol is not activated temporarily because the Temple of War is not activated, so it is not at all connected to the belief network of Temple of War. Divine Idol is still blank.

Although Divine Idol sculpts the image of War God, any divine sense that is not at all War God inside will only be temporarily transferred from other Temple of War if it is connected to the belief network of Temple of War. divine sense come here.

David’s spirit acts on the face of War God, and the Innate Ability of ‘underground stealth’ is launched. The material used by Divine Idol is a rare stone, and there is a transformation of strength of faith inside.

But no matter what, as long as it is stone, it will be affected by the Innate Ability of ‘underground stealth’.

Divine Idol’s face changed with David’s mind and thoughts, and Divine Idol became David’s original face.

Then David transferred the temporary Temple of War to Soul Space Small World, and introduced a Fifth Level Soul Clone to Divine Idol.

David expected it to be correct. Fifth Level Soul Clone was integrated into Divine Idol. Although Divine Idol has no life and is not a real body, it is a special container that can hold soul.

Fifth Level Soul Clone enters Divine Idol, David feels that Fifth Level Soul Clone has a body, but this body cannot make any movements.

If it weren’t for the temporary Temple of War in Soul Space Small World, David would never dare to make such an attempt, because in case the temporary Temple of War has any connection with War God, he will send Fifth Level Soul Clone in. Caused him a huge trouble.

David’s mind is aware of the situation in Soul Space Small World. The Temporary Temple of War is placed next to the World Tree trunk. With World Tree watching, World Tree can handle any problems.

Now that Temporary Temple of War has an active Divine Idol, and the overall structure of the temple, it’s almost time to activate the temple.

Although David does not have the energy core needed by the Temporary Temple of War, he does have the strength of Faith, the fundamental energy needed by all temples.

He controls the strength of Faith in Soul Space Small World to converge to the Temporary Temple of War. The Strength of Faith in Small World has a converging center. After being guided, it automatically rushes towards the Temporary Temple of War.

Strength of Faith is imported into Divine Idol after entering the temporary Temple of War.

Divine Idol was supplemented by the strength of Faith, the faint golden light was scattered, and the temporary Temple of War under the golden rays of light was also activated by the strength of Faith.

At this time, it should no longer be called Temporary Temple of War, but according to most Spiritual God naming rules, the name within the body contains energy.

So this temple should be called the ‘extinguishing soul temple’. Just as David thought about it, all the ‘war patterns’ of the War God on the temple were replaced with ‘destroy patterns’.

Archbishop Guy and McKinley Archbishop stopped singing, they flew into the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall’, the two Archbishops settled in the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall’, and the bell of the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall’ rang.

David finally discovered the role of the strength of Faith, and gathered the strength of Faith into the “Extinguishing Soul Temple”. The Divine Idol is being transformed into an extremely advanced form of energy, “divine force”. ‘.

‘divine force’ through the densely packed pattern on Divine Idol, slowly continues to gather in the hands of Divine Idol.

David then noticed that it turned out that Divine Idol’s open hand was not decoration, but had its own function.

He can feel that in the center of Divine Idol’s spread hand, the ‘divine force’ that is gathering is also freezing.

If David is not wrong, Divine Idol is condensing a ‘divine force crystal’.

Of course, with the current number of believers in Soul Space Small World, if you want to really condense a ‘divine force crystal’, it’s impossible to complete it within a few years.

Unless David’s Soul Space Small World grows explosively, the ‘divine force crystal’ will accelerate.

The bell of ‘Destroying the extinguishing soul hall’ ended, and the two Archbishops sat in the hall and began to chant.

This time, the singing effect of the two Archbishops is stronger than the previous singing. This ‘extinguishing soul hall’ seems to have a strong effect on singing.

David moved his mind and once again entered the Divine Idol of the ‘Extinguishing Soul Hall’. This time he felt a completely different situation from before.

He can perceive the situation of each believer through Divine Idol. The believer is divided into two parts, one is the human being generated through the mutated ‘Illusory Will Method’, and the other is the Spirit Race.

The humans generated by the ‘Illusory Will Method’ have undergone World Tree transformation, they are not much different from real humans, and after the integration of a large number of knowledge spheres, every illusion human has a relatively simple soul.

David perceives the thoughts of phantom humans and finds that all the beliefs of phantom humans are extremely pure, without the slightest mess of thoughts, except for the prayers in his heart, but the thoughts of hard work.

And Spirit Race is different. In Spirit Race’s faith, in addition to faith, there are a lot of prayers.

“Please, the great god, bless the Fruit Tree I take care of to thrive!”

“Great God, bless me to stay by the World Tree forever!”


The contents of Spirit Race’s prayers are transmitted to David’s mind through Divine Idol, and he can clearly perceive what each Spirit Race wants to do and how to do it.

All Spirit Races have no secrets to David, but at the same time a large amount of information is passed into David’s mind, making his head feel dizzy.

Although there are four Legendary Soul Clones and two hundred and 92 Fifth Level Soul Clones, they are involved in the processing of information, but David, who has never had this experience, is still a little confused by the large amount of prayer content. .

Know that Spirit Race currently only has hundreds of thousands, and the phantom human beings with several millions have almost no extra thoughts. This alone makes David somewhat unacceptable.

Think about those Spiritual Gods. Which one is not with a large number of believers, hundreds of millions of believers, plus those who are real human beings, complicated minds, and all kinds of weird prayers. I really don’t know what Spiritual God is How can it be handled.

David pulled his mind away from Divine Idol, and the content of the prayers disappeared from his mind instantly. As long as he didn’t actively put his mind into Divine Idol, he would not be affected by these prayer messages. .

David shook the head, at least until he found the cultivation method to become a god, he would no longer try to put his mind into Divine Idol.

According to Black Dragon Alexis, his soul and spirit are not inferior to ordinary Spiritual God. He believes that Spiritual God has a special way of processing information.

“Alexis, how does Spiritual God handle huge information?” David asked Black Dragon Alexis.

Although Black Dragon Alexis itself is the giant dragon of the god of cultivation success, he has lived long enough and has a wide range of knowledge, and he should be able to know about his belief in Spiritual God.

“My lord, you have not yet become a Divine Grade. After you become a Divine Grade, your spirit will be transformed into a divine sense, and a trace of spirit will be transformed into a wisp of Divine Sense. Every wisp of Divine Sense has its own Analytical thinking ability.

You can also set up some complex judgment conditions for divine sense, so that divine sense can automatically complete the transaction processing, even if Spiritual God falls into a deep sleep, it will not affect the continued operation of divine sense. “Black Dragon Alexis explained.

David was still proud of defeating War God’s a wisp of Divine Sense, but after listening to Black Dragon Alexis’ explanation, the pride in his heart was dispelled.

He tried his best to defeat only one of the countless divine senses in War God. What can be proud of.

David can judge his mental strength based on his own situation. Once he becomes a Spiritual God, how many divine senses he will have, and this number is calculated to make him heart startled.

He also understands why Spiritual God can process such a huge amount of data. It turns out that a large amount of divine sense is automatically processed.

This is the same principle as the optical brain of the Interstellar Federation. The entire Interstellar Federation is like a Spiritual God, and every optical brain and server in the Federation is like a wisp of Divine Sense of the Spiritual God.

All the affairs of Interstellar Federation are proceeding in an orderly manner through optical brain and server operation.

“Are the Spiritual God of Belief in God and Divine Grade of the God of Cultivation Success Divine sense the same?” David continued curiously asked.

“Of course it’s not the same. The Divine Grade of cultivation success focuses on the power of Divine Physique. It doesn’t pay attention to the divine sense, and the spiritual God that believes in gods. The divine sense is the foundation of Spiritual God. I want to gain more Belief requires divine sense to process the believer’s information!” Black Dragon Alexis explained patiently.

David nodded, he thought about the situation of Black Dragon Alexis. For Black Dragon Alexis, divine sense is just like spirit. Maybe divine sense is stronger than spirit, but at best it is more clear and more effective. change.

Divine Grade, a cultivation success god who fights with a strong physique, instead of working hard on the divine sense, it’s better to spend the divine flower on the physique. No matter how much the divine sense improves, Divine Grade will help improve the battle strength. Not big.

The Spiritual God who believes in a god needs to respond to the prayers of believers when necessary, and also to respond to the divine technique request of the sacrifice at any time. All these need to be handled automatically by divine sense.

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