
You can search “Transcendent David 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

President Biddle looked at the weird pattern approaching, he wanted to dodge, but the special Spiritual Fluctuation contained in the pattern made him unable to make any movements.

He wanted to shout, but he couldn’t even open his mouth.

The sense of powerlessness arises from President Biddle’s heart. Since becoming the President of the Federation, the idea of ​​contempt for everything has become illusory when facing an absolutely powerful enemy.

Just as the weird pattern was about to fly into President Biddle within the body, a hand appeared, holding the weird pattern in his hand.

The owner of the hand is naturally David. The weird pattern is wrapped in a half-god level energy, and it is impossible to break away from his palm.

“Who are you?” Choate Archbishop face changed, and the divine technique was held in his hands at will. This kind of strength is not what Interstellar Federation should have.

“Secretary Janet, pay attention to the camera not being crooked, the video you shot is diplomatic evidence!” David ignored Choate Archbishop’s question and turned to instructed Secretary Janet.

Secretary Janet nodded hard, and the camera on her shoulder was refocused at the target position.

“Grab him!” Choate Archbishop turned his head and ordered the two Fifth Level priests.

Geot Archbishop understands one thing. Now he can only completely tear his face and control everyone in the Interstellar Federation, and then use the divine technique to cover up the incident.

If his behavior is spread out, his Archbishop will probably come to an end. It is not that Temple of War cannot accommodate Joet Archbishop, but the entire Great Spiritual World cannot tolerate his existence.

There must be rules for everything, and the same is true for the diplomacy of the two Great Worlds.

Great Spiritual World used its powerful strength to force control of the Interstellar Federation’s high-levels during high-level meetings. Will Interstellar Federation still have diplomatic ties with Great Spiritual World in the future? Even because of this, the Interstellar Federation will become enemies with Great Spiritual World.

The alliance between the Interstellar Federation and the Great Spiritual World was achieved with the blood of countless people. Both parties sacrificed countless people before the alliance, and finally the alliance was finally formed because of the emergence of the common enemy human-insect family.

The Fifth Level Bloodline Strength of the two Fifth Level priests rises. The distance between the two Fifth Level priests is already very close, and the two Fifth Level priests use their feet to reach David’s approach.

Although the ‘War God’ Innate Ability of David’s ontology cannot be copied to the Demi-God clone Avatar, the Demi-God clone Avatar has also learned a part of the basic knowledge of ‘War God’ Innate Ability, which improves a certain battle strength.

With the basic knowledge of this part of ‘War God’ Innate Ability, when David controlled Demi-God to clone Avatar, the two Fifth Level priests’ fighting skills he saw had many weak spots.

Add in the as different as heaven and earth between Demi-God and Fifth Level Templar Knight, the two sides are not fighting on the same level.

The Demi-God clone Avatar had no other actions, just a light step forward, which happened to stagger the attacks of two Fifth Level light long swords.

His hand stretched through the tight defense of two Fifth Level priests, and grabbed the neck protected by the Fifth Level Knight armor.

Although it is protected by Fifth Level Knight armor, this key is caught by Demi-God. Fifth Level defense is equivalent to nothing. When he was caught, the place where he was grasping was pinched and changed shape by huge force. .

The two Fifth Level priests are like dehydrated fish, their bodies struggle only instinctively, but they can’t make the slightest counterattack.

David didn’t kill anyone, and both of his hands were lightly mentioned. Two sets of Fifth Level Knight armor, two Fifth Level light long swords and two spatial items have been thrown aside.

“You hold these two priests!” David said to the guard Transcendent who was accompanying him.

The two Transcendents came forward with expressions of excitement and grabbed the two priests. This is the Fifth Level Templar Knight. In the hands of Admiral David, it is as weak as a baby.

The strength of Admiral David made the six guards Transcendent present without the slightest worry.

“It’s Admiral David!” exclaimed a Fifth Level priest standing behind Choate Archbishop.

Because David is not wearing an admiral uniform, none of the Temple of War personnel, including Choate Archbishop, recognizes Admiral David.

Perhaps in the opinion of Chot Archbishop, as Admiral David, he should be at least comparable to President Biddle. Before this meeting, he should be parallel to President Biddle, rather than hiding in the guard Transcendent. .

“Admiral David!” Choate Archbishop said with a gloomy expression looking at David.

Even if Choate Archbishop was originally a marginal figure in Temple of War, he has also heard of this legendary Interstellar Federation powerhouse.

Because Admiral David is recognized by War God as a Divine Grade life, anything related to War God will be recorded in Temple of War.

“Today you all stay, wait for the Supreme Council of the Great Spiritual World to negotiate!” David lightly saying.

“Don’t think about it!” Joey shouted when he was unimaginable by the Interstellar Federation.

The white light of the scepter in the hands of Qiaot Archbishop flashed, and the pure white channel collapsed. When he wanted to break this channel by himself, relying on the short isolation of the world barrier, he could also return to’Starry Sky Flying Boat’ Inside.

The ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ has a powerful defensive array, and there is also a temporary Transmission Gate for escape in the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’.

Geot Archbishop’s imagination is wonderful, but he is facing the powerhouse of Half-God Level. At the moment when he broke the pure white channel, the bodies of him and the other two Fifth Level priests were attracted by a force Flew a few meters forward.

This is the distance of a few meters. After the pure white channel was broken, the Archbishop and the two Fifth Level sacrifices were outside the world barrier of the Great Spiritual World.

The first feeling of Choate Archbishop and the two Fifth Level sacrifices was that they had lost contact with War God, and a sense of powerlessness flooded their bodies.

David extended the hand and took a shot on the bodies of Choate Archbishop and the two Fifth Level sacrifices. The terrifying Half-God Level’Strength of Black Dragon’ poured into their within the body, and put them within the body All the energies of are blocked.

After the pure white channel was broken, President Biddle’s life-saving system was activated again, and the guard Transcendent flew back to the presidential spaceship with three people.

David grasped Choate Archbishop and the two Fifth Level sacrifices with spirit and then returned to the presidential spaceship.

Back to the presidential spaceship, the life-saving system was shut down, and President Biddle came back to his senses.

“Admiral David, thanks to you this time!” President Biddle first saluted David deeply and thanked him.

After seeing his own weakness, President Biddle kept his posture very low.

“I’m here to protect you, you are welcome!” David said with a smile.

Minister Chambers, Secretary Janet and the six Transcendents all looked towards David with grateful eyes. Without David, this time they would not even be able to retain themselves and become the puppets of Temple of War for their entire lives.

Thinking of this, they looked towards Choate Archbishop again.

At this time, Choate Archbishop no longer had the same scenery as before, lost contact with War God, and the energy within the body was banned by Half-God Level ‘Strength of Black Dragon ’, which made him extremely depressed.

Although Choate Archbishop is weak, he still tightly holds the scepter of Archbishop’s power in his hand.

This is his insistence. He is the Archbishop of Temple of War. He is the representative of War God.

The scepter in his hand is the last dignity of Choate Archbishop.

Although all Interstellar Federation people, including President Biddle, are very dissatisfied with Choate Archbishop and the two Fifth Level priests and Fifth Level sacrifices accompanying him, they cannot personally harm him.

Only the four Fifth Levels and Archbishop could be imprisoned separately, and the presidential spaceship flew to the Interstellar Federation under the protection of the frigate.

On Temple of War’s ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’, the priests discovered the divine technique channel damage, and the Interstellar Federation seized Choate Archbishop, two Fifth Level priests, and two Fifth Level sacrifices.

Of course, Choate Archbishop’s plan will not explain to them these priests. This makes the priests not understanding the complete truth. They only think that the Interstellar Federation is unreasonable and took away the Choate Archbishop entire group.

Because the battle strength of Qiaot Archbishop entire group is five Fifth Level powerhouses, but they were instantly defeated and captured by the Interstellar Federation, which made the priests on ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ afraid to move out easily.

Furthermore, leaving the Great Spiritual World, only the Knight of Temple of War on ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ can be regarded as battle strength, and the sacrificial ritual loses most of the battle strength.

The priest on the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ can only inform the Supreme Council and the Four Great God Palaces about the Interstellar Federation’s capture of Choate’s Archbishop entire group, which is beyond their ability to handle.

The Four Great God Palaces who received this news was also surprised, because it involves the Interstellar Federation, and this kind of diplomatic incident can only be handed over to the Supreme Council, so in the end Four Great God Palaces also asked the Supreme Council to assist in the investigation.

The Speaker Gould looked strangely at the news coming from the lord-level contact array. This is probably the biggest event since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Great Spiritual World and the Interstellar Federation in nearly 10,000 years.

But Speaker Gould didn’t believe Interstellar Federation dared to do such a thing at all. He knew how Interstellar Federation handled it.

If Choate Archbishop met with the military instead of President Biddle, he might be detained by the military due to the conflict.

“I know who it is!” Speaker Gould only thought about it for a moment, and thought that the participant in this matter must be Admiral David.

He immediately contacted Viscount Dward in the War Star area and asked Viscount Dward to contact the Interstellar Federation to learn about the incident.

The reason for contacting Viscount Dward, instead of contacting Earl Brooks, the chief Chief-In-Charge of War Star, is because Viscount Dward’s power in the War Star increased greatly due to his refuge in Lord Arthur.

As for Earl Brooks, the highest aristocrat of the Great Spiritual World nobles in War Star, they don’t have much real power in their hands.

Of course, there is the meaning of Speaker Gould. In the face of Lord Arthur, he will also take care of Viscount Dward.

Even by handling this major event, War Star’s Great Spiritual World staff can recognize Viscount Dward’s position in the eyes of the Supreme Council and consolidate Viscount Dward’s position in War Star.

Speaker Gould is not idle either. The news he got is that President Biddle has not left the outer space of War Star, and he needs to rush to meet with President Biddle immediately.

Fortunately, the Guardian has set up a Transmission Gate, otherwise Speaker Gould will not be able to rush to the War Star area in time.

In a castle in War Star, Viscount Dward sent an emergency signal to the two Fifth Level Templar Knights stationed in War Star with a smile.

As for the detention of Temple of War’s Archbishop and his party by the Interstellar Federation, Viscount Dward has no mood swings.

On the one hand, the contradiction between Temple of War and the Supreme Council is mostly understood by the nobles, and Temple of War bad luck is also what the nobles want to see.

On the other hand, after knowing that Admiral David was accompanying him, Viscount Dward had another guess about the whole incident.

The Viscount Dward knew one extremely secret thing, and that was the connection between Lord Arthur and Admiral David.

Many of the things that Lord Arthur ordered the War Star Intelligence Section to do were directly or indirectly related to Admiral David, coupled with the sensitivity of being an intelligence man, Viscount Dward intuitively felt that there was a relationship between the two extremely talented Great World players. There must be a relationship.

So after hearing that Choate Archbishop and his party were seized by the Interstellar Federation, Viscount Dward’s first thought was Admiral David. This was to avenge Lord Arthur, because Garmi Star was destroyed by the Temple of War.

The one who ordered the destruction of Garmi Star was the Choate Archbishop. If Viscount Dward was correct, Admiral David would not let him go after seeing Choate Archbishop.

“Viscount Dward, I don’t know what to call us over?” While Viscount Dward was thinking about it, two Templar Knight energy Avatars arrived, and Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight bowed and asked.

From here, we can see the status of Viscount Dward now. Fifth Level Templar Knight must obey his orders.

This is all from the power of Lord Arthur. Although news of the conflict between Lord Arthur and Temple of War continues to come, this has increased the status of Viscount Dward, because he can conflict with Temple of War and gain the upper hand. , Which just shows the power of Lord Arthur.

“I need to go into the space of War Star, please help with both of you!” Viscount Dward begged with a bow and smile.

“No problem, we will send you away!” Tahti Fifth Level Templar Knight agreed without hesitation.

The two Fifth Level Templar Knights are very clear in their hearts that Viscount Dward must deal with a major event, otherwise it is impossible to wait for the empty window period of War Star and will leave War Star.

As for not leaving War Star during the empty window, this is not an impossible matter, but the requirements are somewhat high.

After a while, a ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ was supported by the energy Avatars of two Fifth Level Templar Knights, and forcibly rushed into the red fog of the War Star sky.

All the energy of the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’ is defending against the erosion of the red mist, and the flight is completely dependent on the energy Avatars of the two Templar Knights.

Because the energy Avatar does not have a physical body, it can travel through the red mist around the War Star without being affected, but it consumes a lot of time to walk through.

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